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The gun is known as the handsome soldier.

Qi Jiguang, a famous Japanese anti-Japanese warrior, once wrote in “The New Book of Ji Xiao”: “It’s true and false, there are strange and upright; its advancement, its retreat, its potential danger, and its short section; Motionless As Mountains, moving like a thunder! “

Xiang Yu’s blow is to directly use the essence of the gun to the extreme!

His Spear Art comes from the actual combat experience of fighting 8 sides at that time. At that time, with a gun, there was only one purpose to kill the enemy!

No fancy moves, no complicated routines.

In the year-round battle, Xiang Yu Return to the Natural State, called the pinnacle, he summed up this kind of Spear Art for the purpose of killing logging into three words, “batter”, “drag”, “arc”!

At this moment, it is the word “Beng”!

Together in one point, Motionless As Mountains, moving like thunder!

“bang! !!”

The spear head is thrust straight up, and the 9 True Qi of Gold contains Xiang Yu’s greatest power, and one of the flame devil clashes with one!

70000 Combat Force against 70000 Combat Force!

It stands to reason that if Su Dong has a deeper understanding of the element of fire, and fire restrain metal is a natural law, even if Su Dong cannot suppress Xiang Yu in an instant, he should have the upper hand!


With that loud noise bursting, the Flame Devil’s Claw was actually smashed by Xiang Yu!

The flames exploded. If Su Dong retreated more than a dozen steps, Xiang Yu stood proudly and did not retreat in step, which was higher or lower, apparent at a glance!

“How can this be!?”

If Su Dong’s eyes were glaring like bull’s eyes, 10000 10000 could not have imagined that he had fallen off!

“What the hell is going on? How could that Xiang Yu countersu Su Great Elder?”

At the same time, the faces of Yue Changkong and Zhuang Bihuang both burst into red.

One second ago, the talent predicted that Xiang Yu was going to fall, and this second was directly smashed by Xiang Yu with an invisible slap!

What’s more frustrating is that his face has been pumped, but he hasn’t completely understood what the advantage of Xiang Yu is. Why can Su Dongruo be countered?

the other side.

Northern Profound Sect Everyone is surprised and happy!

Fortunately, Xiang Yu’s stunning shot has the upper hand! Surprisingly, why can it prevail?

“The improvement of gun skills lies in familiarity, and familiarity lies in fighting for war.”

Jiang Ziya said solemnly: “Xiang Yu experienced, for the use of long spear war spears, has already reached the realm like a commander! One of them!”

“Xiang Yu looks young, but he has already experienced a very long time for the Celestial Manifestation of Jin Zhi, which is far better than Su Dongruo! This is 2!”

“Q3, it’s that black shot in his hand!”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone’s eyes fell on the powerful black domineering spear in Xiang Yu’s hand!

“I remember that!”

Murong Xiaoyao immediately said: “Chen Xiaobei said it was True Martial War Spear! It is a Spiritual Artifact made of Wujin Xuansteel! It weighs 8,000 100 kg, the sharpness of the gun is sharp, and the point is mortal! !It is an ultimate weapon of ‘10000 enemies’!”


Jiang Ziya nodded, said: “True Martial war spear’s ability is to strengthen the lethality! Xiang Yu’s 70000 Combat Force, using True Martial war spear, you can play 73000 Combat Force, which is the biggest reason he countered the enemy!”

“73000Combat Force! So strong! No wonder you can crush Su Dongruo!” Huo Yuanba unable to bear marvels.

“It seems promising! With Xiang Yu here, until the Sect Master wakes up, he will surely kill his enemies to stay in pieces!” Tai Yitan said excitedly!

“Don’t be too happy! Xiang Yu is strong, but the enemy is not to be trifled with!”

Zhao Ritian narrowed his eyes and said, “From the situation they just hit the thunder pool, Zhuang Bihuang’s Combat Force is also 70000, and Yue Changkong’s Combat Force is at least 73000! Xiang Yu wants to use an enemy of 3, as heavenly ascension !”


Jiang Ziya nodded, helplessly said: “Our hope can only be pinned on Chen Sect Master… He does not wake up, Xiang Yu is defeated, it is only a matter of time!”

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the Northern Profound Sect came to a sudden.

They are all in the rivers and lakes, everyone knows, under the same realm, want to use an enemy 3, almost impossible to do!

“Yue Sect Master! What are you waiting for? Call Shangzhuang Great Elder, let’s go together!”

Su Dongruo’s roar of fly into a rage out of humiliation made him know that he lost to Xiang Yu, and he did not care about the morals of the rivers and lakes. He directly asked Yue Changkong and Zhuang Bihuang to shoot together to siege Xiang Yu!

“Okay! Let’s do it together!”

Yue Changkong and Zhuang Bihuang are not good things either. For them, the morality of the rivers and lakes is just a fool’s speech.

When it’s really time for a conflict of interest, they don’t have rules than anyone else!

“hua! hua! hua! ”

True Qi burst, and the three guys immediately mobilized their respective Celestial Manifestations, aiming directly at Xiang Yu and rushing to kill!

With 100 blessings of silver True Astral behind Yue Changkong’s 1 swords, they turned together and turned into a sword Flood Dragon. The power is amazing, and the lethality is needless to say!

If Su Dong uses all one’s strength to condense the flame trolls again, the power is 30% stronger than before.

Zhuang Bihuang did not dare to be careless, and the Celestial Manifestation of the soil was instigated. The effect in this mountain forest was very significant. The earth trembles, and one after another elements like the tentacles of earth swell. Let Zhuang Bihuang drive!

All of a sudden, the three major Celestial Manifestation powerhouse launched an offensive at the same time, and their power was comparable to mountain cry out and sea howl, so powerful.

Most people just look at it, they will be shocked in their hearts.

“3 go together! Oh, exactly what I want!”

Xiang Yu’s eyes narrowed and he turned his head away!

The foot was walking vigorously, and the right hand dragged the gun to the ground, pulling out a gully like a python!

“Why? Did you admit it? Although a wise man submits to circumstances, we are impossible and let you go!”

Yue Changkong stepped up and stepped up.

“We will surround him from the left, right, and right! We must never let him run!”

Zhuang Bihuang loudly shouted and immediately rushed to the right hand of Xiang Yu.

“Cowardly rascal! Aren’t you very bullish? Aren’t you very dragging? How can you run faster than a rabbit now? Have the ability to stand still! old man teach you how to write dead words!”

If Su Dong hated Xiang Yu’s bones, he rushed to Xiang Yu’s left hand side, fighting hard to prevent Xiang Yu from escaping.

“Who told you I was running away?”

Xiang Yu’s eyes narrowed and said, “I understand the’drag word trick’ on horseback. Whenever I am chased by someone and trapped in a desperate situation, this trick is best for me!”


As soon as this statement came out, the three Celestial Manifestation powerhouses were all surprised.

At this moment, they thought they had the advantage, and they could win the final victory just by rounding up Xiang Yu!

But absolutely didn’t expect, Xiang Yu was actually brewing a trick!

“Dragging tricks are the most suitable for anti-killing enemies, also known as sudden thrust!”

Suddenly, Xiang Yu screamed, his waist and abdomen were turned, and his body was twisted. True Martial’s war spear accumulated enough power to suddenly stab Yue Changkong who was rushing to the right behind!

Drag word!

To retreat, to die, then to live!

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