Red sand dust

Chapter 997 Inquiry

When the three siblings are at home on vacation, aren't they filled with a happy and peaceful atmosphere?

To say it was harmonious was barely enough, but the scene was not lively at all.

Whenever Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara get together, it's always accompanied by innocuous quarrels.

Temari complained a few words from time to time, worrying about her brothers who couldn't appreciate her sister's hard work; Kankuro behaved like a veteran cadre, sipping hot tea and reading a newspaper over and over for a long time, occasionally dealing with two impatiently. sentence; Gaara crossed his arms across his chest, closed his eyes and rested, not knowing what he was thinking.

This way of getting along is also what the three siblings got after Gaara changed his mind and his personality changed drastically.

Every family has its own characteristics. If there is no parent in the family, Temari can patiently hold the family together and live together.

This dull but not embarrassing atmosphere did not change until Daimaru arrived.

With the addition of a weirdo who doesn't care about the atmosphere, the peaceful and peaceful family has to adopt a different attitude.

Daimaru, who sat proudly next to Kankuro and opposite Gaara, picked up the tea cup to warm his cold hands and shouted unceremoniously:

We've already ordered this, why haven't we served it yet?

Even in the afternoon tea, he skipped two pieces of Daimaru, just to have a few more bites of the delicacies at Ren Fengkage's house.

Unfortunately, when Kankuro helped Temari bring the steaming food, Daimaru was immediately disappointed.

You specially asked me to come here to eat this?

I don’t expect a big meal or anything. With Temari’s cooking skills, I don’t have high expectations either. It’s just that the food is lacking in color, flavor and flavor. Apart from the portion, nothing is up to the standard of gourmet food. It’s just too shabby!

After all, it was a rare gathering before the New Year, and it was not worthy of the festive atmosphere at all.

It was normal at first. I don't know who suggested that the three of us join forces, but it ended up like this...

Kankuro shrugged helplessly.

Let's make do with it, the taste is okay...

After hearing this, Dawan picked up the spoon and tasted the stewed potatoes. A feeling of too much seasoning and a slightly sweet taste came over his taste buds.

It's a bit strange, but surprisingly edible...

Accidents are unnecessary...

Temari muttered dissatisfiedly,

It would definitely be more delicious if Kankuro and Gaara weren't in the way...

The skills of the three cooking chefs are getting worse than the last, and the consequences they have discussed are a lot of dark dishes that are different from each other. Fortunately, the cooking skills of the three siblings are relatively low, and their destructive power is limited.

Gaara calmly put the food into his mouth and swallowed it whole without even seeing him chew it a few times.

“Eat a few more bites and you’ll feel the unique flavor!”

I hope your tongue is okay!

Daimaru began to fill his stomach without any politeness.

To be honest, Daimaru and Temari, Kankuro and Gaara each ate alone a lot, and most of them talked about private things. There were really not many times when they got together like this.

In terms of table manners, the three siblings are all serious people and can't let go most of the time. Only Daimaru, a guy like Daimaru who doesn't pay attention to his image in private, will talk a lot and be active after eating and drinking. atmosphere.

Kankuro, you're not too young, but you don't know a girl you know well? Gaara is not old enough to worry, so why haven't I seen you talk to the opposite sex?

They are all troublesome guys who influence me to study puppetry...

The brother-in-law spoke nonsense nonchalantly, not realizing at all how difficult life-long events would be for him as he was already close to becoming a fat man.

After all, he is also the son of the former Kazekage and the brother of the current Kazekage. He is so unpopular! Even if there are a few vain and idle girls writing love letters to you, it is a good thing! None of these? That would be strange...

Daimaru shook his head and warned with the enthusiasm of someone who has experienced it,

If you don't take the initiative, your future will be worrying!

I want you to take care of it!

You're not even a serious brother-in-law, but you want to interfere in your brother-in-law's private life?

Kankuro is not that easy to talk to.

Temari also sighed:

There used to be a few little girls who saw how lucky Kankuro was and wanted to play with them, but he scared them away...

That's not right. Looking at your physique, it doesn't look like you developed too late...

Daimaru laughed playfully and patted Kankuro on the shoulder.

Temari thought for a while and recalled:

It's possible that he was bullied when he was dealing with strangers when he was a child, which caused a psychological shadow and social barriers...

No way? I am a young Suna ninja who is physically and mentally healthy, so don't worry about it...

Daimaru ignored his brother-in-law's excuse and asked with interest:

Who is so bold and dares to provoke the young master of the Fengying family?

Suddenly, three pairs of eyes aimed at Daimaru.

Temari sighed and said:

Everything else is not worth mentioning. You are the one who bullies Kankuro the most...

Is this happening?

Daimaru reacted instantly and smiled awkwardly,

There are so many little kids who have been punished by my iron fist. Among those girls who were scared to death by the scorpions, toads, lizards and poisonous snakes I threw, I haven't heard of any of them who had psychological shadows?

I told you it wasn't...

Kankuro's fair and clean face was exposed, with a blush of embarrassment.

When I get older and need to get married and have children, I will naturally take care of it...

The self-righteous words of the rebellious child made Temari, who was starting to care a little, shake her head in disappointment:

In a year or two, let's arrange a blind date for Kankuro. He probably won't be able to do it on his own!

Even Gaara, who had nothing to do with him, nodded in agreement.

A simple dinner with a few people chatting while eating lasted until late at night, when the food was already cold.

It was not until before leaving that Kankuro took advantage of Gaara and Temari to leave and whispered to Daimaru:

You and Temari never mentioned when you would get married?

Huh? You think your sister is too long-winded, so you are in such a hurry to marry her off?

Don't interrupt, you know that's not what I mean...

My brother-in-law said dissatisfiedly,

Or do you think it's not the right time? What are you worried about?

If it were Temari, she wouldn't ask this...

Daimaru suppressed his smile and replied leisurely,

To say that scruples and worries are just excuses, in fact Temari doesn't want to leave this home at this time. Kankuro, you think you have grown up, but you still don't understand the core of the family very well...

You mean, Gaara and me?

What do you think?

This is not a distant marriage to Konoha Village. I haven't seen her a few times for a year after running away. Sunagakure Village is so big. With the mobility of a ninja, it only takes a few minutes to go back to her parents' home.

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