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“Whiz whiz whiz …”

Countless loess spines, falling like meteorites, carrying 70000 Combat Force, enough to destroy a military tank!

“2 claws, broken mountain river!”

Chen Xiaobei face doesn’t change, right hand against Yue Changkong, left palm suddenly burst out!


The Purple Gold Dragon claw turned into a polar shadow, and Chen Xiaobei’s invisible and phaseless True Astral blessed it, also turned into purple-gold.

In the space, a True Astral dragon claw with a radius of 2 meters is directly transformed into a space!

Purple Gold rays of light sparkling, dragon claw dragon scales showing off one’s ability! One paw swings out, fierce and unmatched, and directly meets the sky-falling meteorite!

“Bang! Rumble …”

In the next moment, the muffled sound of earth and rock breaking suddenly erupted.

The Purple Gold Dragon claw is like a huge umbrella cover, propped up in front of Chen Xiaobei.

Those meteorite-like loess spines hit the dragon claw, and were instantly shattered and shattered, unable to penetrate, and even hurt Chen Xiaobei.

“This kid’s defensive power is too weird!”

Zhuang Bihuang’s brow furrowed, and he was puzzled by 100, saying, “Even if his Combat Force is like me, it is impossible so easily to prevent my attack… what is going on with this defense?”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone around was surprised, and no one knew the inside story.

Even Six-Eared Macaque was unclear. He lowered his voice and asked Jiang Ziya, “Can you see what’s going on?”

Jiang Ziya shook the head, whispered: “I’m afraid it was Sage Heavenspan who secretly passed him the defensive treasure… We can’t see it on our level…”

“It’s only useful for defense! We are constantly attacking, and sooner or later we will exhaust your True Qi!”

At this time, Yue Changkong suddenly took a deep breath, and his heart moved, prompting the silver Sword Dragon to hit Chen Xiaobei again.

Obviously, Yue Changkong didn’t know that Chen Xiaobei consumed Spirit Qi, not True Qi!

But Yue Changkong is right. As long as he keeps attacking, he can quickly consume Spirit Qi of Chen Xiaobei within the body!

Over time, Chen Xiaobei will definitely lose!


Silver Sword Dragon bent backwards, and after accumulating, thunderbolt 10000 Jun again, slammed into Chen Xiaobei’s chest!

However, in such a situation, Chen Xiaobei’s heart is not fluctuating, and the tone is indifferently said: “The second ability, named Broken Mountain River, how can it be just a defense?”

“Give me broken!”

Chen Xiaobei growled, and the purple-gold True Astral dragon claw, like Return to the Natural State, retracted suddenly and reintegrated into his left palm!

The left palm turned into a Purple Gold polar shadow, retreating back, and it was blasting on the head of the silver Sword Dragon.


Just listening to a bang, the dragon’s head suddenly shattered, turned into countless metal fragments, and scattered all around!

“This… how is this possible…”

All of a sudden, the eyes were shocked.

You know, the silver dragon is condensed because of Yue Changkong’s True Astral, and there is also the golden Celestial Manifestation blessing!

Chen Xiaobei smashing the dragon’s head is equivalent to smashing Yue Changkong’s True Astral!

True Astral is already physical, and defensive power is extremely strong.

True Astral who wants to smash enemies, unless you own Combat Force, to the extent of crushing the enemy.


Chen Xiaobei’s Combat Force is clearly lower than Yue Changkong. How could it be possible to smash Yue Changkong’s True Astral?

This result is also unreasonable! Illogical!

Everyone around looked dumbfounded. Such a battle was enough to subvert their 3 views and even make them doubt life!

And this is exactly where the blood of the dragon and the witch!

Heavenspan Cult Master took a lot of time to get out of the 9-Star divine object from the deserted area, naturally not understandable by ordinary people!

Broken mountains and rivers!

This is the attack capability among the 9 major abilities.

It is also through the consumption of Spiritual Qi to smash the opponent’s True Astral. The stronger the opponent, the more Spiritual Qi will be consumed!

“Ka! Ka! Click …”

With one claw swinging out, Chen Xiaobei didn’t stay at all, the claw edge was like a hot knife through butter, continued to press forward, and directly smashed the silver dragon from head to tail!


Yue Changkong was shocked in an instant.

His heart was also immersed in Chen Xiaobei’s offensive against the common sense, and he was puzzled by 100.

And that terrible offensive has already reached him!


Expert’s tricks, in an instant’s mistakes, are enough to decide the winner!

Just listening to a dull loud noise, Yue Changkong’s armor True Astral shattered instantly and was blasted into the chest like a cannonball by Purple Gold Dragon claws!

“pu! !!”

Yue Changkong spurted an old blood.

The whole person suddenly fell out of several dozen meters, stirred up the dust, and even smashed the ground into a big pit!

I saw that the clothes on his chest had been shattered, leaving a black purple paw print on his chest.

The ribs of the chest are all broken, and the bones are turned outward, as if they are going to pierce the skin!

There is no doubt that he is already impossible to fight again!

“I…my God…Chen Xiaobei actually defeated Yue Changkong…only used a palm…What the hell is this kid? Monster too right?”

In an instant, everyone on the scene became stunned.

looked towards Chen Xiaobei’s gaze, as if really looking at one side, it shouldn’t exist in this world’s big demon!

Defense against the sky! The attack is even more against the sky!

The common sense and logic in Earth are completely unsuitable for Chen Xiaobei!

Even if he is an alien superman, no one will object!

“Win! Xiaobei won!”

Xiang Yu was not too entangled in Chen Xiaobei’s power and cheered for the first time.

I was tortured by secret calculations just now. At this moment, when I saw Chen Xiaobei’s victory, Xiang Yu gave a big sigh of relief, not to mention how cool I was.

At the same time, Xiang Yu is also heartily happy for Chen Xiaobei’s strength today.

My own brother is getting stronger and stronger, that is One Word—Cool!

“Win! Master wins! Yue Changkong is a waste, who else can compete with Master! Who else dares to compete with Master!”

Immediately afterwards, Tai Yitan and Huo Yuanba also shouted their arms, excited and don’t want it!

Others at Northern Profound Sect are also cheering excitedly.

For the rest of the catastrophe, there will be a blessing!

“Very good ……very good ……this robbery is finally over!”

Jiang Ziya and Zhao Ritian glanced at each other, and they felt like they had overturned the 5 flavor bottles, and their mood was very complicated.

From a real standpoint, they and Chen Xiaobei are enemies.

But today, they are in the wrong, and Chen Xiaobei has become a comrade-in-arms of a life-and-death situation!

Moreover, the process of fighting side by side with Chen Xiaobei made them feel unprecedentedly full of blood.

All-night hard work and perseverance, at this moment, finally ushered in a big counterattack victory!

How can a cool word come out!

“Old thief! Do you still dare to fight?”

Chen Xiaobei turned around, and the deep black eyes coldly locked Zhuang Bihuang.

“Ah? No… don’t dare…10000 10000 Don’t dare…”

Zhuang Bihuang trembles on both knees and kneels directly towards Chen Xiaobei.


but! at this time! In the sky, several helicopters suddenly flew!

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