Xia Shouzhong did not mention Jia Rui.

Although he had a good personal relationship with Jia Rui and accepted a lot of bribes from Jia Rui, Xia Shouzhong did not take the initiative to say good things for Jia Rui.

Because Xia Shouzhong knew that Emperor Jing'an was a suspicious person!

Of course, being suspicious is a common problem among emperors of all dynasties!

Anyone who becomes an emperor is suspicious and worried that someone will take away his power!

However, just when Xia Shouzhong was about to leave, Emperor Jing'an said:

"Wait a minute!"

Xia Shouzhong stopped and said——

"Is there anything else your Majesty would like to instruct your servants to do?"

Emperor Jing'an said——

"You ask Prince Zhongshun to inform Fangbian of my intention to deal with Duke Li."

Xia Shouzhong took the opportunity to say——

"Your Majesty, Jia Rui's loyalty to the Emperor is absolutely no problem! But, he doesn't know how to do things."

Emperor Jing'an asked——

"Why can't Jia Rui do anything?"

Xia Shouzhong said——

"During Jia Rui's expedition, a minister came to impeach Jia Rui. As for the emperor, out of love for Jia Rui, he showed the memorials of those ministers to Jia Rui. His servants were nearby at the time. I saw it with my own eyes. But what did Jia Rui do? He actually led people to beat up those officials that night. This was a direct betrayal of the emperor's trust! There is one more thing. It’s outrageous——The emperor ordered Jia Rui to search the historian’s house, but Jia Rui actually ordered the search of the house and at the same time gave Miss Shi to that person on the spot! Such a rush

It’s simply a disgrace to the officials of Dashun Dynasty!”

Xia Shouzhong said this. On the surface, he was trying to slander Jia Rui, but in fact, he was saying good things for Jia Rui!

Because Xia Shouzhong first explained Jia Rui's loyalty——

For a minister, loyalty to the emperor is the most important thing!

As for Xia Shouzhong saying that Jia Rui "doesn't know how to do things", he was actually replying to Jia Rui secretly!

Because Xia Shouzhong knew that Emperor Jing'an had always hated those ministers who were too shrewd and too calculating!

Therefore, after listening to Xia Shouzhong's words, Emperor Jing'an only said four words -

"There is nothing wrong with great virtue!"

In fact, on the day he raided the Shi family and took possession of Shi Xiangyun, Zhou Rui knew about Princess Jinhong yelling and cursing in front of the Ningguo Mansion.

However, Jia Rui chose to endure it.

Because Jia Rui knows that now he cannot fight head-on with King Beijing!

Even Emperor Jing'an couldn't take action against King Beijing!

However, Jia Rui knew that Emperor Jing'an would eventually take action against King Beijing!

Moreover, according to the original plot of "A Dream of Red Mansions", the Beijing Wang Faction will be defeated!

Jia Rui really wants to take a look——

After King Beijing is defeated, can Princess Jinhong still laugh?

A few days later, a special guest came to Ningguo Mansion——

The steward of Prince Zhongshun's residence!

Jia Ruiping stepped back and [received the housekeeper in person730].

The butler didn't talk nonsense and said straight to the point——

"Tomorrow morning, my prince would like to invite the Duke of Guo to have tea at Sanqingju. I wonder if the Duke of Guo is free?"

Jia Rui is naturally no stranger to "Sanqingju"!

Because Jia Rui and Prince Zhongshun once met at "Sanqingju"!

At that moment, Jia Rui immediately smiled and said——

"The prince calls you, no matter how busy I am, I have to go there!"

The butler exchanged a few pleasantries and said goodbye.

Qiuxiang came to Jia Rui and said——

"My lord, which lady are you going to hang a dog tag on tonight?"

Jia Rui said casually——

"Just fine."

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