Jia Rui was shocked to hear that it was an envoy from Qianxiang Kingdom asking for an audience!

At this moment, not only did an incomparable and pretty face appear in front of Jia Rui's eyes!

She is the Queen of Qianxiang Kingdom, Helan Yanran!

Although Jia Rui now has eight concubines.

Moreover, the looks of these eight concubines are all top-notch!

However, Jia Rui believes that the looks of his eight concubines cannot compare to Helan Yanran!

Although Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai are both beautiful, they are stunningly beautiful!

Jia Rui even thinks that even Princess Jinhong, the daughter of King Beijing, is not as beautiful as Helan Yanran!

Helan Yanran's beauty is a 360-degree beauty with no blind spots!

If you use one word to describe Helan Yanran's beauty, it can only be "Celestial Immortal"!

Thinking back to that night, the madness in the Qianxiang King's Palace [Cao Rui couldn't help but smile -

No matter how noble or cold a woman is, as long as you take her down, she will be as humble as a dog in front of you!

With this in mind, Jia Rui ordered——

"Let the envoy from Qian Xiang Kingdom come in...!"

After a while, the envoy from Qianxiang Kingdom came and knelt down and kowtowed to Jia Rui -

"This little man goes to see Ning Guogong of Dashun Dynasty and the Governor of Pingbei!"

Jia Rui said: "Get up!"

The envoy of Qianxiang Kingdom tells a story

"Ning Guo Gong, I have a secret and important report to report. I beg you to retreat!"

Jia Rui asked everyone around him to retreat without hesitation.

Ever since he had an affair with Queen Helan Yanran of the Qianxiang Kingdom, Jia Rui has had a natural trust in the envoys from the Qianxiang Kingdom!

In the room, there were only Jia Rui and the envoys from Qianxiang Kingdom!

The envoy from Qianxiang Kingdom did not speak, but took out a letter from his pocket and presented it to Jia Rui and said -

"Ning Guo Gong, please take a look!"

When Jia Rui took the letter and read it, his eyes immediately opened wide!

After a night of romance with Helan Yanran in the palace of Qianxiang Kingdom, Jia Rui forced Helan Yanran to write a "guarantee letter"

Therefore, Jia Rui recognized Helan Yanran's handwriting!

This letter is a handwritten letter from He Lan Yanran!

Helan Yanran's letter is very simple, only a few sentences -

"Your Excellency Lord Ning Guo, please set off immediately and come to Stone City to discuss important matters with me. If you arrive too late, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life!"

After seeing the last sentence, Jia Rui's heart suddenly exploded!

In Jia Rui's view, the Queen of Qianxiang Kingdom, Helan Yanran, is already his target of conquest!

Not to mention that Helan Yanran has lost her virginity to him, just the fact that he has Helan Yanran's "guarantee letter" in hand is enough to control Helan Yanran!

But now, Helan Yanran actually asked Jia Rui to rush to Stone City immediately!

And he issued a threat to make Jia Rui regret it for the rest of his life!

If Helan Yanran were right in front of him, Jia Rui really wanted to point at Helan Yanran's nose and yell -

"Little bitch, who gave you the courage to make me regret it for the rest of my life? Did you drink too much soju or ecstasy soup?"

Although he was furious in his heart, as a transmigrator who had lived in two lifetimes (Li Zhao), Jia Rui had long learned to keep his emotions and anger invisible!

Therefore, Jia Rui said calmly to the envoy from Qianxiang Kingdom——

"You should retreat first and have a good meal. If you want to stay in the city and play for a few days, you can play for a few days. If you don't want to play, you can go back after eating!"

Then, Jia Rui called someone to take the envoy from Qianxiang Kingdom down for dinner.

Jia Rui thought in his heart——

"He Lan Yanran, you little bitch, I will make you kneel down and sing "Conquer!".

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