Red sand dust

Chapter 979 Grasp

At least when Yahiko was still alive, there was no sign of this. It was not until later that his legs were disabled and his movement was inconvenient. In order to maintain his combat effectiveness, he used a puppet like Pain's Six Paths that could take over the power of his body to act on his behalf.

Daimaru felt that this thing was much smarter than the human puppet. Even though the human puppet was more flexible in some areas, it was overall inferior.

After checking for a while, Jiraiya didn't find anything suspicious. He sat down a little annoyed and said:

In short, the harvest is not small, but some key points have not been grasped...

Without finding any trace of Nagato, Jiraiya's biggest goal was not achieved.

Where can everything go as planned? If you want to know all the secrets, you probably have to go find the owner of the Samsara Eye...

Daimaru put away the hungry ghost puppet and said lightly,

The puppet you just saw that shoots lasers and missiles to kill enemies is probably made of a villager from our Sand Hidden Village many years ago. He disappeared after traveling away from the village. I didn't expect it to reappear in this way. before……

Jiraiya, who had been listening to Daimaru's story nonchalantly at first, suddenly stiffened, his face changed slightly and he asked:

Wait, you said it's a Sand Ninja?

He has a close connection with Sunagakure Village, but he is not an official ninja. However, it is certain that he is the missing puppet master...


Their appearance was somewhat similar, and they were both puppet masters. Such a coincidence made Jiraiya's past experiences come to mind, and he began to connect some clues together.

I once saw a weird puppet master who looked a bit similar. It was many years ago!

After a pause and sorting out his words, Jiraiya smiled bitterly and said,

That guy, I don't know if his thoughts are negative or positive. While he is preaching that fate cannot be violated and there is no need to struggle, but that one should accept fate, he also calls on everyone to take up arms and join in the upcoming cruel war...

A confused ascetic?

Maybe! But I think he is more likely to be a liar who seduces people...

That kind of behavior does not look like a serious person, and the investigation in Sunagakure Village also proved this.

What he preached was completely unpalatable to the Suna ninja who refused to admit defeat, so he had to leave far away.

If such a person were to be identified, Jiraiya soon discovered that the human being was a bad-behaved, but not too bad, evil teacher who occasionally taught children who had lost their homes and the protection of their parents how to survive in an ignoble way;

Zhu Shengdao was a gangster ninja from the Fuma clan who had a fight with Jiraiya. He was beaten up and escaped after being slightly injured;

The material of the hell realm is an unknown cult leader with mental problems. In the precarious and troubled times, he blindly encourages believers to pray devoutly and make wishes to the gods in order to avoid disasters;

The appearance of the Hungry Ghost Path has not changed much. Jiraiya remembers that he was a grass-ninja with mediocre strength, extremely dissatisfied with his situation, but did not want to work hard to change the status quo. He was just cynical and resentful. I am afraid he was frightened by the cruel war. Just a desperate ninja on the run.

Add in the Shura Dao who was captured by Daimaru, and the strongest Tiandao, and it's all in order.

Jiraiya, who was thinking hard, clarified these numerous clues and finally discovered that these people were the people Jiraiya met when he was staying in the Land of Rain. During that time, there were people around Jiraiya. Follow Nagato, Konan and Yahiko.

Immediately afterwards, the face of Tendou that people cared about began to overlap with the high-spirited young Yahiko. At that time, in addition to not having the Rinnegan that should have been in Nagato's eyes, his hair color also changed a lot, his face matured, and his figure He also became taller and stronger.

Really him? But...

The shock on Jiraiya's face could no longer be concealed.

If Yahiko dies, where are Nagato and Konan, and who is using the Rinnegan? 』

Seeing Jiraiya's expression change, Daimaru sighed and asked:

It seems that senior has made some great discovery. Can I know your next plan?

Jiraiya, who had uneasy speculations, couldn't help but come to his senses after hearing Daimaru's words.

Some things in the past, hopefully not that bad...

Jiraiya calmed down his emotions,

The top priority should be to cure Naruto, teach him how to use the tailed beast chakra, give him the basic ability to protect himself, and then send him back to Konoha Village to settle down...

We can’t let go of past students, but we can’t let go of current disciples either.

Later, the two of them chatted for a while, and a restless Jiraiya left.

The room fell silent, and the remaining Daimaru sighed.

When she and Onoki teamed up to fight Pain's Six Paths, Konan actually appeared, but she was indeed not in the sight of the giant desert chameleon.

The secret technique of Shiki Paper Dance is too obvious. There are very few ninjas who manipulate paper to perform ninjutsu. Jiraiya can quickly determine Konan's identity.

What Daimaru hopes is that Jiraiya has serious doubts about the Country of Rain and cares about Nagato, Konan and Yahiko, but there is no final evidence, so that Jiraiya will not be prepared to report to the Country of Rain. Launch an investigation.

After the two protagonists Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke were in place, Jiraiya's deterrent effect was reduced a lot.

It was hard to say whether the future Toad Sage would survive, but Daimaru hoped that he would not die earlier than the time in his memory.

Let Jiraiya and the Leaf Village take active actions, maintain enough pressure on the Akatsuki organization, and don't let those S-class rebellious ninjas focus on supporting characters like Suna ninja, but not too early A fierce conflict breaks out, and it's hard to control the degree of it! 』

At noon the next day, Daimaru personally examined Uzumaki Naruto. After finding nothing abnormal, he optimistically said to Jiraiya:

The body is no longer in serious condition. The mental trauma is a bit serious, but it has not damaged the roots, so it is only a matter of time before I wake up...

Then... you won't have amnesia after waking up, your temperament will change drastically, or it will take many years to wake up, right?

Daimaru smiled and shook his head:

It should be almost done in two or three days. It's just that it will take a month or two to recover to the point where you can practice!

In a month or two, it will almost be Chinese New Year again.

Although he understood that Daimaru's words were pertinent, Jiraiya was still a little disappointed and said:

Naruto... is such an unlucky boy!

Another year is about to pass. In order to follow in the footsteps of Uchiha Sasuke, the young man who followed Jiraiya to travel and practice without hesitation is no longer the silly short winter melon.

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