Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2033: Fierce battle

Zhongzhou, the site of the War God Temple, is full of battlefields, and the strong are like clouds. Since the floods were changed, this has been the strongest place in the floods.

Fang Bai's return was as flat as a thunderstorm, aroused the forces of all parties in Zhongzhou, and moved closer to Luo Xingmen. This was their only chance of victory.

Excluding Fang Bai, Hong Huang could be considered a real owner.

Fang Bai did not die in one day, and the pattern of floods may change at any time!

The sudden appearance of seven or eight hundred people in the sky caught Luo Xingmen's attention.

Xuantianmen is also a rare and powerful sect in the star domain, and now looks very embarrassed.

Luo Xingmen's strong mouth floated disdain, not to rely on it in the end?

"Who is coming!"

Despite recognizing Xuantianmen, Luo Xingmen's strong man deliberately asked, with a loud voice, echoing the Quartet, as if afraid that others would not hear.

"Old man Xuan Tianmen, Chu Zizhen!"


The cold voice came again, "Isn't Xuantianmen in Yuezhou? Why did you come to Zhongzhou?"

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Chu Zizhen flashed anger in his eyes, but secretly sneered at the bottom of his heart. He died before he knew it, and slowly said, "Fang Bai appeared in Yuezhou, Xuantianmen was defeated. Please accept it!"


The arrogant laughter echoed all over the place, and some strong ones came one after another, recognizing Xuantianmen.

Fang Bai frowned slightly, so that it would be bad if it was recognized, and said softly, "Go ahead and talk."

How exactly the formation is, Fang Bai doesn't know, it is best to mix in, so as to avoid side effects.

"I implore Luo Xingmen's friends to open the formation, otherwise we can only withdraw from the flood." Chu Zizhen said lightly.

Although Xuantianmen seems to be embarrassed at this moment, the seven or eight hundred are here. In the event of 'Fang Bai killing', it is still a great help. Of course, Luo Xingmen cannot let them leave.

What's more, humiliation in the eyes of the public is enough, there is no need to continue to embarrass.

"Wait a minute!"

A brilliance rose in front of him. Chu Zizhen took the lead in walking forward, Fang Bai mixed with the crowd, and then followed.

When most of them entered the formation, someone suddenly shouted, "Get up quickly, that's Fang Bai!"

Someone recognized Fang Bai!

Fang Bai?

Luo Xingmen's strong man then reacted and hurriedly raised his formation.


At this point, Fang Bai yelled, had already passed through the formation method, and killed directly in front of Luo Xingmen's people.


Chu Zizhen said coldly, more than a thousand figures suddenly appeared in the void, killing the crowd like a wolf.


Dong Yong was in the crowd, and for the time being, he did not want anyone to recognize him.

"Xuantianmen, despicable!"

Luo Xingmen's strong man screamed in anger. At this time, it was no longer necessary to stop the formation, and he hurried backwards, but where would Fang Bai give them the opportunity, such as a shadow to kill, wherever he went, blood flew No one is the enemy of one.

Bang Bang!

The earth-shattering roar, screams, exclaimed sounds, and the sound of the body exploding were mixed together and spread far away.

Boom boom!

In the distant sky, Dao Guanghua rises up, followed by countless figures galloping, there are tens of thousands of people in the distance, but there are still some figures continually converging.

"Kill me!"

Fang Bai screamed angrily and moved forward bravely. Chu Zizhen saw the situation and followed him with the Xuantianmen Strong. Someone charged and no doubt had to save a lot of energy.

The tens of thousands of people blinked in an instant and surrounded more than 2,000 people in an instant. Fang Bai went forward without fear.


An icy voice came from him, an old man in green robe, Luo Xingmen strongman, "Kill me!"

Tens of thousands of people besieged 2,000 people. Whatever it looks like, it is a win. Even if Fang Bai is strong?

A long howling rushed into the sky, Fang Bai rushed towards the sky, and the power of the flood was continually gathered, and countless Jianmang whistled forward.

"This battle, kill Luo Xingmen, irrelevantly withdraw from the famine, spare you not to die!"


The old man in Qingpao laughed and said, "It's a big tone, since you are here, don't even want to leave alive, set up!"

There were dozens of figures spread out, and one altar was taken out at random, so it was really a battle!

The formation is Luo Xingmen's strongest hole card. Once the formation method runs, no one is afraid!


At this moment, the high-pitched voice cut through the sky, the old man in the Qingpao frowned slightly, and he felt that the sound was a little familiar, and when he looked away, his complexion changed instantly.

"No, be careful!"

When Luo Xingmen's lineups were puzzled, there were more than a thousand figures swiftly killing, and there was no time to respond at all. The sky fell, and a dozen people stood in an instant. non.

Kill kill!

The shouting and killing sounded suddenly from the crowd, and more than two thousand figures appeared again in the void.

"Seven Gods! Ruyizong!"

The old man in Tsingpao thundered wildly, and the killing idea skyrocketed!

The Seven Gods and the Ruyi Sect attacked violently, and the void instantly turned into a mass. I don't know how many gods died in an instant, the brilliance was brilliant, and the blood was spilled on the ground.

"Ignore those who don't quit quickly!"

Fang Bailiang's drink sounded, and he killed lightningly towards the army of Luo Xingmen.

Many forces also expected Luo Xingmen to block Fang Bai, but it became more and more frustrating. Although Xuantianmen, Ruyizong, and Seven Gods had only joined more than 6,000 people, they suddenly attacked and took advantage.

Countless beheadings are not to say, the more important thing is to let the army completely collapse, who knows whether there will still be people who continue to attack.

Fang Bai's thoughts dispersed and locked Luo Xingmen. Chu Zizhen took Xuantianmen and then killed them without any effort.

The major forces dispersed, and Xuantianmen and Seven Gods turned to Luo Xingmen.


Seeing that the situation had gone, the old man in Qingpao glanced coldly at Fang Bai, and said, "Go!"

The void ripped through a crack, and now the best way out of the flood is undoubtedly to retreat to the void, and if it is denied, it will definitely be chased by crazy attention.

"Want to leave?"

Fang Bai can't forget what Luo Xingmen did in Shenwang Pavilion, anyone can leave, but Luo Xingmen cannot!

Then he broke through the void, his body flickered, and when the void appeared, he was seeing Luo Xingmen continuously withdrawing from the crack in space.


Fang Bai swiftly approached him, thousands of swordsmans roared, and instantly turned into a sea of ​​swords.

The old man in Tsing Pao changed his face again and said coldly, "Stop!"

Boom boom!

The turbulent weather rises, smashing against Jianmang, and the imaginary space sounds a thunderous roar.


Facing the glorious sky, Fang Bai opened a gap and rushed into the crowd of Luo Xingmen. Jiuding revolved. It was so inspiring that the power of the flood was constantly flowing.

Slaughter, start!

Bang Bang!

The body was like a lightning blast, blood was radiating, and the screams were one after another. No one could stop Fang Bai at all.

The old man of Qingpao looked cold. Once he retreated at this moment, the rest of Luo Xingmen would surely be surrounded by heavy surroundings. It was impossible to get away again!

"Back, we still have a chance," someone said loudly.

The old man in Qingpao came to his senses suddenly, there were still many strong men in the void, and the flood was only a small part.

The miserable seeming defeat at the moment, the loss is not large at all, there are at most 3,000 or more, and many are not Luo Xingmen.


The old man in the Qingpao drank coldly, and the powerful men of Luo Xingmen, such as amnesty, blasted towards the depths of nothingness.

Fang Bailiang looked at it, and it was almost impossible to leave these people. Instead, he killed the cracks in the space and could not let the remaining Luo Xingmen escape.

Lightning into the crack, back to the flood, there were nearly 2,000 people trapped in Luo Xingmen.

More than 6,000 people from the Seven Gods, Xuantianmen, and Ruyi Sect surrounded them. As other forces have already fled, where would they dare to fight at this time?


Fang Bai just rushed into the crowd of Luo Xingmen, and the flood power was continuously sent in, and the monstrous Jianmang fired in all directions, the panic Luo Xingmen's army completely collapsed!

Kill kill!

The Tripartite forces of the Seven Gods, Xuantianmen and Ruyizong speeded up the siege, and many people died every moment.

The late gods are like a group of lambs who have no way to escape, waiting quietly for slaughter!

"The surrender of the soul is saved!"

Fang Bai drank violently and was so imposing that many people in Luo Xingmen understood the battlefield. This is the weakness of the Temple of War. If it can conquer some people, it may not be a good thing.


Dong Yong laughed and said, "You have been abandoned. Couldn't you have died in vain?"

Soon, there were only 1,500 people left in Luo Xingmen. The wounded were countless, and all looked panic-stricken.

Fang Bai left and right in the crowd, giving them no chance to escape.

"I'm willing to surrender my soul!"

Eventually someone couldn't hold on. At this time, there was nowhere to run if they wanted to escape, and Fang Bai was sitting in the town without giving the opportunity to break the void.

Fear spreads, and despair spreads. The first person asks for mercy, and the next thing is simple.

Continue to slay more than 300 people who resisted and resisted, and the rest completely collapsed, giving up resistance!

Fang Bailiang glanced over his eyes, and if God came, "Give up the soul!"

Daodao spirits floated, and there were 1,200 gods in the late period. At this moment, they were completely desperate!

Folding the spirits, Fang Bai never looked at them again and rushed out of the void.

Take out the jade plate and send the message to Wu Xiaoqiu, condensing nothingness, frowning and thinking!

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