Red Mansion: Defying The Heavens And Changing Fate, Concubine Wang Xifeng

Chapter 234 Your Majesty, I Haven’T Seen You For Three Months, It’S Like Three Autumns.

Jia Rui did not let Dashun's army crash around the prairie like flies!

Because there is absolutely no need!

In Jia Rui's mind, there is a dynamic "Sirius Khanate troop distribution map"!

Any mobilization of the Sirius Khanate's troops can be captured by Jia Rui's "clairvoyance"!

Jia Rui is waiting for the opportunity to fight!

The opportunity came!

Jia Rui "saw"

In the "Sesame Oil Factory" three hundred miles to the west, 30,000 soldiers and horses of the Sirius Khanate were stationed.

These 30,000 soldiers and horses are almost a lone army, keeping a long distance from the main force of the Sirius Khanate!

Jia Rui immediately mobilized his troops and prepared to eat the 30,000 defenders of "Sesame Oil Factory"!

However, Jia Rui's real goal is "Baiyang Yong" two hundred miles behind "Sesame Oil Factory"!

Because "Baiyangtun" has 10,000 soldiers and 473 horses of the Sirius Khanate, as well as tens of thousands of family members of the Sirius Khanate!

Jia Rui attacked east and west, pretending to encircle and annihilate the 30,000 defenders of "Sesame Oil Factory", but in fact, he personally led 50,000 cavalry, attacked for hundreds of miles, and launched a surprise attack on "Baiyangtun"!

In this battle, the 10,000 defenders of the Sirius Khanate were almost wiped out, and tens of thousands of their family members were killed at the same time!

The 30,000-strong Tianlang Khanate garrison at "Xiangyoufang" heard the news of the fall of "Baiyangtun" and collapsed without a fight.

The Dashun army took the opportunity to pursue and kill nearly 10,000 people!

This battle gave the Dashun Army the reputation of being brutal!

You know, in the past, the troops of the Sirius Khanate regarded the Dashun Army as sheep with no Combat Power! (bgdc)

At this time, Dashun's army was already running out of food and grass!

You know, when more than 200,000 troops entered the territory of the Sirius Khanate, the food road was too long and it was too difficult to supply food and grass!

As for the Tianlang Khanate, ever since Jia Rui led his army to burn down the food and grass, they were not in sufficient supply. In this way, Jia Rui's army of more than 200,000 people could not fight with war and obtain food on the spot.

Jia Rui decided——

Just give it up as soon as it's good, and use the excuse of lack of food and grass to return to the court!

As for the Sirius Khanate, they suffered several defeats in succession. Although it was not a major defeat, their morale was low.

In this way, for Jia Rui's more than 200,000 soldiers and horses, Jibu Khan of the Sirius Khanate adopted a strategy of temporarily avoiding the edge.

This also made Jia Rui's more than 200,000 troops appear relatively calm when retreating.

While Jia Rui arranged for the army to retreat, he himself stayed temporarily under the pretext of exploring the truth of the Sirius Khanate.

The generals of Dashun Dynasty all believed Jia Rui's words and admired Jia Rui even more -

"When Ning Guogong fights, he always takes the lead and charges forward. Even when he is trying to find out the news, he does it himself! This is something that people cannot help but admire!"

Jia Ruishi launched the "Nine Steps of Overlord" and entered Stone City in one breath, directly entering the palace of Qianxiang Kingdom.

Because Jia Rui had the "Defense Plan of the Royal Palace of Qianxiang Kingdom" in his mind, he entered Lan Tingran's palace as if strolling in a courtyard.

When he first met He Lan Yanran and saw her shy belly, Jia Rui suddenly realized——

Unconsciously, it has been more than three months since I left Helan Yanran!

Helan Yanran looked unhappy——

"What a stinky man who doesn't keep his word! He said he would see me once every three months. Isn't it more than three months?"

Jia Rui was not angry and said

"Isn't it okay if I stay a few more days this time? Until the child in your belly is born."

Helan Yanran was happy now, took the initiative to throw herself into Jia Rui's arms, and said——

"Your Majesty, not seeing you for three months is like three autumns!"

Jia Rui saw that Helan Yanran's figure had lost its gracefulness.

However, Helan Yanran's face is still so beautiful!

Jia Rui couldn't help but feel emotional. He twisted his face on Helan Yanran's pretty face and said -

"Little bitch, I want you now!"

Helan Yanran said -

"Didn't His Majesty say that you can't do that kind of thing in the next three months? Besides, I'm about to give birth!"

Jia Rui looked at Helan Yanran's small cherry mouth and smiled. .

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