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“Old Jiang! There is a gully in the unfathomable mystery north of Sect!”

Tai Yitan rushed to the Martial Practice Stage to report.

“Gully? What’s going on?”

Feng Qingyang and the others expression were stunned.

“The Lost Grand Array is just a Basic Grade array, it’s hard to fail Celestial Manifestation martial artist”

Jiang Ziya indifferently said: “Collect the lost flag, let’s all go! The decisive battle will begin there!”

“Don’t you wait for Wu Aofeng’s third team?” Feng Qingyang asked.

“It’s the same as waiting. Their task has been completed. It’s safer not to come. Let’s go first.” Jiang Ziya sighed and walked straight ahead.

After that, everyone walked with Jiang Ziya.

The gully came from just north, facing the gate of Northern Profound Sect.

Northern Profound Sect stood at the gate of the mountain, waiting for the arrival of a strong enemy.

“Everyone, you don’t need to do anything anymore. If you can support Chen Sect Master to wake up, you have to look at the meaning of the old Master Tian!”

Jiang Ziya narrowed her eyes and quietly looked at the north direction.

“I mean it! It must be dragged to the Master to wake up anyway!”

At this moment, Zhao Ritian strode forward, holding a golden rope in his hand.

“Boldly…” Jiang Ziya was shivered all over, but fortunately he didn’t scold the last word “monkey”.

Six-Eared Macaque’s personality is very similar to that of Brother Hou, and he doesn’t take God into consideration.

I mean heaven!

Such a frivolous arrogance, most people dare not say at all.

“Zhao Ritian! Don’t talk nonsense! Have you handled it over there?” Jiang Ziya asked coldly.

“Relax, I put some crisp bones in the pharmacy, and gave the island country ninja half a catty. Within 3 to 5 days, he certainly won’t wake up!” Zhao Ritian said indifferently.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at Zhao Ritian with a strange look.

Especially Tai Yitan and Huo Yuanba felt that Zhao Ritian in front of him, and Zhao Ritian who was kneeling down to Chen Xiaobei for mercy on the martial stage of the War of Great Britain Conference, were 2 people!

However, the appearance is exactly the same, plus they are at the juncture of the crisis at the moment, and they didn’t even think about it.

At this moment, there is an hour and a half before dawn!

“Here it is! Northern Profound Sect in front! We are here!”

A Daoist shadow pierced through the dense fog and came to the open space in front of the Northern Profound Sect mountain gate.

After all, it’s time to come!

“Chen Xiaobei! Get out of Lao’zi and die!”

Yue Changkong took the lead, roaring loudly, True Qi blessing, the voice trembling the entire mountain forest.

Who can withstand the anger of Celestial Manifestation powerhouse!

“Sect Master said, you are not qualified to see him! Get out immediately! Dare to break into my Northern Profound Sect, kill without mercy!”

Jiang Ziya expression is calm, and his tone is neither humble nor overbearing.

Although there is no Cultivation, but what winds and waves has he not seen? The state of mind is very stable, and will never be shocked by Yue Changkong’s imposing manner!

“Joke! Chen Xiaobei really thought he was an Earth Immortal failed? His fake mask had already been exposed, when would he want to pretend?”

Yue Changkong was shouted angrily: “Come here! Come on! Dare to stop the road, kill without mercy! I want to see, this group of small fishes and shrimps in Northern Profound Sect can make a few waves!”

“Come here! Follow me! Kill the people of Northern Profound Sect!”

With a big wave of his hand, Yue Junmo took more than 20 people and directly rushed out

“Scum! Shake it!”

With a scream, Yue Junmo’s silver True Astral condensed instantly, one after another True Astral silver sword spun out, pointing straight ahead!

At the same time, more than 20 people following him also broke out their True Astral.

After the guerrilla warfare just now, almost all the weak have left. These 20 people are all the powerhouses of the middle stage before True Astral!

Plus a True Astral Late Stage 45000 Combat Force Yue Junmo!

They charged together, powerful and comparable to an army! It was completely crushed and swept over, and Northern Profound Sect could not resist!

“True ants under the True Astral… so many True Astral powerhouse… how can we resist?”

Murong Xiaoyao has a pale face and is extremely worried.

In fact, not only her, but also the hearts of Tai Yitan and Huo Yuanba have already mentioned their throats, such a group of strong enemies, even if they fight desperately, they only have a dead end!

Not to mention Murong Tian and the others, trifling Qi Condensation Initial Stage, just looking at the power of the enemy’s charge, it has become impossible to bear and the body and body tremble.

“Feng Lao! It’s your turn!” Jiang Ziya narrowed her eyes, issued an order, and said.


Under the killing intent of the enemy, and under the solemn anxiety of his own people, Feng Qingyang took a step forward and stood proudly at the forefront of the crowd.

Although he is already an old man with white hair, but at this moment, his back looks like Chen Xiaobei!

Stand alone, by the strength of oneself, stand alone against the scourge of wolves, and defend relatives and friends!

“Wind blows!”

Feng Qingyang spit out 4 words calmly: “Thunder! Come!”

“Bang! Rumble …”

In an instant, with Feng Qingyang as the center, all around suddenly violent wind erupted, clear sky lightning flashes thunder, night turns into daylight!

Feng Qingyang stands proudly in the same place, one-handed void introduction!

An electro-optical float immediately appeared in the space, like a grim thunderbolt Flood Dragon, coiled around his arm.

Feng Qingyang has several points of Chen Xiaobei’s style!

It is like the god who controls the thunder in the sky for 9 days, and looks at the humble innumerable living beings.

“WTF…this… what’s going on…”

The wind and thunder rose out of thin air, and Yue Junmo and more than 20 people were screamed in shock. They stopped subconsciously and never dared to step forward!

Fear originates from the unknown. This unimaginable scene directly deterred them.

“Yes…it’s an array! This is an extremely powerful guard Great Mountain Formation!”

At the rear, Zhuang Bihuang took the lead to see the clue and shouted: “Young Master quickly retreat! 10000 10000 can’t stop the thunderbolt’s edge!”


Before the words fell, Feng Qingyang waved suddenly.

The fierce thunderbolt Flood Dragon suddenly slammed into Yue Junmo and the 20 or so people at the speed of light!

“Not good !”

Yue Changkong’s gaze narrowed, and he saw that Yue Junmo could not escape, only relying on him to shoot!


Yue Changkong stepped out in one step, leaving a cracked footprint on the ground, his figure turned into a silver shadow, rushing towards Yue Junmo.


Condensed silver True Astral suddenly appeared, with 1000 True Astral silver swords, like a peacock opening screen, forming an arc, protecting in front of Yue Jun Mo!

“bang! !!”

At the next moment, the thunderbolt Flood Dragon with nine winding turns was blasting above the 9 sword barrier!

“Bah!!!!! boom~ boom~ ……”

1000 The sword barrier trembles violently, and the thunderbolt Flood Dragon explodes directly, like gorgeous fireworks, exploding countless small thunder snakes in all directions!

This terrifying matchless confrontation brought a terrifying matchless result!

Everyone is shocked!

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