Red sand dust

Chapter 865 A desperate move

Xiyan, who was born the latest and is still unclear about some things, asked in a low voice:

This Chuunin exam is quite boring. Why does Mother want to take it?

The eldest sister Yamabuki thought for a while and then replied:

Maybe you want to compete with Yakumo-san!

Is there any grudge between them?

This question is really hard to answer, and the three sisters don’t know where to start.

Xiao Baimu said somewhat unhappily:

We can't play in Mother's game, and I can't help Yakumo-sama!

Now that the rules are clear, everyone must abide by them. Kurama Yakumo, who also signed a contract with Kashiwagi, theoretically cannot summon Kashiwagi to directly participate in the battle.

Of course, these are all trivial matters. Currently, the candidates who have not been eliminated in the third test are Nara Shikamaru and Asakaze who are relatively weak. The others are as powerful as monsters. There are psychic puppets around, but Saya is added. And Kurama Yakumo's methods cannot play a decisive role.

The battle below also proved the conclusions of several little guys.

Today's Nara Shikamaru is not weak at all, he is at the level of an ordinary chuunin.

But the opponent is a puppet master of the spiritual faction who has mastered many strange abilities. The effect of the shadow secret technique is really not great.

For example, not long ago, I almost used all my strength to control Miss Saya. Before I could carry out the next attack, my opponent had already extended his main consciousness to a small puppet and continued to attack.

Unless the opponent's body and all puppets are suppressed, the control effect can be achieved. Otherwise, it will not affect Miss Saya's combat effectiveness.

Does Nara Shikamaru have this strength today?

Something that obviously can't be done.

In the VIP stand, Sarutobi Asuma watched his proud student fall into a disadvantage and couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment.

Yuhi Hong beside her kindly comforted:

At least I have one more opportunity to perform, and my chuunin qualification is no problem!

I know! It's not that Shikamaru doesn't work hard, it's that his opponent is too powerful!

Bearded Beard, who had seen the competition in advance, had long understood that some people came to take the Chuunin Exams just to attack others.

Just like Hyuga Neji, with his strength, he arranged a jounin assessment task, and probably not many people would object; the eldest lady of the Kurama family, when she first awakened to the blood inheritance limit, was out of control, the danger of which made people very fearful.

There is also the female Taki-nin, who is most likely a Jinchuuriki. Each one is more powerful than the last.

In comparison, Nara Shikamaru, Aburame Shino, Hinata Hinata and Suna Ninja Asofu are considered the genin candidates with the most normal style.

“It’s not like there weren’t candidates outside the standard in the past, but there have never been so many and so strong like this year!”

It seems that the female sand ninja puppet master wasn't so strong two years ago!

Kurenai Yuhi was still a little confused. Miss Saya had taken the chuunin exam two years ago. Due to insufficient information and carelessness, she was defeated by Aburame Shino early. However, Nara Shikamaru, who had defeated Aburame Shino over the years, So powerless in front of her.

The special nature of the puppet master!

The bearded man thought for a while and replied,

The combat power of the main body is average, and its strength is mostly determined by whether it has powerful puppets! In addition, the strictly restricted 'psychic puppets' may not be as simple as they appear. They are prohibited from directly participating in the battle, which seems to have no impact on her. big!

A puppet named Kashiwagi appeared next to Yakumo. Do you want me to ask?

Forget it, that's someone else's secret. It's not good to know too much about it!

Sarutobi Asuma rejected the suggestions of those around him;

Besides, even if I knew it, I probably wouldn't understand it!

The foundation of puppetry in Konoha Village was so poor that it took nearly a year to reproduce the wing armor. It was so different from the standard model of Sunagakure Village that it had almost no practical value.

Moreover, no one knows how to use it, which is the most embarrassing thing!

If the gap is so big that we cannot understand each other, it will be unconvincing in this field. Just like this time, it seems that rules and explanations have been added, but it cannot solve the actual problem.

Of course, this does not mean that Miss Saya cheated. In fact, now she can firmly hold victory in her hands without any off-site means.

In the field, Nara Shikamaru, who had consumed a lot of chakra, watched as a dozen arm-high dolls surrounded him, always ready to knock him down.

In the family, is there any shadow secret technique to deal with this kind of situation?

There is for sure, but the current Nara Shikamaru won't!

For example, the Shadow Gathering Technique, Black Web and Shadow Sting Technique can have very good effects, but they are secret techniques at the jounin level. They are not powerful enough to be used at all.

After all, is it still not strong enough?

Nara Shikamaru's tense body began to relax;

In the face of unreasonable strength push, even if you use your brain a little better, you will not be able to reverse the defeat! I have learned a good lesson again...

Knowing that love has reached its end, decisively admitting defeat is the right choice for a smart person, but...

I always feel a bit unwilling!

The shadows under the feet turned into countless tiny filaments, with kunai tied with detonating talismans wrapped around the ends. As the shadow filaments waved, they shot out in all directions.

The desperate attack covered almost half of the arena. In order to ensure a full blow, Nara Shikamaru did not even consider his own safety. He was also affected by the continuous explosions and suffered serious injuries.

After the dust settled, Nara Shikamaru, half-kneeling on the ground and unable to stand up, watched helplessly as Miss Saya, who had lost her sand-cloth technique, slowly approached.

In the end, the will to win even if we die together is quite good. You are not as useless as you appear!

Is this a compliment? It really makes people unhappy!

Several puppets stretched out their sharp blades with a cold blue light and pointed at their necks. Nara Shikamaru was not very good at speaking harshly.

Winner, Saya!

Morino Ibi shook her head regretfully. The strength gap was too big. In an environment like a one-on-one duel in the arena, Nara Shikamaru and the master puppet master would really suffer.

The shadow secret technique is largely designed to deal with people. Most of Miss Saya's strength is concentrated on inhumans. In such an asymmetrical duel, Nara Shikamaru's chances of winning are too small.

Since then, the first round of the third trial has ended. Since there are five people who have advanced, they cannot fight against each other. According to the order of the previous draw, one more person is bound to have to play one more game.

This unlucky guy is Saya, who had taken advantage of her earlier. After a fifteen-minute break, she will compete with Asakaze for the top four spots, and then compete with Kurama Yakumo for qualification in the finals.

On the other side, Hyuga Neji will compete with Taki Nin Fu for another spot.

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