After saying that, Jia Rui shouted loudly——

"Come here, please invite the two princes to have a taste of the dung soup! You two princes, isn't the taste of the dung soup wonderful?"

The people from the Inspection Department must go to the hut and collect materials from the local area!

Because things like dung soup cannot be stored nearby, you can only take as much as you use.

The eyes of the Shi brothers showed fear, and they couldn't help but vomited!

While vomiting, the Shi brothers looked at Xiangyun with pleading eyes!

Shi Xiangyun was very confused inside!

You know, Shi Xiangyun's parents died when he was young, and he was raised by two uncles.

Although the two aunts were a little harsh on her, the two uncles were still okay with her, especially when they hired her husband to teach her how to read, which gave her a very high level of literary accomplishment, and her talent in poetry and poetry was no less than that of Xue Baochai. And Lin Daiyu!337

Therefore, seeing the two uncles being fed fecal soup, Shi Xiangyun became uneasy!

So Shi Xiangyun shed tears and said, "Tell Cao Rui...

"As long as you don't make it difficult for my two uncles, I will write a letter of application for you."

Jia Rui smiled——

"He who understands current affairs is a hero! If Miss Shi had been so easy to talk to, wouldn't it have been easier to handle?"

Jia Rui stopped people from feeding the Shi brothers soup, and ordered the two men to be escorted down. At the same time, he let Shi Xiangyun go, but asked for paper and pen.

While sobbing, Shi Xiangyun wrote a letter of application in accordance with Jia Rui's request."

Basically it was dictated by Jia Rui and written by Shi Xiangyun.

The general idea is——

Shi Xiangyun went to Jia's house for the first time and met Jia Rui. From then on, he didn't think about Jia Rui's tea or food, and just wanted to sleep with Jia Rui. I originally wanted to marry Jia Rui as my wife, but now that Jia Rui is the Duke of the country, I can't climb up to the top, so I can only be Jia Rui's concubine. I beg Jia Rui to accept her.

After finishing writing, even Shi Xiangyun felt a little numb!

With tears in his eyes and a red face, Shi Xiangyun handed the written "voluntary letter" to Zhou Duan.

Jia Rui put away the "Volunteer (bgbf) book", hugged Shi Xiangyun into his arms, played with Shi Xiangyun's face, and said with a smile——

"My father-in-law has taken you in now, just to fulfill your wish. Are you happy?"

Shi Xiangyun was shocked and said——

"How can the Duke do this?"

In Shi Xiangyun's impression, even if Jia Rui wants to take her as his concubine, there must be some more solemn ceremonies!

However, Jia Rui has no such patience!

What's more, when Shi Xiangyun was brought back to Ningguo Mansion, there were eight pairs of jealous eyes inside!

So, Jia Rui ordered his men——

"Take care of Miss Shi's boudoir, and my father-in-law will officially accept Miss Shi as his concubine!"

The inspection department personnel present congratulated Cao Rui one after another. [013405016 Feilu 083512150]

Shi Xiangyun cried.

Now Shi Xiangyun feels like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered!

And her boudoir is her slaughterhouse!

Shi Xiangyun's boudoir was quickly tidied up, and the word "Double Happiness" was temporarily posted on the door.

Jia Rui has some expectations in his heart.

That "feeling proud system" hasn't appeared for a long time. Has it crashed?

Jia Rui thought to himself——

"Isn't it a matter of great pride for me to be lucky enough to meet Shi Xiangyun? I look forward to it!"

In this way, in broad daylight, Shi Xiangyun was stripped naked by the girl in the mansion and put on a bright red dress.

Shi Xiangyun, who was wearing bright red clothes, was like a helpless lamb, pushed into Fang Duan's arms!

Jia Rui smiled and said: "Don't be afraid! Let my father-in-law take off your clothes himself!".

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