Red sand dust

Chapter 416 Danger

Daiwan, who has been born in two lifetimes, naturally knows the harm of rumors.

In this world where extraordinary powers are widely known, all strange events that are difficult for ordinary people to understand can be attributed to magical ninjutsu.

Because of this, the general public in the ninja world has a very low resistance to rumors, and there are basically no channels to refute rumors. The harm caused by rumors with evil intentions is also unexpectedly deep.

With Miss Saya's family background, it is natural to find out some secret things. Notifying him in advance was a favor to Daimaru.

As for who planned this incident, Miss Saya did not elaborate, and Daimaru did not ask.

One or two people don't matter, this is a group incident, and the person to deal with is not Daimaru, but Gaara, who also discredited Maki and Chiyo by the way.

After all, the Red Sand Scorpion is the grandson of Chiyo. Without her protection and connivance, what happened next would not have happened.

Fu Yi, who stayed behind, did not directly participate in the encirclement and suppression of the Red Sand Scorpion, and could barely stay out of it.

Based on Daimaru's understanding of Fushigi, he is an old-fashioned gentleman with some psychological and moral obsessiveness. That's why he can't stand Rasa's lack of grandeur in his work, and he doesn't agree with Gaara, who has too much dark history, to become the fifth Kazekage. Daimu.

This kind of person will compete openly, use the general trend to rise to the top, and win openly. If he loses, he will lie dormant and wait for the opportunity to come back. Of course, he will also use some tricks without being pedantic. He is also a good hand in power struggles and political affairs, and he does not even mind using assassination. To bring order to chaos.

It is not his style to involve an involved person like Daimaru in right and wrong, and to use despicable means of confusing right and wrong to smear others.

Fu Yi is fairly upright, but the same cannot be said for his subordinates and supporters. It is not impossible for them to do something without Fu Yi's knowledge.

Some things are just a vague account and should not be taken too seriously. Once it is revealed clearly and Fu Yi is involved, it will not look good on face.

After all, Fuyi has helped Daimaru a lot. If it hadn't been for his appreciation and support, Daimaru's six months would not have been so smooth.

After taking a few sips of tea gracefully, Miss Saya rubbed the warm handle of the teacup and said slowly:

If I hadn't overheard these strange rumors, I wouldn't have known that the village was secretly hunting down the Crimson Sand Scorpion, and I didn't expect that the guy who couldn't even afford the materials to make the puppet more than a year ago was actually one of them. The main force also personally ended that legend...

Even if he violated a taboo, he still lived up to his reputation as the most talented puppet master in history. The Kazekage II-daime Sakamon who created the puppet master and the maker and genius of the Chikamatsu Ten who laid the foundation for today's puppet master tactics. The puppet stylist Monzao Gatekeeper also looked dim after the Red Sand Scorpion was born.

The traditional puppet masters in the village would rather accept that the Kazekage Sandaime and the Akasaka Scorpion were assassinated and disappeared by despicable Konoha ninjas, rather than one being made into a human puppet and the other a rebel ninja.

Such an ending is really cruel.

The source of our family's method of using puppets to perform spiritual mystical arts is Shamon, the second generation of the Kazekage. Family documents record that the Red Sand Scorpion once cooperated with our family. This is also true for several other puppet arts schools. Everyone has benefited a lot. , marveling at his talent, the Scorpion of Red Sand has also taken advantage of everyone's strengths and absorbed enough experience to perfect the human puppetry...

Miss Saya said with emotion.

When the Human Puppet was born, most of the mainstream puppetry schools in the village knew a little bit about it, but they didn't expect that the Red Sand Scorpion would go so far on the road to death.

The sand ninjas have complicated feelings towards the Red Sand Scorpion, and the puppet masters have a mixture of admiration and fear.

As long as you pay attention to rumors and such, it's not a big problem; but if there are some puppet masters who want to know something, don't come forward...

You mean?

Daimaru's heart moved.

Miss Saya sighed:

You were the last person who came into contact with the Red Sand Scorpion. What happened at that time is all up to you to talk nonsense, but don't let them think that you got something great from the Red Sand Scorpion... …”

Facing Daimaru's confused gaze, Miss Saya explained:

The puppet master is the well-deserved mainstay of the village, but to be honest, the top experts are still a little worse than other types of ninjas. Although the second generation of Shaman created the puppet technique, he did not become the Kazekage because of the puppet technique. Next None of the third, fourth, or even fifth generation could see the possibility of an orthodox puppet master becoming the Kazekage...

Daimaru's puppet master can only be regarded as a part-time job. Although he has made great achievements and created the flying puppet and wing armor, he is not pure in the end.

There was once a Red Sand Scorpion who could meet the expectations of all puppet masters. As long as he continued to develop step by step, he would be the fourth generation of the Kazekage.

However, everything has changed.

I understand what you mean!

If the group of puppet masters is compared to the Uchiha family, the Red Sand Scorpion is the Uchiha mirror that has high hopes. Chiyo is too old to place hope on it.

The situation of the puppet master in Sunagakure Village is certainly not as dangerous as that of the Uchiha family in Konoha Village, but it is still embarrassing. The influence and reputation of the entire group far exceed the upper limit of its strength.

To sum up: there is no representative person with persuasive power.

Kankuro's talent and ability are acceptable, but he can't stand up to the puppet master.

As for Daimaru, he doesn't have the slightest consciousness of a puppet master and is not a regular person.

Seemingly remembering some past events, Miss Sha Ye showed a sarcastic smile and said:

Nowadays, the puppet masters in the village basically can't find a way to become stronger. They cannot innovate on the path of puppet masters. In order to maintain their influence, they can only form alliances, expand secular influence, or even get married...

The former Miss Saya just didn't want to be a tool or a victim, so she wanted to get rid of that small circle.

Of course forbidden arts like human puppets cannot be used, but from the Red Sand Scorpion, we can gain hope of breaking through the existing shackles. We still have some ideas...

Daimaru looked helpless and said:

They don't dare to hope for the human puppet Scorpion who fell into the hands of Chiyo. It is very likely that he will come to me for information...

Miss Saya nodded and confirmed:

In addition, in this operation, apart from Chiyo, you are the only one who can barely be regarded as the puppet master. There are not many master puppet masters involved in such a big event, which gives them a strong sense of crisis! So, you have to be careful , this time the nature of making money by making low-end puppets is different from yours. The name of 'Red Sand Dust' cannot scare them...

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