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Ye Jianming’s slap the table and stand up, flustered and exasperated said: “Asshole’s! Who are you special? How dare you intervene in Lao’zi!”

“Make a place.”

The foreign youngster ignored Ye Jianming and walked to the conference table.

“Please sit here with me… please sit here with me… please please…”

The three guys who were about to sell their shares, just like their filial sons and grandchildren, stood up and scrambled to grab a seat for the foreign youngster.

The foreign youngster sat down and said three words: “Sign up.”

The two lawyers accompanying them immediately took out the contract and gave them to the three guys.

Seeing the scene in front of me, everyone in Lan Family was dumbfounded and killed Cheng Yaojin halfway. Want to buy equity in Lan Family Group? What kind of trouble is this?

“Sign your sister! No sign!”

Ye Jianming was stunned and snarled. “This foreign stunned head does not know the depth. Do you three have to follow the mental retardation?”

“Mr. Ye, you are more polite!” 3 shareholders complexion sank, coldly said.

“Why be polite? Is there something wrong with my words?”

Ye Jianming said angrily: “I Ye Family is in the business world! The dealer is proud of the political world! You 3 dare to sign this contract, that is, you are self-defeating from the Chinese business and political circles! You are not mentally retarded, what is it?”

“Mr. Ye, let me tell you the truth. It’s you who don’t know the depths! This Young Master, even if Ye Zhuang’s two families have done everything, absolutely can’t fight! If we don’t sign this contract, then it really is Intellectually disabled!”

Three shareholders glanced at the contract casually, and the name was signed under’shua~ shua~ shua~ ‘3 3.

“Really…really signed?” Lan Zhengguo stunned in an instant, and everyone in Lan Family’s chin almost fell to the ground.

Is this plot reversing too fast?

In a blink of an eye, Lan Family Group’s absolute controller became the foreign youngster who had played less than 3 minutes!

Yezhuang’s 2 families have done everything, but this youngster?

Who are you in the end?

Why did he join Lan Family Group at this time?

Isn’t this openly against the Yezhuang family?


Seeing this, Ye Jianming almost spurted old blood onto the ceiling.

The shares of these 3 shareholders are the most critical part of Yezhuang’s 2 conspiracies!

This scene is like the two Yezhuangs are preparing to drag racing, and finally plan the most perfect direction and route, full of thought that they can achieve the goal smoothly, but it is good, the car has not been started, but the car key has been robbed by others!

That’s called a depression!

“Who are you! Who is your special!”

Ye Jianming pointed at the foreign youngster and scolded: “Don’t think that you have bought the shares, it is equal to winning us! The political and business circles have exerted full pressure, and we can still play Lan Family!”

“Mr. Ye Jianming! Based on your remarks, we can sue you to intimidate others!” said a sober lawyer.

“Sue me?”

Ye Jianming said arrogantly: “Oh! Okay! You just sue! Is it true that my family and contacts of Ye Family are paperwork? If you are afraid to sue, I am your grandson!”

Lawyer coldly snorted, disdainful: “It’s not me who hit you, you Ye Family is not qualified to be a grandson in front of our Young Master!”

Everyone was shocked when this statement came out.

You know, Ye Family is one of the Dragon City Four Great Families. It has a strong background and a vast network. Apart from the hidden world forces, Ye Family is definitely one of the most powerful secular giants!

However, in the lawyer’s mouth, Ye Family did not even have the qualification to be a grandson!

Even a lawyer dares to be so arrogant, what terrifying existence should that foreign youngster have?

Lan Family looked at each other, even if the brain was wide open, they could not guess the identity of the youngster.

The son of the president of a country? The son of the richest man in a country?

In the consciousness of ordinary people, this is already the maximum height that youngster can reach.

“Asshole’s! Pretend not to pay, right?”

Ye Jianming’s guess was similar to everyone’s, and he roared angrily: “Even the President of the United States wants me to be 30%! Just because you are a small lawyer, dare to underestimate me Ye Family?”

The lawyer shrugged, indifferently said: “I not at all underestimate Ye Family, because, I simply did not take Ye Family in my eyes!”

“What are you talking about?” Ye Jianming hearing this, almost mad at him.

A trifling lawyer, how dare you act so hard!

Looking at the foreign youngster, I was too lazy to speak from beginning to end, and directly regarded Ye Jianming as air!

At the same time, Lan Family everyone has dumbstruck, this kind of’Divine Immortal fight’ scene, caused 100000000 10000 times nuclear explosion impact on their hearts, and even made them unable to bear to doubt their lives.

“pa pa! ”

Lawyer pats hands, there seems to be movements.

Soon, seven other people came in outside the door.

These 7 people are all in suits and leather, with good temperament, at first glance is the kind of successful middle-aged businessman.

“Old Zhang? Old Li? Old Wang? You… why are you here?”

Ye Jianming expression was shocked, and his face was bold and bold.

Obviously, these seven people knew and knew each other very well.

They are the 7 largest shareholders of the Ye’s Group, and the shares in their hands add up to more than 60% of the total shares of the Ye’s Group!

“Mr. Ye, we are here to tell you that all the shares in our hands have been transferred to this gentleman! From now on, he is the absolute controller of the Ye Group!”

The seven people went behind the foreign youngsters and stood in line.

In the hands of each of them, holding a contract, obviously not a cracking a joke.


Ye Jianming was battered by an electric shock. His body shivered and collapsed on his chair. Bean’s cold sweat suddenly covered his forehead.

“This … this this this …”

Lan Family everyone was also shocked by the scalp numbness, eyes almost fell to the ground.

The shares of the 7 largest shareholders of Ye’s were all bought by the foreign youngster, that is to say, the huge Ye’s Group has been directly collected by him!

And from beginning to end, the expression of this youngster has no fluctuations.

It seems that what he bought is not a big group, but an insignificant little toy that’s all.

Until this moment, all the people deeply realized that the lawyer said that Ye Family did not even have the qualification to be a grandson.

“You…who the hell are you…”

Ye Jianming’s face deathly pale was paper-like, and his expression was extremely painful. He held his heart tightly with one hand, and looked at the youngster with a lost heart.

Lan Family’s eyes also looked towards the youngster.

Let’s collect Lan’s first! Take Ye’s again!

Such a bullish character with lightning has completely surpassed everyone’s brain, no one can guess his identity.

The youngster still ignored Ye Jianming and turned to Lan Zhengguo, said with a faint smile: “introduce myself, I’m Fack Rothschild!”

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