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Qi Yueting!

Chen Xiaobei’s mobile phone showed the person’s name.

For other people in Northern Profound Sect, perhaps Qi Yueting does not know.

But Xiaobai and Heavenly Wolf are very familiar with this person.

The wartime British General Assembly during the day, Qi Yueting, as a Profound Sword Sect Elder, brought Xiaobai and Heavenly Wolf to the periphery of the Martial Practice Stage, allowing Tai Yitan and Huo Yuanba to borrow the ability!

“If you make a few calls at this night, the major event must appear!” Heavenly Wolf is very smart.

“Nonsense! Hurry up and find the old man! Let him answer the phone!” Xiaobai was not stupid, and immediately gave orders.

Without saying anything, Heavenly Wolf 2 rushed to Feng Qingyang’s room with his cell phone in his mouth.

Feng Qingyang is Chen Xiaobei’s eldest apprentice and the oldest, prestigious in Northern Profound Sect second only to Chen Xiaobei.

Now Chen Xiaobei can’t wake up and can only rely on Feng Qingyang to take the lead.

“Clang! Clang! Clang …”

After Feng Qingyang answered the phone, immediately alarmed.

Soon, everyone was concentrated in the Martial Practice Stage.

“First Senior Brother! What’s the matter? Most of the night, I haven’t woke up yet!” Wu Aofeng carefree complained.

“Out of the major event!”

Feng Qingyang said flatly: “If it is not handled well, tonight may be the end of my Northern Profound Sect!”

“This… what is going on here?”

Everyone showed their look of shock, and they were still a little drowsy, and they instantly fell asleep.

“Three Yezhuang Liu! Three sects in Huashan Shushan Qingcheng! and the American Blood Race, a total of 3 people gathered to siege from my Northern Profound Sect!”

Feng Qingyang said solemnly: “There are 4 Celestial Manifestation Realm powerhouse! True Astral Realm powerhouse nearly 50 people! Combat Force more than 10000 more than 500 people!”

“God…oh my god… how come there are so many such powerful enemies…”

“The people we are present are simply impossible to resist!”

Suddenly, there were 4 exclamations. A horror-like army, before it actually appeared, had already caused a huge impact on everyone’s heart.

Compared with the power of the enemy, the Northern Profound Sect side is very weak.

Feng Qingyang itself has only 20000 Combat Force.

Chen Zhongfu, Zhang Cui’e, Murong Xiaoyao, Murong Tian, ​​Jin 6, Old Wang, these people are Qi Condensation Initial Stage, only 5000 Combat Force.

Jiang Ziya does not have a little Cultivation.

Six-Eared Macaque barely has half-step True Astral Cultivation, but it is almost negligible in front of the enemy.

Undoubtedly, these people above are impossible and are fighting against the enemy!

As for the remaining people, Tai Yitan, Huo Yuanba, Wu Aofeng, Aoi Yu, Xiaobai, Heavenly Wolf, they have all reached the True Astral Realm world.

But it’s just True Astral Initial Stage.

If you start, don’t mention the 4 Celestial Manifestation powerhouse, even if it is just a Yue Junmo, you can wipe them all!

This is undoubtedly a huge disaster before futile! The life and death of Northern Profound Sect are all here!

The enemy has almost all the advantages. The only glimmer of survival left for Northern Profound Sect is Qi Yueting’s call!

Before the enemy arrives, they have secured a little time for deployment!

“What about the Master? Please invite the Master to come!” Wu Aofeng was fierce and could not hold his breath.

Feng Qingyang shook the head helplessly and said, “Master is asleep, unable to wake up!”

“What can I do?” Huo Yuanba said very urgently: “Without the Master, we can easily defeat the enemy!”

“In this case, everyone will run away quickly!” Jiang Ziya was the first to retreat.

He is waiting for the crime to go down, there is not a little Cultivation, once the war, it is definitely the first to die.

More importantly, the law of reincarnation is changed, the deceased cannot be reincarnated in someone else’s body, then it is really dead!

“Are you stupid?”

Wu Aofeng’s annoyed shouted: “The enemy has become a mountain fence, can you escape?”

“I…” Jiang Ziya didn’t dare to talk back, he suddenly limped.

Thinking of tonight may be the last day of his life in this world, Jiang Ziya’s little heart pulled out.

“You can’t fight, you can’t escape, you can’t escape. We’re in a deadlock 2 situation now!” Tai Yitan carefully calculated, but there is no way.

“Don’t we have a large array of lost and thunder pool?” Aoi asked.

Feng Qingyang sighed, helplessly said: “Celestial Manifestation powerhouse can’t be blocked by the large array! Although the thunder pool can be resisted, but its energy is limited. In the face of so many enemies, it can’t last for long…”

“According to this… aren’t we dead?” Murong Xiaoyao was immediately anxious, holding father’s arm, his face pale.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was desperate.

4 big Celestial Manifestation Realm, 50 True Astral Realm, 500 Combat Force over 10000 powerhouse, 500 martial artist with strong bow and crossbow!

Such a force has far exceeded the grief that everyone can deal with.

Even if they rack their brains, they can only get one conclusion-dead end!

Death God is approaching step by step, and everyone’s state of mind is beginning to collapse a little bit, and the heavy pressure in the heart, I am afraid that they will completely crush them before the war!

“Who knows when the Master will wake up!”

At this moment, Zhao Ritian asked aloud.

Everyone’s eyes have fallen on this newcomer who just just entered today. Does he have a way?

“Woof!” Heavenly Wolf called out, saying he knew.

“Hurry tell me! When will the Master wake up?” Zhao Ritian asked immediately.

“Woof! Wang woof~” Heavenly Wolf called a few times.

“I understood!”

Zhao Ritian understood Heavenly Wolf’s beast language, and immediately said: “Master may wake up tomorrow morning! As long as we reach that time, there will be a glimmer of survival!”

“Is this… is this true?” Everyone was surprised and couldn’t believe how Zhao Ritian understood it?

“Even if it’s true, but relying on the thunder pool alone, it’s fundamentally impossible until dawn!” Feng Qingyang frowned.

“no problem!”

Zhao Ritian dragged Jiang Ziya over and said with confidence: “As long as he is there, we will have the opportunity to stay until dawn!”


Wu Aofeng said with disdain: “His incisors were killed by me, he can block the enemy, unless the old sow can climb the tree!”

“Trust me! Only by listening to his command can we have a chance to survive!” Zhao Ritian said firmly.

“Don’t crack a joke?” Wu Aofeng said contemptuously: “Let him hide in the toilet, the most useless here is him!”

Zhao Ritian insisted: “Senior Brother Wu! Even if you don’t believe me, you should believe in Master! How could his friends be ordinary people?”

Wu Aofeng was stunned, nodded and said: “Okay! Look at the Master’s face, I don’t object! Old man! Tell your way quickly!”

All of a sudden, all eyes were on Jiang Ziya.

Jiang Ziya was sweating down, his face full of emotion and said: “I… what can I do…”

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