Refining Heaven and Earth

Chapter 2027: God king

Immediately after the battleship rushed out of the blue starfish, the majestic thoughts swept across.

God King!

Fang Bai turned back in horror, Zuo Dan smiled lightly, and Shennian swept out, then calmed down.

"Let's go!"

Zuo Danqing smiled, compared with the previous, more majesty, the majesty of the God King.

As the battleship galloped into the sky, Zuo Danqing examined Fang Bai for a long time and sighed, "How did you do that?"

Fang Bai smiled, and took out a Qiankun ring, Zuo Danqing's suspicious thoughts swept away, and he paused immediately.


Zuo Danqing's mind was roaring for a while, and some could not come back to God. I couldn't believe that the crystals of the law appeared in the sea.

God King Pavilion was a little bit rested, the crystal of the law was a rare thing, who could have imagined that there would be so many in front of him.

"You? How is that possible?"

Fang Bai shook his head and smiled, "It may not be a good thing."

Zuo Danqing wondered: "Why?"

Fang Bai said, "Have you heard of the Protoss?"


Zuo Danqing's eyes were more confused, looking to Wu Xiaoqiu, who also shook his head.

"What has to do with the Protoss?"

Fang Bai sighed and told about what happened to the blue starfish, not even the Mu family's betrayal.

Zuo Danqing, Wu Xiaoqiu and Mu Tuo were stunned, and guilt appeared on the latter.

After a long time, Zuo Danqing murmured: "If this is the case, I am afraid that Starfield will face an unprecedented catastrophe, but why is there no news of the Protoss?"

Wu Xiaoqiu Shen said: "It's really incredible."

If it were not for Fang Bai to speak out, and so many crystals of law were in front of them, they would never believe it, but they would have to believe it.


Zuo Danqing coughed twice and smiled, "You are a disciple who understands filial piety, and the old man is very pleased!" He said, looking thoughtfully to the sky, he seemed to be waiting for something.


Fang Bai was speechless for a while, and wanted the crystal of the law to keep his mouth open. He had to hold his hands up, thinking of Zuo Danqing teasing him a few times, pretending he didn't understand, and put away the ring.


Zuo Danqing's face turned red, and it was a shameful thing to say to the junior after all, not to mention Wu Xiaoqiu and Mu Tuo were also present, and said lightly: "Fortunately, the old man came in time, otherwise you will be in danger, act in the future, be careful Be careful! "

Fang Bai Christine said: "I respect the teachings of the ancestors." But in the bottom of my heart he laughed secretly, telling the meaning of life-saving, is it not for the crystal of the law?

This time, Fang Bai decided to force him to speak.


Zuo Danqing's coughing beard flew up, attracting Wu Xiaoqiu and Mu Tuo's surprised eyes, Fang Bai lowered his head, looked like a pair of ears, and waited quietly.

"You carry the crystal of the law, it is very dangerous!" Zuo Danqing couldn't help it.

"The disciples will be cautious, follow the ancestors and see who dares to do it!" Fang Bai said with a smile.

Zuo Danqing said bitterly, "I can't protect you all the time, in case of an accident, wouldn't it?"

Fang Bai said: "The ancestors can rest assured that nothing will happen."


Zuo Danqing exclaimed: "Your boy doesn't understand filial piety at all, is it really forcing the old man to say nothing?"

Fang Bai wondered: "What does Shi Zu mean?"


Zuo Danqing chuckled coldly: "Don't think that the old man can't stop you, come with me!" Then, as the gods swept away, the two went directly into the cabin and became quiet for a moment.


Zuo Danqing sneered and looked up, "It's time for you to show filial piety."

Fang Bai smiled bitterly, seemingly trying to escape, "How much does the ancestor want?"

"Your boy isn't pretending to be confused now?" Zuo Danqing laughed. "Wouldn't it be better to take the initiative just now? Now, the crystal of top quality rules, half!"


Fang Bai said loudly: "No, too much!"

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Zuo Danqing smiled and said, "You can't keep half of it ..."


Fang Bai was completely speechless. At least the crystals of the top-quality rules were only useful after the rules were small. Now there are more than enough crystals of the top-level rules. It is not impossible to hand them over to Zuo Danqing.

"Thank you Shizu Renyi!"

What else can I say now?


Zuo Danqing put away the crystals of the rule and laughed so happily, "It would be better if you hand it in earlier, you have to force the old man to take a shot. By the way, how can your kid's rule improve so fast?"

Fang Bai said lightly: "Master, optimistic."

With that said, sitting cross-legged, the crystals of the Wind Rule of Law were sent to Aoki Tripod, slowly moving, and the Wind Rule was flowing through the body.

Zuo Danqing's thoughts enveloped him. After a long time, he looked strangely, "Is this all right?"

Fang Bai smiled and said, "So, the crystal of the rule can only be used to the utmost of my body, and the patriarch is useless, it might as well ..."

"Your kid is not coming." Zuo Danqing sighed coldly, his face was full of shock, murmured: "There are talents out of the rivers and mountains, and the boy must not let the old man down!"

Fang Bai Christine said: "The disciples will not disappoint the ancestor!"

"it is good!"

Zuo Danqing said in a deep voice: "The situation in Honghuang is not good now. The old man will send you back to Honghuang first. During this time, practice well." The voice dropped, and he got up and went out.

The law of the wind has not yet reached the summit of the church, and the law of the sword still needs to be condensed. Although Fang Bai remembers hanging the flood, he can't wait now and concentrate on the law of refining.

Hong Huang, has long been occupied!

The foundations of the beliefs of each small world were destroyed, Tang Yimu's strength was greatly reduced, and he could no longer stop the crushing of the army, leading the temple of war to the void.

Thought it was foolproof, who would have expected these forces to come together in such a way, the Temple of War could not resist!

Fortunately, seeing the machine retreat quickly, but did not cause much damage, the foundation of the Temple of War still exists.

The floods at this moment, the major forces are staggered, the surface is calm, and the wind is surging in the dark, but no conflict will occur before the destruction of the Temple of War.

The battleship was flying, time was passing, and Zuo Danqing was sitting there, foolproof.

When Fang Bai condensed the crystals of the ninety-nine wind attribute rule, he finally reached the periphery of the flood.

Majestic thoughts swept away. When Fang Bai went out, Zuo Danqing was standing in front of the battleship, looking indifferently towards the starry sky, and a figure in the distance blinked.

"Is it you?" The comer seemed to know Zuo Danqing, and frowned slightly.

"It's me!" Zuo Danqing looked proudly, "let them all come!"


The man laughed and said, "Aren't you running away this time?" Then, consciously or unintentionally, Bai, Wu Xiaoqiu, and Mu Tuo looked over the battleship.

Zuo Danqing said indifferently: "When the husband finishes speaking, if you still have your heart in mind, it is not too late for the husband to escape."

The man frowned lightly, his thoughts spread out, and not long after, a few breaths erupted from the distant starry sky, blinking.

Nine **** kings!

Looking at the eight figures coming out of the starry sky, Fang Bai's eyes were drawn fiercely. I did not expect that there were so many **** kings gathered here. One of them was Luo Xingmen's Fu Xinghai.

"Really you?"

Fu Xinghai's eyes flashed doubts at first, and then the killing raged, "Can you escape today?"

In the past few years, Zuo Danqing attacked Luo Xingmen, causing Luo Xingmen a lot of losses, forcing Luo Xingmen to shrink fully. Many losses were intangible.


Zuo Danqing snorted dismissively, "Do you still have thoughts to compete here? Who has heard of the Protoss?"


The gods' faces were full of doubts, and it seemed that they had never heard of any protoss, but Fu Xinghai's complexion changed slightly, and he could not escape Fang Bai's eyes, but even the eyes of everyone present.


Fang Bai was instantly awakened. After hearing Qi Haocang's remarks, the Lockup Star Formation was born out of the Eighteen Volt Lockdown Formation. Luo Xingmen should know something.

"You know?" Zuo Danqing said in a deep voice. "What's going on with the protoss?"

Fu Xinghai said coldly: "Have you ever seen a protoss fail?" This sentence undoubtedly confirmed that he did know the protoss.

"The old man hasn't seen it, but someone has seen it." Zuo Danqing said indifferently.


Fu Xinghai said, "What on earth do you want to say?"

Zuo Danqing said coldly: "Protoss, coming soon!"


Fu Xinghai cried out, "Impossible!"

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