However, Jia Rui is still very confident about Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai's poetry writing talents!

Although Jia Rui now has the "Encyclopedia of Ancient and Modern Poems" in his mind due to the function of the system, in the final analysis, it is just "dropping the book bag"!

When it comes to real skills in composing poems and lyrics, Jia Rui knows that he is far inferior to Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai!

Regarding this, Jia Rui is still self-aware!

It is precisely because of his high confidence in Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai that Jia Rui naturally does not want to stop Jin Hong's actions. Instead, he wants to see how Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai can convince Jin Hong with their strength!

Jia Rui, who is familiar with the plot of "Dream of Red Mansions", knows that both Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai are good at "proposition composition"!

No matter what the topic is, no matter what the rhyme is, they can do it calmly and with ease!

At that moment, Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai also said lightly————

"Please ask the princess to come up with a topic!"

For a time, even King Beijing and Qian Dayun were watching all this with interest.

Qian Dayun also said to King Beijing in a joking way——

"Your Majesty, I have been to the Jia Mansion many times, and I know that several girls and female relatives in the Jia Mansion are good at poetry, and they are even as good as some of the great poets in the world."

King Beijing laughed——

"Is it (bgaa)? Xiao Wang needs to appreciate it carefully."

Jin Hong sneered secretly in her heart, because she came prepared!

For Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai, they are highly confident in poetry!

Therefore, Lin Daiyu said with some disdain——

"Please ask the princess to come up with a topic."

At this time, Yue'er spoke again——

"What's the point of a woman writing poetry? She might as well be riding a horse on the prairie!"

As soon as Yue'er's words came out, she immediately attracted the attention of everyone.

Wan'er pinched Yue'er and said -

"You were slapped on the mouth because you were talking nonsense, have you forgotten?"

King Beijing smiled and looked at Jia Rui——

"Ning Guogong, is this speaker Hu Nu?"

Jia Rui said————

"Back to the prince: She is the daughter of Jibu Khan. Hu Nu Wuji made the prince laugh."

King Beijing said: "The words are simple and very cute."

This time, Jia Rui did not punish Yue'er for talking too much.

Jin Hong glanced at Jia Rui, her voice full of sarcasm——

"The Duke of Guo is so powerful and majestic! He even managed to get anyone to sleep with him! I admire him!"

King Beijing sternly rebuked Jin Hong——

"No matter what you say, it's not big or small! Are you allowed to comment on the Duke's actions?"

Jia Rui glanced at Jin Hong calmly and swore secretly——

"You have a nice little figure and a nice little appearance! One day, I will get you into bed and let you know how powerful I am and how powerful I am!"

Although the current King of Beijing is extremely powerful, majestic and arrogant.

However, Jia Rui knew that according to the normal plot, King Beijing would eventually be cut off by Emperor Jing'an and become a mere commander!

Now, with Jia Rui's help, it will become easier for Emperor Jing'an to cut off King Beijing's power!

Jia Rui guessed——

The fate of King Beijing will only be worse than before!

If King Beijing cannot protect himself, then the best fate for Princess Jinhong is to become Zhirui's concubine!

Therefore, Jia Rui is already looking down at Princess Jinhong in his heart!

In Jia Rui's eyes, Princess Jinhong is just a grasshopper after autumn and can't jump for a few days!

Jin Hong didn't look at Jia Rui, but looked at Xue Baochai and Lin Daiyu coldly, and said -

"As long as I give you a topic, can you both compose poems on the spot?"

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