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After collecting Spirit Qi and Qingyun Spirit Mushroom, Chen Xiaobei randomly found some herbs and used it to fool Zhuang Bifan.

As for other things in the treasure trove, Chen Xiaobei will not take it for the time being, and when the net is officially closed, I will try again!

Leave the dealer.

Chen Xiaobei immediately returned to Northern Profound Sect and injected Spirit Qi of 10000 Spirit Stones into Green Jade Treasure Cauldron.

Powered by Hong Hai’er’s Three Smells True Fire, about 3 days later, 10 pieces of Heavenly Court dog food elaborately made by Chen Xiaobei can be freshly baked.

Some of them will be sent into the enemy’s mouth, and the rest will be prepared for the island country!

There is no doubt that the investment of 10000 Spirit Stones, even for Chen Xiaobei, is absolutely astronomical.

But there is no doubt that such an investment is definitely worth the money!

The day when Heavenly Court dog food was refined was Chen Xiaobei’s official collection day!


In the next day, Chen Xiaobei went to the dealer to deliver medicine.

Yue Changkong, Su Dongruo, Xu Changqing, the injuries of these three people improved slightly, but they still need to continue treatment.

Yue Junmo’s injury recovered the fastest, and he was able to get out of bed and walk a few steps.

The injuries of the four enemies are gradually improving, and their trust in Chen Xiaobei has naturally deepened.

After returning from the dealer that day, Chen Xiaobei received a call from Wei Zuo.

“Brother Bei! The things you want me to check are all clear!”

Wei Zuo said solemnly: “Since yesterday, the people of Ye Family have begun to mobilize a lot of liquidity and submitted an application to the Stock Regulatory Authority. They will initiate equity acquisitions for several small shareholders of Qingteng Lan Family Group!”

“Well, it’s similar to what I learned, let’s talk about the details directly!” Chen Xiaobei said.

Wei Zuo continued: “According to calculations, Ye Family is preparing to launch a equity acquisition of the three shareholders of Lan Family Group! Once the acquisition is completed, Ye will form an absolute holding of Lan Family Group with a 3% stake!”

“What are the attitudes of the three shareholders?” Chen Xiaobei solemnly asked.

Wei Zuo contemptuously said: “The three guys are all looking for money! The price code offered by Ye Family is 3% higher than the current Lan Family Group’s stock price! The three of them are rushing to sell their shares. !”

“Okay, it’s good to see money open!” Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled, like a control.

“Brother Bei, where on earth are you going to help? How can you say it’s good to see Qian Yan open?”

Wei Zuo Worriedly said: “As far as I know, the delivery of equity will be held at the headquarters of Lan Family Group as soon as possible! Once the contract is signed, Lan Family Group may change ownership!”

“A problem that can be solved with money is not a problem. Is it good to see money open?” Chen Xiaobei profound mystery smiled.

“Brother Bei is Deity, I can’t really guess your mind.” Wei Zuo swallowed saliva and said, sincerely said.

“Wait and see if you can’t guess!” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said: “Tomorrow I will go to Qingteng City in person!”

Return to Northern Profound Sect.

Lan Mengchen had been waiting at the door for a long time. As soon as she saw Chen Xiaobei, she immediately greeted her and said anxiously, “Xiaobei! You are finally back! Help! Help me to find a way to save our family!”

“What’s the matter? Don’t worry, speak slowly!” Chen Xiaobei immediately walked over.

“It’s my dad! I called him… He said that our Lan Family Group will be acquired tomorrow, if you don’t, you will lose everything, and your family will die!”

Lan Mengchen said with tears flowing out: “As soon as Grandma heard the news, she fell ill on the spot. My father tried everything to prevent him from kneeling down to the three major shareholders!”

“However, under the temptation of the great wealth of the enemy, those three traitors have forgotten their surnames and simply support their father!”

“Xiaobei! Come on, think of a way! Now I can only rely on you! Only you can help our family through the difficulties…”

Lan Mengchen was very emotional.

Related to the life and death of the entire family, let her cry directly into tears.

“Silly girl! Don’t cry! What have I said, have you ever been disappointed?”

Chen Xiaobei felt distressed for a while, and reached out to help Lan Mengchen wipe the tears on the small face, and calmed down softly: “I have thought of a way, you don’t need to worry at all!”

“This…how is this possible…” Lan Mengchen expression looked at Chen Xiaobei with a blank face, and couldn’t believe it.

What happened yesterday, there is a way today. Isn’t this too ridiculous?

“Relax! Take a rest tonight, and I will take you back to Qingteng tomorrow morning!”

Chen Xiaobei serene said: “I assure you that your Lan Family will be safe and sound! And Ye Family will be smashed by my face!”


Lan Mengchen couldn’t believe it.

Such a big thing, how to get to Chen Xiaobei’s mouth, as easy as playing a house.

However, although Lan Mengchen could not believe it, he had to believe it.

Father Lan Zhengguo had exhausted everything, and he couldn’t do anything on his own.

In addition to believing in Chen Xiaobei, Lan Mengchen had no choice at all!

“Ok… I listen to you, we will start early tomorrow morning!” Lan Mengchen wiped his tears away from himself, and gradually calmed himself down.

Between Chen Xiaobei slightly smiled and serene, there is a domineering aura that controls the overall situation.

Only absolute control can laugh at winds, scudding clouds.


Qingteng City.

Lan Family Group headquarters.

In the president’s office, a middle-aged man with silver hair and a haggard look was standing dazed by the bed.

Who dares to think? This person is yesterday’s rich-spirited and vigorous, masculine and strong Qingteng’s richest man, Lan Zhengguo!

After receiving the news that the group will be acquired, Lan Zhengguo didn’t close his eyes overnight, his hair covered with ink, and he was sad all night.

The foundation laid by several generations of Lan Family! The survival of dozens of family members! The future of the group’s 10000 employees!

Lan Zhengguo is totally unimaginable. Once Lan Family Group changes ownership, what cruel means will the enemy use to destroy it!

These three knots can’t be undone, as if the three mountains have crushed Lan Zhengguo.

Lan Zhengguo’s eyes were dumbfounded by the window, and he even wanted to jump directly to the bottom. Once he died, what could it do?

The enemies will still do what they want, and the suffering they will suffer will still suffer!

What is more painful than death is despair.

Can not escape, can not escape, but the enemy, knowing that it is a tragedy, can only bear in silence.

“Lord… Everyone is here. You are the chairman now, it’s time to go to the Conference Hall…”

At this moment, Elder Qin came in, the old face, also showing hopeless despair.

“Let’s go…”

Lan Zhengguo sighed heavily, stood up, and walked to the Conference Hall with very heavy steps.

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