Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2029: Slaughter

Boom boom!

The turbulent weather rises, and the overwhelming attack of overwhelming spirits comes. At the same time, more than one hundred and twenty deities in the late stage of the strong hands at the same time. Although Fang Bai was standing far away, he still felt a strong breath.

Looking at Mu Tuo's firm back, he became even more satisfied with this only disciple!

"Come up and die!"

Mu Tuo said indifferently, his cold eyes swept away, and in his eyes more than 120 deities in the late period, the strong men were like chickens and dogs in his eyes.

Gun Mang swept through the void, Mu Tuo rushed forward at the same time, flew the shimmering brilliance, and killed the crowd.

The screams suddenly sounded, blood was shining!

Fang Bai smiled slightly. It was not bad to kill two people with one shot, but there was still a gap between him and his expectations.

"kill him!"

Hundreds of people surrounded Mu Tuo, all kinds of brilliance poured down, roaring around, and the deterrent void shivered.

Fang Bai's thoughts spread out, and now it is in the territory of Zhongzhou. His brows suddenly frowned. After all, there were a lot of strong gods. After all, there were more than a thousand people. It seems that these people are asking for help.

At this moment, Fang Bai hesitated!

In all fairness, more than a thousand people have not been put in their eyes. The reason for hesitation is because of the Protoss.

It will not take long for the Protoss to show up. It will be a big war. These people are the backbone of the human race. It is a pity to die.


At this moment, Fang Bai's thoughts were disturbed by a violent drink. Mu Tuo rushed to the right in the crowd, after all, he was not an opponent of more than 100 people.


Fang Bai sighed at the bottom of his heart, and the intention of killing flowed slowly. Fu Xinghai knew the power of the protoss and still shot without hesitation. So, what was he hesitating about?

Only blood can stun, and blood can prove itself. Don't dare to invade!

"Come on!"

Fang Bai said indifferently, limping away in the volley, came to the crowd before his body flashed, he was an omnipotent deity in the flood, and he felt like a long absence, and returned!

"Be careful!"

Some people noticed that Fang Bai was approaching, exclaimed and lost his voice. This speed surpassed God's thoughts and was elusive.


Fang Bai's indifferent voice sounded in everyone's ears, and the swordsman's body circulated throughout his body. The figure flickered in the sky. Each time he flashed, several swordsman's guns burst out. Only one scream was heard, and the blood slammed the four sides. Falling into the void.

Almost in the blink of an eye, more than twenty gods died tragically, and all the spirits died. Some people haven't responded yet, but they just feel like something is missing and bloody.

The divine thoughts spread away, his face changed greatly, and he exclaimed, "Go!"

But where else is there now?

Fang Bai's intentions were violent, his body kept flashing through the void, his flesh bursting, his blood radiating, and no one could stop him. Many of them could not even scream, even at the moment of death, only momentarily. awareness.

The void was halved in an instant, and there were only a dozen or so people with more than 120 people. The crowd collapsed completely, and they no longer thought of much, and quickly dispersed in all directions.

"Who moves, who dies!"

Fang Bai's cold voice echoed, his body flickered, and some of them suddenly noticed that there was a sword awn in front of them, and then they didn't know anything; some felt that the killer approached behind them, and it was too late to turn back, and saw one before they died. Guanghua flashed.

No one can escape the death, and no one can escape the speed of 100,000 miles.

Just a few breaths before and after, more than one hundred and twenty people disappeared, Fang Bai frowned slightly, and several people fled.

This is also helpless, after all, they are all gods.

"Master, master ..."

Mu Tuo has been as a chicken for a long time, knowing that Fang Bai is very strong, but how can he not understand how powerful it is, "How did you do that?"

Fang Bai smiled slightly, "Not worth mentioning, guess for yourself!"

"Did you?" Mu Tuo immediately understood, Fang Bai nodded with a smile, and looked up into the distance. "There are still people who don't know whether to live or die!"

The turbulent weather approached from a distant sky, and the Taoist thoughts swept across. At the moment when the sky saw the streamer, more than a thousand figures appeared and stopped ten miles away.

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A middle-aged old man walked out in the middle, with a red face, not angry, swept across the void in doubt, and said in a deep voice, "Is there a battle just now, what about people?"

Fang Bai laughed lightly: "Some died, some fled."


The fat old man was swept up, and wondered, "Did you do it?"

Fang Bai smiled and said, "It seems like there is no one else."

The fat old man frowned lightly, and seemed to be considering the truth of Fang Bai's statement. He hurriedly received the news. It didn't take long before and after that, how could more than a hundred people be defeated in the hands of both.

"Who the **** are you?" It's good to be careful.

"Does it matter?" Fang Bai said indifferently.


The fat old man sank, "Since that's the case, take it down and do it!"

This is a famine. You don't need to worry about the power of the law. Will more than a thousand people be afraid that they will not succeed? It's a joke.

"Come behind me, see the opportunity, kill it." Fang Bai said softly, Mu Tuo stood behind him, his cold eyes glanced away, as if looking at a group of dead people.

Boom boom!

The turbulent weather erupted, all kinds of brilliance shone, and more than a thousand figures were killed at the same time, except that the fat old man didn't move.

"come on!"

Fang Bai screamed, echoing the sky, the whole flood and wasteland moved, and felt Fang Bai's return, boiling!

A steady stream of strength came, and the heaven and earth aura swept violently. The stormy sky rushed into the sky, and the omnipotent gods came.


The fat old man's eyes twitched fiercely, no **** can have such power, except in one situation.

"Be careful, this person is Fang Bai!"


Fang Bai's voice echoed coldly, as if the death sentence had been pronounced, and the densely packed swordsman gathered behind him, which was Kendo and the power of the flood.

"go with!"

Thousands of swordsmanship swept across the void, and the sky became a sea of ​​swords. Looking at it, all the glory became dim at this moment.


Countless cracks in space were torn open, and the slanderous intentions of the swept through swept away, and if the end came.


Guanghua cracked, where Jian Mang passed, was irresistible, and returned to the flood again, feeling different.

Although it is said that the power cannot be exerted in the flood, but the stronger the kendo, the more ordinary gods can't resist, let alone the flood.

Bang Bang!

The sound of bursting flesh sounded, the waves of waves rolled, and the screams came one after another!

Looking ahead, dozens of people rushed to the death of dozens of people, but this was just the beginning.


The screams echoed in the sky, Fang Bai's expression was cold, without any emotion, these people **** it!


At this moment, a figure flew past and rushed to the crowd, it was Mu Tuo.

Fang Bai smiled lightly, "Let's let both the teacher and the apprentice fight together!" The voice dropped, his body flickered through the void, and the attack came first, killing the crowd first.

Boom boom!

Jianmang is raging, the sound of blasting is constantly sounding, the screams are endless, and those who are still around will be exploded into a mist of blood the next moment. There is no reason to die. There is no sign of death. I do n’t know if it will happen next time. It's their turn.

Two figures raged, one rushing forward like a dragon, and the guns flashed away wherever they went; one flashed like ghosts, and every time there was life withering.


The fat old man looked horrified, and continued to fight. So many more people died in vain, no use.


Fang Bai laughed: "Since it's here, why do you need to go?" He said, the speed increase is extreme, shuttles against Guanghua, unscrupulous, no one can stop him!

Bang Bang!

It was a massacre. Two people killed more than a thousand people!

The crowd collapsed completely, and Shennian could lock Mu Tuo's every move, but the other side had no effect at all, and he didn't know where he would appear next moment.

Some could still find Fang Bai before they died, and some didn't find anything at all, and died instantly!

The fat old man galloped into the distance, the crowd couldn't wait for it, and there were so many people in charge, and they fled towards the distance.

There were more than 300 people killed in an instant, how could they not escape?

Fang Bai's mouth sneered, these people are headed by the fat old man, so anyone can walk, but he can't!

After a few rises and falls, the divine mind locked the fat old man, and the cold voice sent him, "Do you want to die or live?"

The fat old man's face shivered fiercely, his face was red at the moment, and now he was stared at by Fang Bai. Where is the chance to survive?

Gritted his teeth fiercely, and broke open the void, he was about to escape into the void, maybe there is hope for survival.

"It seems you want to die!"

The cold voice fell, and Fang Bai appeared in the crack in the void. The fat old man who rushed forward stopped momentarily, and his mouth was bitter.

"You, do you really want to kill everything?" The fat old man said with courage, "Don't forget, there is a King of God sitting outside!"

"is it?"

Fang Bai's intentions were clear, "You don't say, I almost forgot. Since they are not their opponents, I can only use you to get angry!"


The fat old man was speechless for a while, crying and laughing, deceitful and arrogant, so unpretentious that he could not refute.

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