Red Mansion: Defying The Heavens And Changing Fate, Concubine Wang Xifeng

Chapter 217 Enjoying The Blessings Of Being Together Without Knowing The Pain Of The Journey

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

Let's say that Jia Rui led an army of 100,000 people, marched day and night, and headed north.

Because he had four concubines, Jia Rui had a happy time every night!

Whenever he camped, Jia Rui would set up two inner tents in his tent.

It is equivalent to a house with two bedrooms and one living room.

Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai lived in a small tent, and Qie'er and Wan'er lived in a small tent.

Xue Baochai was a transparent person and sensible in his actions. Since he became Jia Rui's concubine, he would just go with the flow and try to please Jia Rui.

As for Lin Daiyu, she has always been arrogant and arrogant.

In order to stimulate Lin Daiyu and teach her to "be a human being", whenever Jia Rui came to Chai Dai's tent, he not only visited Xue Baochai, but also visited her in front of Lin Daiyu. 16

Lin Daiyu had nowhere else to go, so in order to avoid seeing Jia Rui and Xue Baochai's affair, she simply covered her face with a quilt.

However, when Jia Rui stayed in Chai Dai's small tent for six nights and was blessed by Xue Baochai every time, Lin Daiyu finally lost her composure!

When Jia Rui came to Chai Dai's tent on the seventh night, Lin Daiyu jumped in front of Xue Baochai and threw herself into Jia Rui's arms!

Jia Rui couldn't help but feel happy——

"Boy, you're still a little green to fight with me!"

Jia Rui pretended to be puzzled and said something

"Diel, what are you doing?"

Lin Daiyu did not answer, but said——

"Whatever the Duke wants to do, just do it!"

Jia Rui couldn't help laughing. He twisted Lin Daiyu's pretty face heavily and said four words -

"correct answer!"

The next morning, when Jia Rui left, Xue Baochai smiled and congratulated Lin Daiyu on the second day -

"Hexi Dai'er!"

Lin Daiyu looked at Xue Baochai——

"Do you blame me for robbing you of your good things?"

Xue Baochai didn't answer and changed the subject.

Now that there is a first time, it is logical that there will be a second time!

In this way, when Jia Rui came to Chai Dai's tent again, Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu would rush to express their enthusiasm.

The situation in Yue'er and Wan'er's small tent was completely different.

Yue'er and Wan'er are both Hu girls, not as reserved as girls from the Central Plains.

Therefore, once the window paper between men and women is broken, Yue'er and Wan'er become passionate.

Whenever Jia Rui met one of them, the other one would serve him with tea and water, showing no shyness at all.

Jia Rui enjoys all the blessings of the people, but where can he find the pain of traveling?

The army of the Dashun Dynasty had always been highly hierarchical.

Regarding Jia Rui's "privilege" of bringing women along during his march, the army of 100,000 people had no objection at all!

On this day, Tan Ma came to report to Rui——

"Report to the Governor: Dangyang City is still a hundred miles away!"

Dangyang City was an important border town of the Dashun Dynasty, and also the place where Wang Ziteng, the governor of the nine provinces, was stationed!

About half a year ago, when the Tianlang Khanate invaded heavily, Prince Teng retreated steadily, abandoned Dangyang City and fled south.

Later, with 50,000 soldiers and horses, Jia Rui took advantage of the 437 Qianxiang Kingdom to surprise Tianhai, the capital of the Sirius Khanate, destroying all the food and grass of the Sirius Khanate and forcing Jibu Khan of the Sirius Khanate to return.

In this way, Dangyangcheng returned to Wang Ziteng's ministers.

Today's Dangyang City, after being robbed by the Sirius Khanate, has long lost its former prosperity!

Jia Rui asked Tan Ma to investigate again, secretly thinking——

"Wizi Teng, we are finally going to meet!"

Jia Rui has not seen Wang Ziteng since the transmigrate!

As for Jia Rui's former host, because his level was too low and he was not related to Wang Ziteng, he naturally had no chance to meet Wang Ziteng!

Therefore, even in Jia Rui's memory, there is no trace of Wang Ziteng!

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