Red Mansion: Defying The Heavens And Changing Fate, Concubine Wang Xifeng

Chapter 286 Jia Baoyu Was Upset When He Saw Lin Daiyu!

However, things have changed and people have changed over time.

The once arrogant and frivolous overlord, his family fortune was completely ruined and he became a slave.

And Lin Daiyu, the eldest lady who was once well-dressed and well-fed, also became the concubine of the Duke.

If there was a gap between the two people before, the gap is even bigger now!

At this moment, Xue Pan was a little flustered when he saw the goddess he once thought of coming.

Although he was once known as the "557 Overlord", Xue Pan still wanted to behave elegantly in front of Lin Daiyu.

When Jia Baoyu turned around, he saw the person he least wanted to see!

Lin Daiyu, however, acted as if nothing had happened and approached Xue Pan and Jia Baoyu with Zijuan.

Lin Daiyu deliberately held her snow-white swan neck high, so that the dog tag hanging around her neck was particularly conspicuous.

It was morning, the sun was shining from the east, and it shone on the dog tag, making it gleaming and dazzling.

Jia Baoyu has naturally heard of the origin of dog tags!

When Jia Baoyu was still the "Second Master Bao" of Rongguo Mansion, he had a natural respect for girls!

When he was very young, he said -

"Daughters are flesh and blood made of water, and men are flesh and blood made of mud. When I see my daughter, I feel refreshed, but when I see a man, I feel stinky!"

Therefore, Jia Baoyu has always deeply hated and despised men who played with and abused women!

When Rongguo Mansion was raided and Jia Baoyu was brought to Ningguo Mansion and became the deputy leader of the "Special Operations Team", Jia Baoyu heard that Jia Rui had implemented the "dog tag employment system"

Jia Baoyu immediately saw the essence of this system——

Not only did he not treat his concubine as a human being, he directly treated her as a dog!

If Jia Baoyu was still the "Second Master Bao", he would definitely argue with Jia Rui about the dog tags!

It's a pity that Jia Baoyu is no longer the "Second Master Bao", but has become a slave of Jia Rui! Life and death are honors and disgrace, because it takes just one week for Rui!

Under such circumstances, how could Jia Baoyu have the confidence to interfere with Jia Rui's business?

However, Jia Baoyu still felt overwhelmed!

The reason is——

Obviously, the "dog tag system" introduced by Jia Rui was extremely humiliating to his nine concubines!

However, what is incredible is that Jia Rui's concubines are so eager to do this that they wish they had dog tags hanging on their bellies!

This is like a man who wants to use force on a woman, but in the end, the woman takes the initiative to seduce the man!


At this moment, Jia Baoyu felt particularly dazzled when he saw the dog tag hanging around Lin Daiyu's neck!

What makes Jia Baoyu even more heartbroken is——

Lin Daiyu seemed to be afraid that he would not be able to see the dog tag, so she kept fiddling with it with her hands to attract Kang Baoyu's electric light!

In an instant, Jia Baoyu felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar!

This is like a man who sees a young girl selling herself in a brothel and can't help but pity her. When the young girl was young, the young girl showed off to men that she had found a good job!

Sometimes, when you think it is a shame, others are not ashamed, but proud!

Just when Jia Baoyu didn't know how to speak, Lin Daiyu spoke.

"Jia Baoyu, you have fallen to this stage and become a trash that everyone looks down upon. Is it because of your Spirit Communication jade? In my opinion, your Spirit Communication jade is simply an evil jade that is harmful to others. !You might as well throw it into the trash!"

Before Jia Baoyu spoke, Xue Pan echoed -

"Miss Lin is so right! Just now, I asked Jia Baoyu to throw his Spirit Communication jade into the latrine!"

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