Red sand dust

Chapter 668 Conditions

Kiri Ninja Ao, who has been in Naruto Village for many days, has been a little irritable recently.

Originally, he came all the way to this desolate place with the intention of discussing with Suna Ninja Daimaru about redeeming the beheading sword.

Unfortunately, after several meetings, no terms were reached.

The prepared chips did not impress the other party in the end.

Suppressing his anxious mood, he walked around this land that was rejuvenating. The old-fashioned Aoya couldn't help but lament that with the efforts of the young Suna ninja, the once barren mountains and mountains were changing drastically.

Before long, this place will become a prosperous place known far and near.

Especially today, I witnessed fleets of ships passing through the newly opened Naruto Canal in an orderly manner. Business travel from south to north will bring endless wealth.

When he saw that there were merchant ships from the Kingdom of Water loaded with seafood and other catches coming from the southeastern ocean, he did not transfer to the Kingdom of Waves to sell goods in the Kingdom of Fire, but went directly to the south coast of the Kingdom of Wind. Trade in Awaji Village, buy a large amount of high-quality drinks and other luxury local products, go north through the Naruto Canal, prepare to sell them in the prosperous Land of Fire or Land of Thunder, and then load a ship full of coal, metal ore and other water countries The basic materials that are desperately lacking are returned.

The business environment of the ninja world means that these maritime merchants who have survived by relying on the smell instinct they have developed over many years do not yet have the concept of triangular trade, but this does not prevent them from using the new canals to prepare for more profits.

Originally, buffer lands such as the Country of Kawa, the Country of Rain, and the Country of Grass firmly locked the Suna Ninja's influence in the southwestern corner of the continent. However, due to an unexpected incident, Konoha Village was able to loosen its tight grip on the Country of Wind. chain, Iwagakure Village, the only one with the opportunity to intervene, had nothing to do but sit back and watch the Suna Ninja continue to demonstrate their influence on the southern sea.

A bunch of losers, fools without any vision! 』

Even if Ao constantly criticizes Tsunade for giving Suna Ninja a chance to grow, he has to admit that the powerful Konoha Village is the overlord on the continent after all. Even without the important fulcrum in the south, there are other alternatives.

Take the Country of Waves, for example, which is obviously the private territory of Konoha ninjas.

The changes on the mainland had little impact on other countries, but instead gave Qing, who was born in Kirigakure Village, a sense of crisis.

The Konoha ninjas would not compete with the Mist ninjas for control of the sea, but the Suna ninjas might, and had even begun to do so.

Of course, Mizukage and the Daimyo had to worry about these long-term plans, and Aoya was just worried.

After casually chatting with a few compatriots from the Kingdom of Water, he looked at the sky and estimated that it was almost time. Qing quickly returned and came to a recently completed izakaya, pushed open the windproof curtain and walked in.

In the luxurious box inside, Daimaru has been waiting for a long time.

They had interacted several times during this period and were relatively familiar with each other. Even if they were not friends, they got along relatively well.

After taking a sip of the unique and refreshing red wine, a trace of rosiness appeared on his old-fashioned face:

It's an endless aftertaste. It is indeed a famous wine in your country that has become famous in the ninja world in a short time. However, the price is not cheap and most people cannot afford it!

Rare things are more valuable! There is not much land that can grow fruits in the Kingdom of Wind, and it is even more of a miracle that grapes can be cultivated for winemaking. It's a pity...

Daimaru sighed lightly,

Seniors also know that even residents' drinking water there is in short supply, so it's impossible to plant too many...

The southern part of the Kingdom of Winds has ample sunshine and rarely rains. As long as there is enough irrigation water, it is a blessed land for the growth of various fruits.

Especially grapes, melons, etc., as long as they can grow, they will definitely be much sweeter than those in other places.

Coupled with the special soil environment of desert areas, these fruits of artificial intervention in impossible environments have a unique and exotic flavor.

It is precisely because of its special nature that it became popular among the ninja aristocracy in a short period of time.

Good wine, the alcohol content is not low, but you don't feel uncomfortable after drinking it. It's really good!

This brewing process is the result of research by countless masters, so it is certainly extraordinary!

Daimaru didn't know much about the wine-making process in his previous life. He only knew some general principles. It didn't matter if he brewed his own wine. To make wine on a large scale, he still had to do it professionally.

Qing's words made Daimaru feel a little emotional.

Most people always think that wine making is just that. Of course, ordinary things are quite suitable. Expensive wine is really high-tech. How to adjust the trace ingredients in it to make it more delicious does not require advanced chemical knowledge and The level of craftsmanship is really indescribable.

In many novels that travel back in time to ancient times, the protagonist is accustomed to drinking modern high-alcohol wine, and can become intoxicated by drinking low-alcohol wine brewed when the ancient brewing technology was not developed.

In fact, this is what people who have not experienced the abuse of bad alcohol take for granted.

The low alcohol content does not mean that the wine is not strong. Unless it is a bad drink, the component in the wine that really knocks people out is not ethanol, but trace components such as various fusel oils, aldehydes, and phenols. Just like methanol, which has a low content in industrial alcohol, it can make people blind or even kill them.

Those crude wines in ancient times contained many more impurities than modern wines. They seemed to be easy to drink and had enough stamina to quickly make people who were not used to it drunk. The so-called massive and thousands of modern people in front of ancient people. Advantages such as you can drink without getting drunk are all jokes.

The birth of a good glass of wine requires experience and inheritance, and even more science.

While drinking and drinking, Qing, who was slightly tipsy, couldn't help complaining:

Just tell me, what does Sunagakure Village mean? The price we paid is already very sincere, why can't we return the beheading sword?

Daimaru raised his glass and shook his head with a smile:

I already understand your village's decision! To be honest, we have no intention of killing you...

Then why?

Qing opened his bloodshot eyes and asked eagerly,

If there is any special reason, please tell the truth...

You made a mistake!

Daimaru drank the wine in the cup and said softly,

Senior must already know the inside story of the tailed beast trade between Sand Hidden Village and Konoha Village; the decapitation sword matter is somewhat similar, but not exactly the same. You can't confuse them...

I do not understand……

I'll just tell you the truth!

Daimaru put down his wine glass, came over and explained in a low voice,

Unlike the captured Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Zi, the beheading sword is my personal trophy. The transaction conditions you gave are all beneficial to Sunagakure Village, but what does this have to do with me?

To put it bluntly, this is a transaction between Daimaru and Kirigakure Village. It is not a negotiation between Sunagakure Village and Kirigakure Village. They got the transaction objects wrong. Naturally, the bargaining chip offered by Ao cannot satisfy Daimaru.

I... probably understand!

A word that makes you wake up like a dream...

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