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True Destiny turns and turns into a dragon. In the special way of “The Decree of the Immemorial Will”, he walks along Chen Xiaobei’s veins.

Every time you swim for a week, you can grow stronger by one point.

As the cultivation decision passed by Heavenspan Cult Master, “The Decree of the Immemorial Will” has 2 major advantages.

The first is to increase speed, which can be said to be fast.

The second is True Qi’s attribute, which is both invisible and phaseless No Attribute and all-inclusive attribute!

These two advantages are not only against the sky, but also extremely practical.

The first point is a great help to cultivation. Others have been cultivating for several years, not even a few hours of Chen Xiaobei cultivation!

The second point is very helpful to the battle. I want to under the same realm. If the True Qi attribute can restrain the opponent, it can increase the chance of winning by at least 2%!

For this reason, although Chen Xiaobei has the “cultivation plug-in” of Xiao’er, he can’t relax on the cultivation of “The Decree of the Immemorial Will”. If he has time, he must take care of it.

And, strictly speaking, “The Decree of the Immemorial Will” also has the third major advantage, that is, to communicate with Heavenspan Cult Master divine sense to get in touch.

Because Rahu Demon Race begin to stir, Heavenspan Cult Master most of the time, have to go to the barren land, trying to find the end of barren, panic Demon Race completely sealed.

The Three Realms Immortal Network does not cover the ancient land.

Therefore, Chen Xiaobei can only reach Heavenspan Cult Master after entering the book through “The Decree of the Immemorial Will”.

You 10000000 don’t underestimate this!

Chen Xiaobei contacted Heavenspan Cult Master several times before and got important instructions and tips, even the key to reversing the universe.

With the passage of time, Chen Xiaobei was unconsciously, once again reaching the state of being fixed.


I don’t know how long it has passed. A familiar silhouette of Junyi appeared in Chen Xiaobei’s mind.

It was a young daoist that looked about 27~28 years old, with a handsome appearance and excellent temperament!

The bridge of the nose is tall and the lips are moderately thick. There seems to be some slutty between the eyebrows and some laziness.

But those dark eyes that are as deep as the universe reveal the light of wisdom that people dare not underestimate!

Obviously, Heavenspan Cult Master contacted Chen Xiaobei again.

“Master! I finally saw you! Disciple meets Master!”

Chen Xiaobei was excited and saluted Master in his mind.

“For a long time without contact, you must have a lot of things to ask?” Heavenspan Cult Master is calm and ready to answer questions for Chen Xiaobei.

“Yes! A lot has happened recently!”

Chen Xiaobei thought for a while and said, “First of all, it is Jiang Ziya! This Old Guy, like Shen Gongbao at the time, came to me as an undercover!”

“You have seen him, you are better than a teacher at this point!” Heavenspan Cult Master indifferently said.

“Master is humble! At that time, because of the volume of disaster, the sky was not obvious, and you were deceived by Shen Gongbao!” Chen Xiaobei said.

“You don’t need to mention things back then, let’s talk about yours!” Heavenspan Cult Master said.

“The second thing I want to say is Six-Eared Macaque!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “Disciple has overheard that this big demon is a vacancy for the original old man to drill the rules of reincarnation, so he can live again! If this point is brought to Hong Jun Dao Ancestor, the crime of the original old man can be cured!”

“In addition, Shen Gongbao secretly issued Red Envelope to Six-Eared Macaque, knowing that the law violated the law, and law enforcement violated the law! When this incident broke out, Shen Gongbao could be removed!”

Hearing this, Heavenspan Cult Master did not express a position, but asked: “The teacher wants to hear your plan! Since you already know these things, but there is no early disclosure, it means that you have your own ideas in your heart!”

“Master Holy Light!”

Chen Xiaobei nodded and said: “Disciple believes that these two things can be pressed first! When it breaks out when it is critical, it can become an important bargaining chip in the hands of the Master and force the original old man to make some major concessions!”

“Those who know me say that I am worried, but those who don’t know me call me what I want?” Heavenspan Cult Master smiled with relief, nodded again and again.

Chen Xiaobei expression was slightly started, startled happily said: “Disciple has the same idea as Master?”

“Yes! You are talking about what the teacher thought!”

Heavenspan Cult Master nodded, said: “The two things you said can be big or small! If you expose it now, it’s just a trivial matter! But if you come to the amount of robbery, it will be a major event!”

Chen Xiaobei grinned and said, “when the time comes to discuss the conditions with the original old man again, I am not afraid that he will not agree!”

“Right, that is it……”

Heavenspan Cult Master’s tone was a bit low, saying: “It’s just that the last time I robbed me of Section Cult’s heavy losses, the flourishing age of 10000 celestial dynasty, and the last scattered death, only the teacher and Azure Ox… So, The chip you created becomes extremely important!”

Heavenspan Cult Master complexion sank said abruptly: “If it were not so, being a teacher will never let you feel this birdish!”

“Master is serious!”

Chen Xiaobei grinned with a smile: “Although Disciple is angry, Six-Eared Macaque’s bundle of immortals has been collected by Disciple, and Jiang old man has also been picked up by Disciple! They partnered plot against Disciple’s bird spirit early. Already out!”

“You’re heart wide!” Heavenspan Cult Master also smilely smiled, solemn aura dissipated, indifferently asked: “Why not kill them? You are not afraid to let the tiger returns to the mountains?”

Chen Xiaobei said: “Six-Eared Macaque is an enemy, but it does not obey the discipline of discipline, and it is very moral about the rivers and lakes. This splash monkey!”

“This is a good idea!”

Heavenspan Cult Master said: “If you can conquer Six-Eared Macaque, take him back to Heavenly Realm, and bring his Divine Soul back to the body of the previous life, he will be able to exert his strength comparable to Sun Wukong, for you , Definitely a powerful help like a tiger that has grown wings!”

Chen Xiaobei excitedly said: “Yes! Disciple just heard that Six-Eared Macaque and Brother Hou had no match at the time, so I wanted to recruit him even more!”

Heavenspan Cult Master said: “This thing is for the teacher to remind you not to treat Six-Eared Macaque with Heavenly Court dog food! This thing is too domineering, it wipes out the human heart, and it also wipes out the heart! As soon as the Dao heart is destroyed, the Dao Road is broken!”

“Disciple understands.”

Chen Xiaobei nodded, said: “Disciple uses Heavenly Court dogs, and they are all opponents who become impossible to become friends! As long as there is a little bit of potential friends, Disciple will never erase their original intentions!”

Heavenspan Cult Master slightly smiled, revealing a smile of found, and asked: “So, you didn’t give Jiang Ziya Heavenly Court dog food, are you planning to bring Jiang Ziya under your command?”

“Master Holy Light!”

Chen Xiaobei affirmed: “Jiang Ziya is a rare talent, and he has protected the family and friends of Disciple. From the heart, Disciple really wants to counter him and become himself!”

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