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That’s right! The real Zhao Ritian has already died in the ravine!

The fake in front of me was made by Six-Eared Macaque using the ability mirror magic mysterious shadow.

This ability, even Bodhisattva Guanyin and Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes, can’t see through it. I thought it was the Tathagata Buddha that year before it was broken.

Chen Xiaobei A few of them are just ordinary people, and naturally they didn’t see any weak spots.


Luo Puti returned to his home.

Chen Xiaobei entire group, then directly return to Northern Profound Sect.

As for Tanaka Gaoji, Chen Xiaobei not at all killed him directly.

After all, is a True Astral Peak Stage powerhouse.

Chen Xiaobei wondered if he could find Howling Celestial Dog to order Heavenly Court dog food, turning Tanaka Takachi into the security of Northern Profound Sect.

Like Aoi, it’s great to show Sect a nursing home!

Arrive at Northern Profound Sect.

Everyone returned to their rooms to rest, and Feng Qingyang also arranged a room for Zhao Ritian.

Chen Xiaobei immediately returned to his room and took out the water-cutting knife with anticipation, said with a smile: “Xiao’er! Sauerkraut!”

“Come on! Come on! Brother Bei! Is it delicious again?”

Xiao’er drilled out of Chen Xiaobei’s pocket, his small eyes dripped, and the water-cutting knife immediately locked, shocked happily said: “Kwaishui black iron! This is also a rare spiritual object on Earth!”

“Kuishui black iron?”

Chen Xiaobei asked: “Compared with the wind pattern Mithril, which one is more beneficial?”

Xiao’er said: “In the single-round grade, the Kwai Shui black iron is higher, but the last time the wind pattern Mithril wins in a larger number, so the benefits brought by the two are actually similar!”

“Okay! With your words, I can eat with confidence!” Chen Xiaobei moved his mind and directly borrowed Xiao’er’s ability.

Xiao’er’s ability can devour 6 10000 objects, and extract the essence to turn it into his own!

This effect can be said to be very retro!

But there is a problem that after swallowing something, you need to go to sleep to digest and absorb what you have eaten.

For the first time, after eating wind pattern Mithril, Chen Xiaobei slept for one day one night, increasing the intensity of 1000Physique.

The second time, after eating 2 Mans Star Core, Chen Xiaobei slept for 6 days and 7 nights, increasing the intensity of 7Physique.

This means that the higher the level of food you eat, the more benefits it will bring.

But correspondingly, the more time to sleep.

The food I eat now is just a low-level spiritual object. Imagine that if Chen Xiaobei swallowed a fairy, I am afraid that there is no about a year that would wake me up.

At this point, Chen Xiaobei is determined not to make a joke!

He only had a lifespan of trifling for a year. He ate too much of the Top Grade and could not sleep for a while!

The material of the water-cutting knife is similar to that of the wind pattern Mithril, and you can wake up by sleeping one day one night.

Chen Xiaobei 2 Without a word, start eating right away!

“Leave…Leave me a sip…” Xiao’er’s ability was robbed, and he lost his strength in an instant. Before he collapsed, he couldn’t forget a mouthful of delicious food.

Sure enough, it is a hall-level snack food!

“Know it!”

Chen Xiaobei 2 eyes shining straight, as if starving to death, gutting the water-cutting knife.


The metal chewed’ka beng ka beng’ in the mouth, Chen Xiaobei praised 3 times, and his face was full of intoxicated expressions: “It’s so refreshing! It’s like watermelon, peach, pear, mango… countless kinds of fresh fruits Set Fusion Body! Delicious to explode!”

“Leave me a little…” Xiao’er stared at him, his soul was gone.

Chen Xiaobei made the determination of Tianda to barely restrain the gluttonous worm, leaving a small piece for Xiao’er, and the rest was eaten clean by him.

“Okay, I’m going to sleep, you eat it yourself!” Chen Xiaobei’s heart moved, and the ability was returned to Xiao’er.

I lay on the big bed and fell asleep.


At the same time, Jiang Ziya’s room door was gently pushed open.

“Heaven covers the ground tiger!” the man outside the door whispered.

“Little Ji stews mushrooms!” Jiang Ziya replied immediately.

The entrant came in from outside the door and locked the door to prevent the third person from entering.

“6 ears! Are you 6 ears?” Jiang Ziya asked excitedly.

“Nonsense! If it weren’t for me, a fool and your secret code for such a mentally handicapped!” The person who came was incarnation Zhao Ritian’s Six-Eared Macaque.

Jiang Ziya blushed with shame.


Six-Eared Macaque glanced at Jiang Ziya and smiled directly: “Jiang Ziya! What about your front teeth? How could it be panda eyes? pu! hahaha…”

“Don’t laugh! You monkey! What amusement!” Jiang Ziya was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, and his speech was still leaking. Don’t be funny.

“Jiang Ziya has no front teeth! Who is this guy playing? Too funny! Hahaha…” Six-Eared Macaque is a demon and has no awe to Jiang Ziya. Each minding their own business laughs very hipily.

“Splashing monkey! You dare to laugh! Believing or not, I’ll find Shen Gongbao now to pick you up!” Jiang Ziya stomped his feet angrily.

“Yes! You bull! Can’t I laugh now?” Six-Eared Macaque complexion sank folded his smile and stared at Jiang Ziya coldly.

“A demon is a demon! Naturally stubborn, you can’t learn well without packing!”

Jiang Ziya gave Six-Eared Macaque an annoying glance, solemnly asked: “The agreement between you and Shen Gongbao is to seize Chen Xiaobei and ask where the deity of Su Daji’s reincarnated daughter is! What happened to you when you came to Northern Profound Sect ?”

“Do you think I want to come?”

Six-Eared Macaque coldly said: “I am the one who drilled the law of reincarnation to reincarnated in someone else’s body! My cultivation is completely zero, and the existing strength is only the same as the mirror!”

“If I tied Chen Xiaobei directly with a bundle of fairy ropes, the other people around him would still tear me apart alive!”

“Even more how, there were people who wanted to catch Chen Xiaobei at that time. If I tied Chen Xiaobei, it would be like making a wedding dress for others!”

“Rather than cheapening others, I might as well bind that person in exchange for Chen Xiaobei’s trust, and then look for opportunities to act!”

hearing this, Jiang Ziya nodded, said: “This explanation is justified! What are your plans for the next step?”

“What can I do?” Six-Eared Macaque said: “I have the strength of this spicy chicken now, I can only ask for self-preservation, stand firm and talk later!”

“That can’t be done!”

Jiang Ziya hurriedly said: “Su Daji was a key figure in the last robbery, and has a great relationship with Empress Nuwa. We must teach her to be her own!”

“Stop it! I’m not the one you educated! It’s easy to resurrect my life, I will not take my own life to take risks for you!”

Six-Eared Macaque said abruptly: “Either you find a way to make me stronger, or just listen to me and wait for the opportunity slowly!”

“You are turning your heads and don’t recognize the account!” Jiang Ziya said angrily: “When you negotiated, you keep on saying that you will do your best to help us get things done in the shortest possible time!”

Six-Eared Macaque dug his ears, his face indifferent expression: “will be outside, military orders are not affected!”

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