Red sand dust

Chapter 859 Fear

The opponent is eager to try, but Kurama Yakumo still looks calm and calm.

I really don't have any interest in taking exams or anything like that. It reminds me of what happened to me in the past. It's not a happy memory!

A few years ago, Kurama Yakumo didn't like the word examination very much because his health was so bad that he couldn't even pass the ninja school's test.

As he spoke, he opened his wing armor. It was different from the standard models purchased by other Konohagakure villages. It looked similar at first, but now Kurama Yakumo's private wings have turned jet black, and it looks even more weird.

Kurama Yakumo reached out to grab it, and pulled out two black daggers from his wings and said with a smile:

You also have wing armor, don't you use it?

I won't be polite when necessary!

The heroic Haruno Sakura faced the tip of Kurama Yakumo's sword. As Morino Ihiki announced the start, she instantly accelerated her speed and charged forward, her small fist smashing down with inexplicable power.

Kurama Yakumo, who had expected it, jumped up, waving his dark wings, circling to distance himself, and at the same time using his short sword to separate the gravel that flew after being hit by his fist on the ground.

You're not polite, is that all?

Kurama Yakumo chuckled and said,

This level is far from enough!

Normally, Haruno Sakura is in a low power consumption energy-saving state. The excess chakra is restrained by the secret technique Yin Seal. The seal is released at the critical moment, and powerful combat effectiveness is instantly unleashed.

Therefore, most of the time, Haruno Sakura and Tsunade are actually in a state where they cannot exert their full strength, and they only go all out when needed.

The Chuunin Exams were definitely not a critical moment that required wasting the chakra accumulated over the past two years.

Seeing Kurama Yakumo hovering in mid-air, constantly gathering strength to prepare something, Haruno Sakura's face darkened, she took out a few poison smoke bombs and threw them on the ground. In an instant, a thick purple-black fog appeared in the arena.

Using poison and smoke bomb tactics? It's useless!

The two swords overlapped and then swung suddenly, a jet of black flames fell like a jet of water, and then gathered into four crawling shadows. After a while of squirming, four green-faced evil ghosts with fangs and two horns came out.

One was breathing hot fireworks from his mouth and nose, one was wearing khaki energy armor, one was erratic like a shadow, and the last one opened his huge mouth and swallowed up the surrounding air together with the poisonous smoke like a glutton.

What is this, an illusion?

The surprised Haruno Sakura was stunned, and then looked at the audience's performance. It seemed that they could also see these monsters.

Or... a psychic beast?

Kurama Yakumo did not answer directly, but said casually:

The evil spirit in your heart appears in front of you. Isn't it shocking? This is just the beginning!

After the words fell, Kurama Yakumo's figure began to become illusory, and then was shrouded in a black mist, and then disappeared on the spot. this? Do you want me to fight the summons and consume my energy and chakra?

Haruno Sakura dodged the figures of two demons who were attacking fiercely, and kept retreating. At the same time, she sensed the direction of Kurama Yakumo, but found nothing.

The flame-breathing monster whose arms were smashed by fists suddenly split into two ferocious ghost figures and attacked again with waving claws.

Immortal? We're in trouble!

Let me help you recreate the fear in your heart!

The poisonous smoke that has not completely dissipated seems to have no effect on these summons, and the opponent Kurama Yakumo is nowhere to be seen.

In desperation, Haruno Sakura, who formed a seal with her hands, shouted loudly:


Unfortunately, the surrounding scenery remained unchanged.

The traditional methods of dispelling illusions have no effect on the Kurama family's blood lineage.

Isn't this an illusion? No, my judgment is not wrong. These things cannot be immortal, but...

Looking down at the wound injured by the ghost claw, which was bleeding red blood, Haruno Sakura was horrified.

An illusion that cannot be broken?

Just take it as such!

Ordinary illusions are not on the same level as the Kurama family's power.

Please perform to your heart's content, everyone is watching!

On the sidelines, the audience watched intently as the monsters suddenly emerged and besieged Haruno Sakura. Under the counterattack, not only were they not eliminated, but more and more were attacked. The appearance of those summons became more and more curious and more and more... It's scary, just looking at it makes people feel creepy.

This power...

Tsunade, who had seen terrifying illusions and powerful illusions, was thoughtful. She was not worried about her disciple's competition. It was just the Chunin Exam. The outcome was far less important than the gains after the test.

Gaara on the other side had vaguely felt this strange illusion fluctuation on Daimaru more than once.

Rather, Kurama Yakumo's secret technique is more pure and not as complicated as Daimaru's aura.

It is clear at a glance who is genuine and who is fake.

Gaara, who couldn't help but smile, suddenly said:

The ninjas in your village are really incredibly strong!

I originally thought that Daimaru would be enough for this weird-looking guy, but I didn’t expect that this girl who had been wandering around in front of me many times was the real owner.

Only by squinting at Daimaru in the arena can one truly feel the abnormal fluctuations in the power of the same genjutsu.

Fear is growing the power of the secret technique. This is the result of the gathering of negative emotions... No, this is pure fear! 』

Daimaru can capture the negative emotions of dying from killing, and can stimulate himself by sensing malice, slowly increasing the upper limit of his mental power.

Now, this talent, obtained from the Idu in Kurama Yakumo's body and mutated by the power of the evil god, has only slightly increased Daimaru's power.

The levels are different. Simply accumulating mental power will not help Daimaru improve his strength, but it is not superfluous. Maybe one day there will be a leap from quantitative change to qualitative change.

Kurama Yakumo, on the other hand, seems to have effectively extracted the emotion of fear and directly reflected it in the power of the secret technique.

No matter how arrogant you are, how you restrain yourself, or use your strong will to suppress negative influences, the emotion of fear is engraved into the soul along with the instinct of life.

Creatures that are not afraid have long been eliminated in competition with other creatures.

Only with a proper sense of awe for this world can we survive in this crisis-ridden ninja world.

There is great power in awe. Kurama Tengu is a monster with fear as its core! 』

No wonder the Kurama family's blood lineage bias is so obvious. None of the five magical senses, terrifying illusions, and real illusions have the ability to directly attack. Their essence is to scare people and make the enemy fearful.

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