Red Mansion: Defying The Heavens And Changing Fate, Concubine Wang Xifeng

Chapter 293 Miaoyu Offers Incense And Is Made Trouble By Princess Jinhong

Without Lin Daiyu's participation, Jia Rui's other eight concubines just made up two tables of mahjong.

After an hour of fierce competition, the result was beyond everyone’s expectations——

Miaoyu, who had just learned mahjong and still had some skills, actually won the most chips!

Shi Xiangyun, who has always been outspoken, said——

"Mahjong is all about luck! The technical content is minimal, and people usually don't know how to play it. Just grab good cards."

These words immediately made Miao Tian angry!

Miaoyu angrily attacked Shi Xiangyun——

"You don't know how to play cards, so why don't you draw good cards?"

Qiuxiang said——

"Stop arguing! If you offend the Duke, everyone will be punished!"

For Jia Rui's concubines, the punishment was in vain!

The contents of punishment are varied——

Or slap the mouth, or spank, or kneel in the corner, or kneel to copy books...

In serious cases, they may even be directly "confined" like Lin Daiyu, and lose the qualification to hang a dog tag within a month!

Qiuxiang hung the dog tag around Miaoyu's neck.

This indicates that Miaoyu will sleep with Jia Rui tonight.

At the same time, it also indicates that Miaoyu will not be able to go to the mahjong table tomorrow, and will no longer be able to play dog ​​tags!

That night, Jia Rui came to Miaoyu's room.

Before the clouds and rain, Miaoyu shyly said:

"My lord, I want to ask you something."

Jia Rui said——

"Speak directly if you have something to say."

Miaoyu said: "Every year I go to Meihua Temple outside the city to offer incense. Lord, can I go tomorrow?"

Jia Rui said——

"But why did you choose tomorrow?"

Miaoyu lowered her head and said——

"Because I won today, I won't have the chance to go to the mahjong table tomorrow, and it will be impossible to hang up the dog tag! Anyway, I have nothing to do tomorrow, so I might as well find every opportunity to get down to business."

When Jia Rui heard this, he couldn't help laughing——

Miaoyu seems to be such a safe woman, but she is quite petty!

So, Jia Rui stretched out his hand, twisted Miaoyu's pretty face heavily, and said -

"Whether I agree or not depends on how you behave tonight! If you can serve me comfortably, nothing will be a problem!"

After the clouds and rain passed, Miaoyu carefully asked Jia Rui——

"My lord, can I go to Meihua Temple tomorrow to offer incense?"

Jia Rui says something

"That's right!"

Miaoyu smiled on her pretty face, endured the shame, and kissed a certain part of Jia Rui's body.

In the morning, Miaoyu had breakfast with Jia Rui and handed the dog tag back to Qiuxiang.

Then, Miaoyu took a carriage with two little girls and was escorted by a team of servants to Meihua Annan.

After arriving at the Meihua Temple outside the city, Miaoyu first admired the plum blossoms outside for a while, and then explained to the old nun at Meihua Temple the intention of offering incense.

Like the old nun Jingxu who was doing business in Shuiyue Temple, the old nun in Meihua Temple was also extremely snobbish. When he heard that Miaoyu was the concubine of Ning Guogong, he immediately became enthusiastic and ordered other pilgrims who were offering incense to be driven away. , leaving Miaoyu alone to offer incense!

Before Miaoyu became Jia Rui's concubine, she deeply hated and hated the privileges of the upper class!

Now, Miaoyu (Wang Hao) is enjoying the benefits of privileges with peace of mind and does not stop Lao Ni's behavior.

Half an hour later, a motorcade even more luxurious than Miaoyu arrived in front of Meihua Temple!

This luxurious motorcade was brought by Princess Jinhong, the daughter of King Beijing, who came to admire the plum blossoms outside Meihua Temple!

As soon as I saw a carriage parked in front of me, it was obviously not an ordinary person's.

Princess Jinhong sent someone over to inquire.

Knowing that it was Jia Rui's concubine who came to offer incense, Princess Jinhong couldn't help but feel angry and evil!

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