Red Mansion: Defying The Heavens And Changing Fate, Concubine Wang Xifeng

Chapter 237 Sister Wang Feng Received A Blow On The Head!

Ever since she defeated Qiuxiang, Sister Wang Feng has taken over all the power in Ningguo Mansion!

Even Sister Wang Feng's power is more concentrated and arbitrary than when she was in power in Rongguo Mansion!

Because when Sister Wang Feng was in power in the Rongguo Mansion, she had five mountains of oppression above her—

The first is Jia Mu, the second is Jia Zheng, the third is Mrs. Wang, the fourth is Jia She, and the fifth is Mrs. Xing.

Take Mrs. Xing as an example. Although she has no real power, she is Sister Wang Feng’s nominal mother-in-law, so she can boss her around! 16 However, things are different now.

Although above Sister Wang Feng's head, there is still a big mountain called "Master" Jia Dairu.

However, Jia Dairu doesn't care!

After Ningguo Mansion "unified the world", Sister Wang Feng began to use her power to deliberately suppress Xiangling, Ping'er and Miaoyu!

Although these three people, like Sister Wang Feng, are all Jia Rui's concubines, Xiangling is even ranked ahead of Sister Wang Feng!

However, later on, when Xiangling, Ping'er, and Miaoyu spoke, no servant was willing to listen.

And no matter which servant Sister Wang Feng ordered, she would never dare to disobey!

Just when Sister Wang Feng was feeling proud, Wang Ziteng was dismissed from office, giving Sister Wang Feng a hard blow!

It turns out that when Wang Ziteng first returned to Chang'an, he was the Minister of the Ministry of War!

Due to Wang Ziteng's relationship and Jia Rui's absence, Sister Wang Feng was in charge of the Ningguo Mansion. In this way, Jia Zheng and Mrs. Wang, who were imprisoned in the Rongguo Mansion, had freedom of movement!

In this way, the three families of Jia, Wang and Shi began to cooperate again!

Moreover, with the secret support of the noble group such as King Beijing, some officials wrote to Emperor Jing'an, requesting that Wang Ziteng, the Minister of War, serve as the military envoy of the Beijing camp!

You know, although the Minister of War is in charge of the military, he has no actual military power!

However, the Jingying Jiedu Envoy is different. He is directly in charge of the important task of protecting the capital!

Wang Ziteng had served as the governor of the Beijing camp for many years and was deeply rooted in the military circles of Chang'an.

Later, Emperor Jing'an transferred Wang Ziteng out of the capital and served as the capital inspector of nine provinces.

Over the years, taking advantage of Wang Ziteng's transfer away from the capital, Emperor Jing'an vigorously eliminated Wang Ziteng's influence in the capital.

It can be said with certainty that if Wang Ziteng resumes his role as the military governor of the capital, his power in the military circles of the capital will definitely be revived!

At the same time, memorials advocating that Jia Zheng be completely exonerated and the official reinstated were also piled up in Emperor Jing'an's case.

Emperor Jing'an felt very embarrassed————

If those memorials are not accepted, the noble group headed by King Beijing will think that Emperor Jing'an is deliberately suppressing the Jia family and the Wang family!

It is obviously impossible to agree to those memorials!

At this moment, Emperor Jing'an's problem was solved——

Because Jia Rui’s good news has arrived!

Emperor Jing'an immediately decided————

Turn defense into offense!

As a result, officials from Prince Zhongshun's 690 faction began to exert their efforts and advocated punishing Prince Teng.

As for Emperor Jing'an, taking advantage of Jia Rui's victory, he secretly asked Prince Zhongshun to launch a counterattack!

Therefore, officials from Prince Zhongshun's faction immediately impeached Prince Teng!

As for Emperor Jing'an, he used the topic to his advantage and bought Wang Ziteng into office in one fell swoop!

So, a man hurriedly came to Ningguo Mansion and asked to see Sister Wang Feng!

This person is Wang Ren, son of Wang Ziteng and cousin of Sister Wang Feng!

If Jia Rui, who is familiar with the plot of "Dream of Red Mansions", is here, he must know that Wang Ren's homophone is "death of benevolence", which means unkind!

According to the original plot, Wang Ren later abducted Sister Wang Feng’s daughter, Sister Jia Qiao, but fortunately Grandma Liu rescued her!

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