Red Mansion: Defying The Heavens And Changing Fate, Concubine Wang Xifeng

Chapter 251 The Four Major Families All Return To Dust!

What Jia Dairu wants is to have a great-grandson in his arms as soon as possible!

Because Jia Dairu feels that time is not forgiving!

So Jia Dairu once again told the same old story to Jia Rui's nine concubines.

"I've put it here: whoever among you gives birth to my great-grandson first, I will ask your master to make you my head wife!"

Suddenly, the eyes of the nine concubines present shone brightly. They looked at Jia Rui as if they were looking at a golden mountain! "Four six three" Although among the nine concubines, there are also sober people like Xue Baochai, It is believed that with Jia Rui's current status, he should marry the daughter or granddaughter of a duke or prince to be considered a good match.

However, everyone, including Xue Baochai, had a hope, and that was: they hoped that Jia Rui would be filial, listen to Jia Dairu's words, and choose a legal wife from among the nine of them!

In this way, everyone has a chance!

Therefore, when Jia Dairu left, the nine concubines all shouted respectfully -

"My slave, I would like to send you off to my master!"

Shi Xiangyun was a little uncomfortable with being the eldest daughter of the Shi family and became a "servant", and his voice was also the weakest.

Then, the nine concubines looked at Jia Rui with pitiful eyes, hoping to be the lucky one.

Even Shi Xiangyun, although she had just been blessed by Jia Rui two hours ago, her mentality had already changed from shyness and rejection to longing!

Moreover, Shi Xiangyun also knew——

The more times you are blessed, the greater the probability of pregnancy!

If you can get pregnant with Jia Rui's child, and it's a boy, then the family may even have a chance to make a comeback!

However, Jia Rui's words poured a bucket of cold water on all nine concubines——

"Let's all disperse. My lord will sleep by himself tonight."

time flies!

After the historian was confiscated, Jia Rui went out of his way and went to court to ask for mercy from the historian!

At the same time, Jia Rui had already secretly spread the news about his visit to Shi Xiangyun at Shi's house!

For a time, the entire Dashun Dynasty was in an uproar——

Just because he wanted to take the historian's niece as his concubine, but was not satisfied, he tried his best to impeach the historian!

Once there is an opportunity to inspect the historian's house, he will be impatient! Shamelessly visiting the historian's daughter!

The shamelessness of Ning Guogong is truly unprecedented!

However, Emperor Jing'an was very happy in his heart!

Because now Jia Rui has won several great victories in a row and has become the military god of the Dashun Dynasty. He enjoys high prestige among the soldiers and civilians of the Dashun Dynasty!

What's more important is——

Emperor Jing'an has not yet relieved Jia Rui of military power!

In this case, the worse Jia Rui's reputation is, the less likely he is to calculate power!

In this way, the worse Jia Rui's reputation became, the more assured Emperor Jing'an was of Jia Rui!

If Jia Rui was a Duke of Ning with both civil and military skills, foresight and great prestige, then Emperor Jing'an would not be able to sleep!

Emperor Jing'an immediately approved Jia Rui's memorial and treated the Shi brothers lightly!

The specific measures are one

The historian's land is confiscated, the historian's property is confiscated, and the historian's title ends here. However, all the historians are given necessary living expenses!

Moreover, although the Shi brothers lost their official positions and titles, they became free civilians and no longer needed to go to jail!

Regarding this result, many ministers believed that the Shi brothers exchanged their niece for 3.6!

Soon, Emperor Jing'an issued another order and asked Jia Rui to inspect the homes of Wang Ziteng and Wang Zisheng!

Wang Zisheng is Sister Wang Feng’s father!

The results of the Wang brothers' treatment were the same as those of the envoy brothers!

In this way, the four major families of Jia, Wang, Shi, and Xue, headed by the Jia family, were completely destroyed and entered the dust of history!

Although the Jia Mansion still exists, it is no longer the original Jia Mansion!

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