Red sand dust

Chapter 1001 Puppet

For more than ten years, Gaara rarely celebrated his birthday seriously. When he was very young, Yashamaru cared about him, but later on no one dared to ask about these things.

When Gaara ascends to the position of the Kazekage Fifth Generation, the opportunity will come, but everyone is very busy, so it would be nice to give some gifts and say hello if you have time.

I went through so many things last year, some good and some very dangerous, but fortunately, I came out safe and sound.

The next one or two years will not be stable, but the core of the turmoil in the ninja world has little to do with the Suna ninja.

Since the Konoha Collapse Plan failed miserably, it has been rare to have a relatively stable environment, and people's hearts have naturally become more lively.

Someone originally proposed to hold a public celebration in the name of the village, taking advantage of the Fifth Kazekage's birthday, but after weighing it over and over again, it still didn't work out.

It's not that Gaara is thin-skinned, but that Sunagakure Village's finances had just gotten a little better, and Daimaru had spent them all lavishly, and was still in debt.

In addition, the sand ninjas did not have extravagant traditions. The proposal ended up being nothing, and no one insisted on it anymore.

In the end, it was just a few familiar friends getting together in private, and even Gaara's young apprentice rushed to join in the fun.

Hey, that little girl named Matsuri is not much younger than Gaara, and she is still his little crush...

Daimaru whispered to Temari,

It's true that people cannot be judged by their appearance...

Temari pouted:

I don't know where your thoughts are, I don't see anything wrong...

In the ninja world, especially in Sunagakure Village, it is extremely rare to speculate that the relationship between master and disciple is abnormal, and Daimaru is just bored enough to talk about it casually.

The environment of our Sand Hidden Village is so poor, with wind and sand all over the sky, but it is really rare to be able to produce many beauties with beautiful features...

This has little to do with the environment...

Temari explained casually,

Beauty requires time and money to be carefully cared for. Do you think those little girls who are busy making a living every day have the spare time to take care of their appearance every day?

As far as Daimaru knows, Chi spares no effort to take care of her ponytail; Saya doesn't look at her makeup the same every day, but in fact there are small changes every day, showing the improvement of her makeup skills; even the naturally beautiful Temari, for We also take good care of our skin.

We all have the same love for beauty, but the methods are different...

Daimaru has a different view,

Let's not talk about it for the moment, Gaara seems a little uncomfortable being the protagonist of the party...

I can handle things at work in an orderly manner, but I feel a little cramped in private. I maintain a good distance between myself and strangers, but those who are familiar but not very close do not get along very smoothly.

In general, I am still a little unsure about the judgment at a relatively ambiguous stage.

In the past, Gaara had no possibility of making friends, and now he had very few pure friends. The Kazekage's identity meant that he was unlikely to have any uninterested social interactions.

So, it's a good thing to get together in private. Even after being a Kazekage for so long, Gaara is still a little too emotional...

Temari sighed slightly.

Because of this, Temari is worried about her two younger brothers who are at a critical stage of growth. There is still a long distance between a smart brain and a philosophy of life. This requires real life experience to gain real value. experience.

Compared with the calm, wise and passionate Kazekage in the Fourth Ninja War, Gaara is now slightly immature.

In addition, what Daimaru really cares about is whether Gaara will have any bad reactions after using the spare body with the blessing of the puppet reproductive suit.

Not only physical but also psychological changes require attention.

After all, this is the first surgery, so there will inevitably be omissions.

Fortunately, until now, there have been no irreparable defects.

One more thing, where did Gaara's original body go?

Temari, who seemed to have wanted to ask Daimaru for confirmation for a long time, suddenly asked during the chat,

Although Gaara is still alive and has no need to be laid to rest, he still needs to be disposed of properly, right?

Do you remember?

That's my brother's body, why don't you care?

After such a long time, Temari was able to keep her composure before asking about this matter.

It was the first time that he had obtained high-quality body materials, so Daimaru would not waste them.

A very special 'human puppet' is almost completed...

I knew it!

Temari muttered slightly unhappily.

Considering the situation in Sand Hidden Village, they are not so generous as to leave their ready-made combat power idle. At any rate, the intact bodies of the former One-Tail Jinchūriki and the Kazekage Fifth Generation are taken advantage of the opportunity to use their vitality before they are completely lost. Making adult puppets is also the way it should be.

This does not involve any taboos. After all, it is just a body that Gaara himself cannot use. If it is not used, it will only rot into a pile of bones in the end.

The only thing that needs to be taken care of is not to damage the majesty of the current Kazekage.

Don't worry, I'm doing something. How could I be so careless about something like this?

Daimaru assured him by patting his chest.

The combat power of an immature Gaara is not particularly important to Daimaru, but this is a good opportunity to experiment with the fusion of human puppet technology and tailed beast chakra.

During the Fourth Ninja War, Uchiha Obito used the channeled ancient jinchūriki to create a puppet that could transform into a half-tailed beast, which was extremely powerful.

Daimaru had the material in hand, so he naturally wanted to make a puppet using the power of the tailed beast according to that model.

The middle process was very unsatisfactory, and only after Daimaru took over part of the secrets of Yin Yang Escape from Uchiha Sasuke, did he make key progress.

The dirty earth body is somewhat similar in nature to the human puppet. Its adaptability to accommodate the tailed beast's chakra is good, but the key to maintaining stability is the suppression of the tailed beast's chakra by Yin Yang Dun.

This relatively successful attempt also gave Daimaru more inspiration.

Limited by the puppet materials, new puppets that master the Sage mode are making slow progress, but puppets that can initially borrow tailed beast chakra are worth investing more energy in research.

It's just a pity that these special puppets have such high requirements on users that it is impossible for ordinary puppet masters to master them.

After Gaara's birthday party, which was not too lively but seemed warm, Daimaru received news from Naruto Village. After recovering from his injuries, Uzumaki Naruto, together with Jiraiya, went north to enter the Land of Fire. It seemed that After preparing for the final special training, it is time to return to Konoha Village.

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