Red sand dust

Chapter 1194 Inquiry

Even though Sunagakure Village and Konoha Village have been reunited for three or four years, the past grudges are not so easy to resolve. While they have normal interactions, they have never let go of their guard against each other.

It is normal for people like Toneri who have not fallen under the surveillance of Konoha Village in the past to be investigated by Konoha Village.

Under the surveillance of Konoha Anbu, Toneri's behavior pattern obviously has more freedom than other companions in Sunagakure Village.

What is most concerning is that not only are Konoha ninjas unfamiliar with him, but many Suna ninjas have seen this person for the first time.

However, the presence of Sheren is not strong, but the elegance and calmness in his gestures are definitely not suitable for ordinary people. Such a person should not be so unknown that not even a few compatriots know him.

Through further investigation, more information emerged.

Although there are some eye-catching aspects, in general, this sacrifice experience is quite normal.

A resume that looks lackluster and easy to ignore. Just looking at the photo, one would think that this is a somewhat thin young man, but...

After putting down the information in her hand, Tsunade pressed her temples with a slight headache.

Mediocre background, above-average qualifications, seemingly detailed but without any strong evidence of experience, self-consistent to impeccable behavior and speech, just the right amount of blank space, people unconsciously think about the content of this resume. Adding to the reliability! If I hadn’t actually met this person, I would have thought this was more like a stage play profile, rather than the experience of a Suna ninja for more than ten years...

Tsunade-sama, do you mean these are not trustworthy?

Shizune asked worriedly,

There's obviously nothing suspicious...

You're still too young!

The restored Hokage Godaime sneered,

This kind of ninja information, for which there is basically no evidence to refute its authenticity, usually appears in the 'identity' cards prepared for various investigative intelligence departments, such as Tenzo, Shin, Terai, Saai, and even Yakushi Nonou and Yakushi Kabuto, they are all like this. They act in private and use code names. Once they need to cooperate with their official identities, these identities that have been prepared long ago and have complete resumes will come in handy! Back then, Yakushi Ye Naiyu has sneaked behind enemy lines many times and made great contributions to the village. She is known as the 'Walking Witch', and she is not a wasted name...

Originally, Kabuto Yakushi would become such a person, but unfortunately, in the process of constantly changing his identity, he was gradually betrayed.

Based on instinct and experience, Tsunade guessed that this Toneri was most likely like this.

Of course, Sunagakure Village will definitely not admit this kind of thing, and Konoha ninjas will probably not be able to find evidence to refute it, but...

Just suspecting that he is a spy is enough...

As she spoke, Shizune showed her true nature as a capable secretary. After reading more detailed information, she said with some surprise,

Is this intelligence that speculates that his purpose of coming to Konoha Village this time and related to the Hyuga family believable? Is it because he stayed near the Hyuga residence for a little longer?

As for his elegant appearance, he is modeled after the proud Hyuga clan members.

This kind of innate nobility is not unique to the Hyuga clan, but it is rare among the ninja community.

There are even fewer such characters in Sand Hidden Village.

It nourishes the body and helps the Qi.

Some temperaments are not so easy to develop.

However, judging that his identity is related to the Hyuga family based on these is too arbitrary.

Shizune, you left the village with me to travel a long time ago, and you are still a little inexperienced!

Although in the field of medical ninjutsu, Shizune's talent is pretty good and she has inherited a lot of Tsunade's true heritage, but in other fields, she relies entirely on her natural agility to hone her skills and is not very good at areas that are too special.

As she spoke, Tsunade took out a photo with her fingers and shook it a few times. It showed Toneri's indifferent expression.

If you add a pair of white eyes, wouldn't it look like a Hyuga clan member?

That's all? There are many people with similar looks in the ninja world!

Indeed! The ninja world is so big, there are always people who look similar but are not related by blood! But, this person is different...

Immediately afterwards, Tsunade explained the deeper mystery that was truly beyond the scope of Shizune's abilities.

There is no doubt that people who are related by blood must have similar looks, such as Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Fugaku. If the three of them stand together, they will naturally be considered a family.

There are also Uzumaki Naruto and Namikaze Minato. Although they are quite different in temperament, their appearance is really similar.

There are many such examples, including Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino, Nara Shikamaru, etc. The more ninja families have blood inheritance limits or secret techniques, the more and more obvious the genetic characteristics they inherit.

Hair color, skin, pupils, face shape, etc. are all relatively conspicuous. When it comes to ninjas, there are also characteristics such as chakra attribute preference, physical fitness, changes in growth and development stages, temperament, etc., which are all relatively easy to distinguish. of.

Human eyes have a larger observation range, but the actual range of attention is extremely small. Our brains cannot process too complex information and can only extract features for identification. Those who are face-blind cannot easily distinguish between people. Most of the differences in appearance are due to lack of ability in this area...

Is that so?

How could I lie to you about such a trivial matter?

Tsunade took a sip of the refreshing strong tea and sighed slightly.

The intelligence and investigation disciplines of the ninja world have been studied to an extremely sophisticated level. Otherwise, Danzo Shimura would not have been able to completely replace the appearance of Yakushi Kabuto in Yakushi Nonou's mind through minor changes accumulated over time. Other strangers.

Human eyes have evolved to the point where they can vividly observe scenes within a range, with astonishingly high pixels. However, this kind of fine observation is only limited to the vicinity of the focus of our attention. Other than that, everything is Our brains blur it out.

The biggest reason for operating like this is to reduce the burden on the brain.

As we all know, the brain is an organ that consumes a very high amount of oxygen and a large proportion of energy, and the part that processes vision accounts for a large part.

If the image observed by the eyes is transmitted to the brain center and processed at completely ultra-high pixels, it may be burned out like an overloaded graphics card chip.

For example, amphibians like frogs only have a small brain. When hunting, visual control is the top priority. It is necessary to accurately locate the prey and be efficient. Therefore, the frog's brain simplifies vision to only process things like insects. The degree of motor conditioning.

Maybe this kind of evolutionary result is very hasty, but this is the most suitable way of survival for frogs in the wild. In most cases, the ones that move like bugs are bugs. If you open your mouth and swallow it, you will probably not catch it wrong.

There are many similar creatures, to name them all. The most typical one is that a large part of the animals in the ninja world are color blind. They only need black, white and gray to survive. They do not need to spend a lot of experience to distinguish colors, just to save money. Energy allows limited brain cells to deal with other more important things. This little advantage is the key to their survival and the extinction of their competitors.

In order to distinguish the appearance differences between similar people, humans often abstract features. After just a few chats, we can know which one is Yao Ming, which one is the curator, which one is the voice actor. This is why we can rely on their backs. , profiling, etc., to roughly judge who a person is, our eyes and brains expend more energy on finer details only when necessary.

The ninja world is special because there is chakra, which extends the perception of vision to the other five senses, and even intuition. Ninjas and chakra perception, combined, have a very amazing accuracy rate.

It's like a Jinchuuriki standing in front of Daimaru. Even if the chakra characteristics are not exposed, Daimaru can easily make an accurate judgment through danger perception, chakra amount estimation, etc. as long as he pays a little attention.

After comparing Toneri's appearance with the more typical features of the Hyuga family, we found that he has many more things in common than other passers-by who are not related by blood, and his chakra is very sensitive to the Byakugan's perception. On such an inconspicuous level, he is really rich in experience! Apart from that...

Tsunade once again pulled out a report with slightly scrawled handwriting.

This is the identification of the hair, saliva and other residues secretly collected by the ANBU. Do you know what we found?

The investigation has reached this point in just a few days after the suspicion was raised. The intelligence work of Konoha Village is indeed very impressive.

Is there anything more exciting?

We found two different cells, one of which belongs to a member of the Hyuga branch who has been dead for several years! These two cells are perfectly integrated, so Toneri is either the product of biological cloning technology , or they are talents with hidden talents who have been transplanted with cells from the Hyuga clan without any rejection reaction!

At other times, Tsunade would definitely lean towards the latter, but if it had something to do with the red sand, then the former was undoubtedly more likely.

Moreover, Toneri doesn't look like a puppet without any sense of autonomy.

What's even more concerning is that Daimaru himself is in Konoha Village. Is it necessary to arrange a puppet identity?

Is there some shady thing going on?

But Toneri didn't seem to do anything. He just wandered around for a while and then left!

Shizune asked doubtfully,

Did he achieve his goal?

Tsunade couldn't answer this question.

After thinking for a while, the Fifth Hokage ordered:

Let Hyuga Neji and Hyuga Hinata come...wait...

After a pause, Tsunade felt that something seemed inappropriate.

Let me talk to the head of the Hinata family first and see if he has discovered anything!

Night fell, and after working for a long time, Shizune had been sent away, and Tsunade was about to pack up and go have a drink. At this time, there was a knocking sound outside the window.

The door is open at all times, so why go in and out through the window?

Opening the window, he saw Jiraiya with his arms folded across his chest, rubbing the bridge of his nose, and replied with a smile:

If a ninja doesn't open the window, you always feel like something is missing?

Jiraiya turned over and looked at the desk, then asked,

Busy working?

Well! Is something wrong? At this time, you should go and enlighten Naruto...

Don't worry, that little guy is already a strong ninja. It's just a little setback and it will pass!

Jiraiya, who was standing by the window, hesitated for a while and then asked,

I heard that you are investigating Suna Ninja?

It's not Suna Ninja, to be precise, it's investigating Daimaru! Kazekage Godaime is a very responsible leader...

Then what are you worried about?

There's nothing wrong with Sunagakure Village, but that doesn't mean Daimaru didn't do something!

Tsunade said leisurely,

The Kazekage represents Sunagakure Village, but it may not be able to control the actions of all Sunagakure!

Just like Danzo Shimura, the Root organization he leads has done so many shady things behind the back of the Hokage's third generation, Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Is there any result?

It's just that there's no evidence. I can't find any evidence. That's why I find it difficult! An ally that doesn't even make a small move is really suspicious! Since Daimaru took over the 'Quick Rescue Team' and settled in Konoha Village, too many big things have happened... …”

Coincidences repeated again and again always make people care.

Jiraiya was silent for a while before saying:

I'm not excusing him. At least on the surface, he has always been on our side and helped a lot!

Good intentions without motives make people feel uneasy, especially this person...

If there is any famous ninja in the ninja world who is known for not playing cards according to common sense, Daimaru is at the very top, if not at the top of the list.

Stop talking about this, the Sixth Generation's autopsy really found no abnormalities?

The overdraft is extremely serious. All traces have been erased by the extremely violent first-generation cells. Even the old injuries from the past no longer exist!

In order to strengthen Shimura Danzo's military power in a very short period of time, Daimaru naturally considered these.

The first half of destroying corpses and removing traces is impossible, but the second half is easier.

There is no proof of death!

Jiraiya smiled bitterly and said,

It seems that all the blame will be placed on Uchiha Sasuke. In this case, it will be difficult to handle!

The problem of Class 7 is not only Tsunade's concern, Jiraiya, the master, is also extremely worried. He does not want Uzumaki Naruto to be hit by this and lose his spirit, but he also has a headache that even if Uchiha Sasuke changes his mind in the future, it will not be easy to clear his name. .

Some things just don't happen with intention.

Do you want me to go find out?

It's better not to give it up!

Tsunade hesitated for a moment and refused.

The key now is to form a ninja alliance and meet the challenge. The top priority is!


Jiraiya is not very willing to be shy and go to Daimaru. Although the friendship between the two may be fruitful, it is a bit unfair to waste the opportunity because of a suspicion without actual evidence. worth.

In addition, I also want a copy of the forbidden technique in case of emergency...

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