Red sand dust

Chapter 1066 Comparison

Those shameful names and nicknames that even children would not use when playing ninja games immediately left the two old seniors speechless.

Catchy and domineering names are not something ordinary people can support. Titles like God of Ninja, Demigod, Konoha Technician, Doctor Ninja and Konoha White Fang can. To make a name for yourself in the ninja world, you still need to have excellent abilities.

In most cases, relatively mediocre nicknames are more worthy of their name, but the ones Daimaru prepared for Rasa and Hayakura were basically useless people who boasted nonsense, wandering ninjas and deceitful samurai.

With their rather arrogant reputation, the bounty offered was so low that even the slightly famous bounty hunters didn't bother to spend time chasing them down.

Compared with the Rashomon Ghost prepared for Ibaraki, which has a real record, the so-called soul-drawing and fire mist demon are only spread among the people related to the underground bounty house. Everyone knows that there are If these two people were asked to do something shocking, no one could tell.

There is a big difference between a carefully prepared vest and a profile identity established through false propaganda.

Fortunately, the two have different uses. What the Akatsuki organization needs is capable cannon fodder, but what Luo Sha and Ye Cang need is just an excuse to hide themselves from others so that they can show up in front of others.

No matter how unreliable these two identities sound, Luo Sha and Ye Cang, who cannot even move independently, have no room for resistance.

Of course, it is impossible to entrust others with important responsibilities from the beginning. First, the two seniors must have an understanding of the real situation in Sunagakure Village, so that they can understand what Daimaru needs them to do.

Three days later, in a series of island chains about 200 kilometers east of Awaji Village in the South China Sea, a passenger and cargo wave-piercing catamaran that had been in operation for a long time was sailing toward Ming at 24 knots, slightly lower than the economic speed. Mencun drove away.

Wearing special masks that can isolate chakra perception and wearing light blue loose robes, Luo Sha and Ye Cang stood on the side of the ship, looking at the seasonal fishing ground in the distance, where several immature young Suna ninjas were fishing. Huge trawls are laboriously hoisted onto fishing boats powered by a mix of sail, diesel and electric power.

This season has actually passed the fishing season, and it is very difficult to find erratic fish schools in the ocean. The offshore fishing grounds are in the fishing moratorium, and fishermen are prohibited from overfishing, which will disrupt the ecological balance of the Greater Bay Area.

However, for the Sand Ninja and Wind Country civilians who have been poor for a long time and have finally found a way to make a living, it is really uncomfortable to see the benefits but not be able to reap them.

Daiwan can issue a ban and insist on sustainable development for the sake of long-term planning, but it also opens a way for people who have excess energy and nowhere to use their strength.

In the vicinity of several designated key fishing grounds, you are absolutely not allowed to violate the regulations, and there is no humane relationship. However, outside the red line, the management is not so strict. Although fishing in such places will not yield much, but For the residents of the Kingdom of Wind who are afraid of poverty, it is also a small help.

As long as they don't mind the high effort and low reward, Daimaru is happy to give them passes.

The most fertile fisheries must be managed well, and the rest must be turned a blind eye. We should seize the big ones and let go the small ones. There must always be some room for people to mess around.

On the islands and reefs so far away from the mainland, apart from the occasional whaling ships passing by, there are very few civilian fishing boats coming here, let alone hiring a few ninjas to fish here, even if they are genin.

Now that Sunagakure Village's missions have become so rich, they even accept the mission of being hired to assist in fishing?

Luo Sha asked with a somewhat complicated tone.

When he was in charge of the village, if there was such a task, he probably wouldn't choose it. Unfortunately, no one asked Suna Ninja to join the sea. When there was enough time for young people to come out and experience it, it felt a bit worthless.

Those ones……

The well-dressed Chaoyan took out a pair of exquisite binoculars, put them in front of his eyes, carefully looked at the signal flags of several fishing boats, and then responded,

That's not the Suna ninja and his employer who are on a mission, but a private fleet...

Then...don't you still wear the Sunagakure forehead protector?

Ye Cang also asked with some confusion.

Xiao Chaoyan smoothed his forehead hair that was messed up by the sea breeze and replied leisurely:

In addition to being subordinates of the Kazekage and the direct department, the Suna Ninja also have their own families after returning home. It is not easy to restrain them from private actions in their spare time...

Carrying out tasks assigned by the village is work and cooperation, but ninjas are also human beings, and they also have private lives after off duty.

Acting privately?

Luo Sha and Ye Cang tasted Chao Yan's answer and seemed to have some enlightenment.

It's probably just a few genin on vacation who rented a fishing boat with their families and relatives to make some extra money! Chasing pelagic fish is quite good. If there are one or two experienced chuunin among them, they will probably Go whale hunting or tuna hunting...

Most of the miscellaneous small fish in the sea are worthless. Whaling is now an important pillar industry in the waters south of Sunagakure Village. Most types of tuna and caviar are also very popular luxury ingredients in the ninja world, even in the Land of Wind. Nobles who want to try something new have to say hello to Sand Hidden Village, and ordinary people in the Kingdom of Wind are reluctant to eat it.

The village's manpower is obviously so tight, yet there are Suna ninjas on vacation, going out to make extra money?

Rasa, who had been a Kazekage for many years, really couldn't understand Gaara and Daimaru's brain circuits. They even woke up the dead and acted like cows and horses, but gave the living a holiday.

With a slight smile on Chao Yan's beautiful face, Yun Danfeng replied softly:

Everything must be done carefully, and we cannot really use our compatriots as machines that never sleep. In addition, while emphasizing efficiency, we must also ensure a minimum of vitality. A sufficient combination of work and rest will also help to improve happiness. After solving the problem of survival In the end, we still need to let everyone live a decent life, and the minimum dignity must be guaranteed...

No matter how greedy the capitalists are, they will not really exploit the labor force that can create wealth. It is quite troublesome to keep such a large group moving in its own direction. All things considered, the interests of all parties must be taken into consideration.

So, there's no need for dead people to think too much?

Looking at the edge of the fishing net pulled up in the distance, fish of all sizes jumped out of the water after being frightened, and were finally gathered together and put into the cargo hold of the fishing boat. Several families returned home with their loads happily. Ye Cang seemed to have understood his fate a long time ago. situation,

I'm afraid that only if we truly survive will we receive the minimum treatment...

My father has a saying that I still agree with: intelligent life needs to be respected! The two of you have souls, but no living characteristics. At best, they are thinking puppets. They are not even life, and naturally they are not intelligent life...

Does the filthy earth body that is about to be resurrected have any rights as a human being?

Just look at the unborn fetus.

Daimaru will protect and use the earth body, but this is not because of respect for life, but for future benefits.

Now bringing Luo Sha and Ye Cang's filthy earth bodies around to see the world can be roughly regarded as prenatal education, instilling some common sense into their new lives in advance to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Later, the passenger and cargo ship passed several large and small sea pastures and farms. Such a rich product was actually developed in the seemingly empty ocean. It really made me fight for a lifetime just to feed a few more compatriots. Luo Sha and Ye Cang felt ashamed.

If the original Sunagakure Village had half of the foundation it has now... no, even a quarter, it would not go all out to provoke a war in the ninja world.

In the past, Elder Chiyo said that Suna Ninja's aggressiveness was not what it used to be, so she had to drag her age to come back...

Luo Sha was silent for a while and then said,

The understanding of our generation at that time was that there was insufficient force or that they were not good at maneuvering. Seeing the scene today, I probably understand the true meaning...

It is too superficial to understand the enterprising spirit of fighting for living space only as being able to fight and being cunning enough.

The road is blue and blue, to open up the mountains and forests! The predecessors of the Sand Ninja opened up the Sand Hidden Village in an extinct area to protect the residents of the Kingdom of Wind, ask for things from the sky, and fight against fate, but the descendants only knew how to take up arms. Stealing what others have, the first and second generation can barely watch, the third and fourth generation are indeed a bit stretched...

The Yondaime was talking eloquently to Chaoyan, who didn't care at all.

As a ninja, you have to fight and rob. Given the situation in Sand Hidden Village, if you didn't have the ability to fight for power and grab life, you would probably have lost it a long time ago. However, if you don't know how to do anything other than fight for power, you are also unqualified. . Already lagging behind others, he always starts a war with all his might like a gambler, gets his head smashed in one direction, and goes on a rampage one after another. He never thinks of learning from his predecessors and exploring the potential of himself and those around him. It’s really It’s disappointing…”

As the fourth generation of the Kazekage, Rasa was not neglecting his duties. Generally speaking, he was passable, but that was all.

Luo Sha, who was despised by the little guy, was silent for a long time before saying:

Perhaps you have a point. Born in a world of endless yellow sand, all I can see is the barren desert, and I have long since lost confidence. In fact, if such a big country really wants to tap the potential internally, ordinary people will definitely have no choice. , but for ninjas, it is still possible...

You can't deny it even if you want. It only took three years for Gaara and Daimaru to turn Sunagakure Village into what it is now. It's impossible for Rasa to admit that she can't do it. All we can say is that fate Funny, for decades, Suna Ninja has never thought about making a fuss in the Kingdom of Wind. He only focused on conquering the Kingdom of Rain, the Kingdom of Sichuan, and the Kingdom of Fire. In the end, he was taught how to behave in turn.

In ordinary people's perception, deserts are definitely far more barren than tropical rainforests.

But few people realize one thing, that is, from ancient times to the present, the fertile land and vast rivers and lakes have given birth to a strong civilization and splendid culture, laying the foundation for a strong country.

In addition, the easiest places to rise are grassland nomads and water-scarce desert empires. The southern rainforests are humid, warm, fertile and rich in products. No global empire has ever been born, not even a regional empire. Strong countries are extremely rare.

In ancient times with backward productivity and before the birth of efficient modern tools, it was easier to open up coastal deserts that were short of water than rainforests with complex terrain, plagues, and diseases.

This is why Daimaru would rather toil in the coastal desert areas of the Land of Wind than work in the rainforest hills near the Land of Kawawa.

The infectious diseases brought by various mosquitoes are really terrible. Ninjas are okay and have stronger resistance. For ordinary people to settle in that kind of place, the mortality rate is too high. No matter how many medical ninjas are there, they are not enough.

When Naruto Village was opened, the cost was actually higher than that of Awaji Village. If it weren't for the superior geographical location and a veritable strategic location, Daimaru would have hesitated to invest money.

This phenomenon goes against many people’s inherent cognition.

In fact, as long as basic living water and residents' rations are provided, the arid desert Gobi will be more livable than the tropical rainforest where it rains all year round, the vegetation grows wildly, and snakes, insects, rats and ants are hard to guard against. Of course, the premise is that you can adapt to the dry air and poisonous food. The sunshine, the large temperature difference between morning and evening and the constant wind all year round.

Even in the ninja world, Daimaru has had people investigate. The probability of plague and infectious diseases in the Kingdom of Wind is far lower than that of the Kingdom of Fire and Water. Even the Kingdom of Earth and the Kingdom of Thunder are higher than the Kingdom of Wind. a little.

In addition, the Country of Wind has a vast area and rich products, but the resources are too scattered, there are too few valuable rich minerals, and there are not many mineral resources worth mining.

This is also an important factor why Luo Sha and others believe that the Kingdom of Wind alone can hardly sustain itself.

And this, more than three years after his death, Daimaru and Gaara forcefully dispelled this superstition.

Even though Daimaru's air combat puppet requires some basic knowledge of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics to develop, puppetry, a technology that has been passed down for decades, should be able to be used to develop the ocean. As a result, the long coastline is It has become a beach for seals to bask in the sun and a seedbed for sea turtles to lay their eggs.

Not to mention developing the puppet industry, they don't even go fishing in the sea, they just wait for tasks to come to them so that they can make money.

From a personal perspective, there is nothing wrong with making more money, but as a Kazekage, he doesn't want to think about anything but fighting, fighting, and doing missions. Do you really think that you are a mercenary leader?

In the past two days, Luo Sha had seen too much and suffered a lot of blows. She didn't know what she was thinking. At least in front of Chaoyan, she spent more and more time in silence.

I have to admit that you did a good job. I know Gaara. He is a bit naive and has a good brain, but he does not have the ability to change the world. It should be Daimaru who leads it! Maybe it's not just him, your mother Your Excellency, Saya also showed great strength, right? The guy who tore through the charioteer recruited a good son-in-law without saying a word...

Eh? You made a mistake...

Chao Yan quickly explained,

My father's girlfriend is Sister Temari, and she is my contractor. Has no one told you?

What did you say?

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