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“Why…what a little bastard you are!”

When the enemy met, he was extremely jealous. The moment 7 Jiro Umekawa saw Chen Xiaobei, his anger burst out of his eyes.

“Mei Chuan! Don’t think you are the person invited by grandfather, you can be unscrupulous!”

Tian Zuo Xue Ji was in front of Chen Xiaobei and said angrily: “Mr. Chen is my life saving benefactor! You dare to disrespect Mr. Chen again, believe or not I will blow you out!”

“I… am I wrong but not okay…”

Meichuan 7 Jirou called a grievance, the teeth were all pumped off by Chen Xiaobei, is it okay to even scold him?

“Mr. Chen, let’s go, don’t care about him!” Tian Zuo Xue Ji whitened Meichuan 7 Jiro and called Chen Xiaobei directly to walk in.

“8 Ga!”

Meichuan 7 Jirou glared angrily at Chen Xiaobei’s back, and said coldly: “When I give the gift to Tian Zuo Old Master first, as long as his Senior is happy, I will let him blast this little bastard out of Tian Zuo’s house in minutes! “

Inner courtyard of the manor.

There is a large European-style house, which is similar to the common villa from the outside.

But as soon as it entered, it was a place of charm and beauty!

The big house is full of all kinds of cultural relics, all around the world, but from China, it accounts for about 2/3.

As a result, China has a long history, vast territory and abundant resources, and cultural relics are naturally more abundant than other places.

2 Come, the owner of the big house is probably more interested in the historical relics of China.

Using Eight Divinatory Trigrams Qi Viewing Technique, Chen Xiaobei glanced over, there was no fake in the house, and the antiquities of each cultural relic were at least golden, and the purple-gold accounted for half.

It can be seen that the owner of the big house also has a very high pursuit of his collection. It is not a boutique, and simply will not be put here.

“Dragon Fang Zun!”

In sight, Chen Xiaobei immediately locked his goal.

Just in the middle of the big house, a 4-square Dragon Mark Ancient Bronze Cauldron is quietly placed in a special glass cover.

Purple Gold’s breath is haunting and can be determined directly, this is indeed the real thing!

Chen Xiaobei 2 Without saying a word, immediately open Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes, take a closer look, there is indeed a mezzanine inside this Dulong Fangzun.

“En? What’s that?”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, revealing doubts.

The interlayer does exist, but inside the interlayer is not the Eight-Branched Giant Snake scale Li Xiang is looking for, but a string of black purple rosary beads.

The material of the rosary looks like jade stone, but the color is very weird. Chen Xiaobei seems to have seen it before.

It’s Yin Qi!

The color on the rosary is exactly the same as the color of Yin Qi gathered on the forehead of Tensuke Seki at the airport!

But the strange thing is that this string of rosary beads is so well sealed that Yin Qi has no leakage at all, that is to say, this is not the source of Yin Qi on Tian Zuo Xue Ji, then Yin Qi, who caused her to be comatose, came from Come?

“Can’t see, you are also an antique lover, so fascinated!”

Tian Zuo Xue Ji carried his hands on his back, pursed his mouth, and there was so much complaint in his tone.

With such a high-value little rich lady by her side, Chen Xiaobei looked at steadily forward staring at Dulong Fangzun without even looking at herself.

Used to being held by everyone as a star, only Chen Xiaobei is very’cold’ to himself.

This makes Tian Zuo Xue Ji very concerned, is it that his charm is so bad?

“Xue Ji! I heard that your life saving benefactor is here, is this one?”

At this moment, an old man with white hair dressed in a black-grey kimono, stepping on the wooden clogs unique to the island country, walked in slowly.

Obviously, this old man is the grandfather of Tian Zuo Xue Ji, Tian Zuo’s Patriarch, the undisputed richest man in the island country, Tian Zuo Yuhiko!

Behind him, he followed a group of fifty-sixty-year-old guys who were successful at first glance.

As soon as they entered the big house, the sight of these guys fell on Chen Xiaobei.

I want to take a look at who are you, and I can save the life of Tian Zuo Eldest Young Lady.

If you can seize the opportunity and let the Tian Zuo family push one behind the other, even if fish leaping over the dragon gate, it is by no means impossible.

“Let me introduce, this is Chen Zhufeng, who pulled me back from the gates of hell at the airport, Mr. Chen!”

Tian Zuo Xueji continued: “This is my grandfather, and those who are my grandfather’s friends are antique experts and antique lovers.”

“I heard that Mr. Chen is from Huaxia, and it just responded to the old Chinese saying, Heroes come out from the Youth!”

Tensuo Yuhiko said with a faint smile: “You are young and have extraordinary medical skills, and the future is bound to be unlimited!”

“Yeah yeah……”

The group of people around was headed by Tian Zuoxiu Yanma, each and everyone followed straight nodded, and they began to wonder how to get rid of Chen Xiaobei.

Chen Xiaobei was only slightly nodded to Tian Zuo Xiongyan, and did not intend to have any relationship with this group of people, continue to observe the situation of Dulong Fangzun.

“Didn’t expect, Mr. Chen is also a fellow in the same way?”

Tian Zuo Xiongyan didn’t mind, came over and said: “This Dulong Fang Zun is the old man’s favorite collection…”

Before waiting for Tian Sao Yan’s words to finish, Chen Xiaobei’s words were not surprisingly endless and said: “Send it to me!”


As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the big house was stunned.

“Is this kid too arrogant? Mr. Tian Zuo’s favorite is this Dulong Fangzun, how could it be given away?”

“That’s right! He thought he saved Eldest Young Lady’s life and could act wilfully? It’s too believe oneself infallible!”

“Everyone says that Chinese people are humble, I don’t think he simply knows what humility is!”


The group of antique lovers around the world made dissatisfied voices and asked Chen Xiaobei to snort disdainfully.

Tian Zuo Xiongyan also revealed some unpleasant expressions, said solemnly: “China has a saying, a gentleman does not win people’s favors! Mr. Chen made such a request, which would violate the way of a gentleman!”

“I made this request to save your granddaughter’s life!” Chen Xiaobei asked: “Is your granddaughter’s life important, or is it an antique?”

“Naturally is the life of Xue Ji is important! But, is there any connection between these two?” Tian Zuo Xiu Yan asked frowned.

“I’m inconvenient to talk about the connection, and you may not understand what I said.”

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently: “If you believe, send me Dulong Fangzun, and I will protect your granddaughter from getting sick! If you don’t believe me, then I will say nothing, and if your granddaughter gets sick again, you don’t have to come I!”

“This…” Tian Zuo Xiuyan fell into hesitation.

“Tianzuo grandfather! 10000000 Don’t believe him!”

At this time, Umagawa 7 Jirou took someone in and said, “The gift I brought you today can be helpful to Xueji Young Lady’s condition! There is no need to ask the kid!”

After that, the two people behind him came in with a tray.

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