Red Mansion: Defying The Heavens And Changing Fate, Concubine Wang Xifeng

Chapter 226 Long Hair, Short Knowledge, Care About The Head But Not The Buttocks

Helan Yanran must have been anxious and asked

"As Duke Ning of Dashun Dynasty and Governor of Beida, do you want to show mercy to the Sirius Khanate?"

Jia Rui nodded affirmatively and said, "Yes!"

Helan Yanran became even more anxious, her pretty face elongated, and she said——

"What do you mean? The Sirius Khanate is going to be cruel to my Qianxiang Kingdom now! How about you, but you want to be merciful to the Sirius Khanate? Could it be that Jibu of the Sirius Khanate is "one-three-zero" Khan, is he your biological brother? Even if Jibu Khan is your biological brother, he is not as close as a son and a daughter! What I carry in my belly is your flesh and blood!"

Jia Rui couldn't help but feel angry and funny. He stretched out his hand, twisted Helan Yanran's pretty face hard, and yelled at the two

"Is your brain short-circuited? Calm down, okay?"

Although her face hurt from being pinched by Jia Rui, He Lan Yanran calmed down and said -

"You have to give me a good explanation!"

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, He Lanyan realized that she had made a mistake——

Once upon a time, because she called herself "I" in front of Jia Rui, she was scolded as "Shit I"!

Because in Jia Rui's view, no matter you are a superior queen, as long as you become my woman, you must submit to me!

Therefore, Helan Yanran quickly spoke -

"You have to give me a good explanation!"

After saying that, she was afraid that Jia Rui would be angry, so she took the initiative to rub Jia Rui's face with her incomparable beautiful face, which was very flattering.

From Jia Rui's point of view, now he naturally stands firmly on the side of Xiang Kingdom against the three forces of Dashun Dynasty, Tianlang Khanate and Qianxiang Kingdom!


Because Qianxiang Country has become his personal family property——

His woman is already the queen of Qianxiang Kingdom, and his son or daughter will become the crown prince of Qianxiang Kingdom!

Just like before transmigrate, some Internet bosses claimed that they loved the Rabbit Country the most, even though their wives and children were in the Eagle Country and he was the only one making money in the Rabbit Country. Is this possible?

Jia Rui first asked Helan Yanran——

"Tell me the truth, is the strength of Qianxiang Kingdom now comparable to that of Dashun Dynasty?"

Helan Yanran rolled her eyes at Jia Rui and said

"Aren't you asking questions knowingly? The Dashun Dynasty has a vast territory, rich resources, large population, and a long history. Even the three Qianxiang Kingdoms cannot defeat the Dashun Dynasty!"

Jia Rui said: "It's good that you know! Think about it: if this time, I defeat the Sirius Khanate severely and cripple it, then will the Dashun Dynasty become the dominant one all at once?"

Helan Yanran nodded and said, "That's for sure!"

Jia Rui says something

"If there is no check and balance from the Tianlang Khanate, will the Dashun Dynasty send troops to attack the Qianxiang Kingdom?"

Helan Yanran thought about it and immediately said——

"That's right! If the Tianlang Khanate is wiped out by the Dashun Dynasty, the Dashun Dynasty will not tolerate the Qianxiang Kingdom living in the world!"

Jia Rui said————

"Therefore, for the benefit of Qianxiang Kingdom, I can attack the Sirius Khanate, but I cannot cripple the Sirius Khanate! I want the Sirius Khanate and Dashun Dynasty to continue to be entangled like this... ...0.0. Then, Qianxiang Country can continue to grow and develop in the cracks!"

Hearing this, Helan Yanran couldn't help but smile.

"You still have a long-term view and are really far-sighted!"

Jia Rui said——

"You women, you just have long hair and short knowledge. You care about your head but not your buttocks!"

After saying that, Jia Rui raised and lowered his hands, touching Helan Yanran's hair with one hand and Helan Yanran's butt with the other. .

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