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Dealer’s Treasure!

This time, Chen Xiaobei has come for the third time.

There was no change at the scene. The abandoned Spirit Stone scattered all over the place was still there. It can be seen that not at all people have come in within 2 days.

And after this time, what will not be left here!

“Harvest! Start!”

Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised, directly waved a shelf around him, and included it in the space ring.

The shelf made of small leaf red sandalwood, but a shelf, I am afraid it will be several 1000000 RMB, and the things placed on it are even more precious!

Starting from the left, the first row of cabinets is filled with all kinds of jewelry and jade, all of which are fine products!


The second row of cabinets, filled with antique calligraphy and paintings, is comparable to a small museum!


The third row of cabinets, filled with martial skill Cultivation Technique, is even more than a 3nd-class Sect collection!


The 4th row of cabinets, filled with weapons and armor, were either made by famous masters or the supplies of the ancient Royal Army!


The fifth row of cabinets is filled with medicine ingredients Spiritual Pill, each of which is extremely rare and has a priceless market!


Within a few minutes, a huge treasure trove of dealers had been completely emptied by Chen Xiaobei, leaving no residue.

Dragon City 4 The bookmaker of everyone! Accumulate a strong foundation of hundreds of years! In this way, Chen Xiaobei was completely included in the bag!

“Hmph hmph! After staring at it for so long, I finally wiped it out completely today! It’s really fun to grab all the enemy’s things! It’s so sour!”

Chen Xiaobei grinned and smiled evilly: “When it’s so cool, let Young Master let me pretend to help!”

As soon as he thought about it, Chen Xiaobei took out the Ma Liang magic pen from the space ring for a long time.

Raise your hand and write a large list of characters on the wall of the treasure house!



The wounded house.

“Today is already the 3rd day! Taking another dose of Wu Lao Divine Doctor, we can get out of bed like Junmo.”

Yue Junmo leaned on the pillow, looking good and in a good mood.

“When will Divine Doctor come over today? I can’t wait!”

Yue Junmo stood at the door with a look of despair.

Su Dongruo and Xu Changqing are also similar, staring at the door, looking forward to the stars and the moon, and Chen Xiaobei to come soon.

“My grandfather called just now and said he would be able to come in half an hour!”

At this time, Zhuang Hao, Zhuang Bihuang, Zhuang old hag, 3 people came in together.

“Looking at this time, Ye Jianming should have included Lan Family Group in the bag!”

Zhuang Hao said with a cold laugh: “As soon as Lan Family is done, it will not be too far to catch Chen Xiaobei! While there is still half an hour now, everyone will talk about how to torture Chen Xiaobei before he is relieved?”

“I’m going to smash Lan Mengchen’s face in front of Chen Xiaobei! Then grab all the women of Chen Xiaobei and go over it all! Finally, throw these women into the hair salon and do the cheapest prostitutes!”

At this time, Zhuang Bifan also ran in and shouted.

Zhuang out of the ordinary follow closely from behind, not to be outdone said: “I’m going to castrate Chen Xiaobei! Then, smear chili oil on his wound!”

“Hugh nonsense!”

Zhuang old hag said solemnly: “You naive thoughts, I’m so sorry to come up and say, to provoke the joke of your guests!”

“It doesn’t matter!”

Su freezed said with a malicious smile: “The way they said 2 is also a must! As long as Chen Xiaobei is in pain, we will be relieved!”

“Su Great Elder is too puzzled!”

Yue Changkongyin said with a smile: “Zhuang Laotaijun thinks their methods are naive, indicating that Zhuang Laotaijun must have a better way!”

“Lao Zhuang, please enlighten me!” Yue Junmo asked with great expectation.

“I once heard a special torture called, live peeling!” Zhuang old hag said with narrowed eyes.

“Live peeling? What does this mean?” Xu Changqing curiously asked.

Zhuang old hag smiled coldly and said: “Buried Chen Xiaobei’s body in the soil, only showing his head! Using a blade, cut the skin on his head! Then pour the mercury in!”

“Mercury flows down the body through the blood, and it will make him very itchy, desperately struggling, and the skin and flesh gradually separate. In the end, the eyes are corroded, the skin and flesh are completely separated, and he will jump out with pain!”

“People are still alive, but the whole human skin will stay in the soil! This is what is called, live skinning!”

These words are terrifying. If common people hear them, I am afraid that their scalp will tingle and shudder.

But everyone in this big house was hearing this, but all showed excitement, looking forward to the appearance of this scene.

“WTF! It’s too sweet!”

Zhuang Hao smiled, looking like a bloodthirsty devil: “Just play like this! When we catch Chen Xiaobei, we will use this to make him an appetizer! We peeled the skin first, and slowly tortured him…Uh! Ah… …”

Before he had finished speaking, Zhuang Hao’s complexion changed suddenly, and a painful wailing suddenly appeared in his mouth.

“Zhuang Hao! What’s wrong with you?”

Everyone cast their eyes in surprise. They didn’t know why Zhuang Hao was doing this.

“Uh… Ah! My chest… hurts! It hurts me!”

In the eyes that surprised everyone, Zhuang Hao covered his heart with his hands and knelt down when his legs were soft.

I saw that his entire face was twisted quickly, with blue foreheads bursting out, face deathly pale like paper, and his whole body began to tremble violently.

“Zhuang Hao! What’s wrong with you? Don’t scare us!”

Zhuang old hag was frightened and asked aloud.

“Dad! Dad, what’s wrong with you?”

Both Zhuang Bifan and Zhuang out of the ordinary were stunned, and were immediately scared.

“My chest… my heart is like a knife… pain… vomit! pu…”

Before Zhuang Hao finished speaking, he bowed his head and spurted a stain of blood.

The plasma was mixed with minced meat, as if the heart and lungs were torn to pieces by everything, and all were spit out together.


The next moment, Zhuang Hao turned to the ground weakly, and the blood in his mouth was still pouring out.

“Zhuang Hao! Zhuang Hao!”

Zhuang Bihuang quickly dwelled over and touched Zhuang Hao’s artery, his face immediately changed dramatically: “Zhuang… Zhuang Hao is dead…”

“What? Dead?”

In an instant, the audience died.

Just a few seconds ago, Zhuang Hao grinned and cursed Chen Xiaobei!

Who dares to think, just a few seconds later, a good person is so dead!

The hearts of everyone at the scene were fiercely shocked by the unimaginable scene in front of them.

Each and everyone expression is sluggish, the heart is beating like it is about to pop out of the throat, and cold sweat is shua shua’s madness.

“Call! Call me Great Grandfather…uh…” Zhuang Bifan screamed, but before he had finished speaking, he fell over his chest.

“Uh…” Immediately, Zhuang out of the ordinary fell down.

“Pu … pu …”

In the next moment, two brothers vomited blood, and like Zhuang Hao, they died directly!

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