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“What? I heard correctly? Are you actually coming to our island country?”

That Peak Stage said with a sneer: “No wonder you Huaxia will have an idiom called’moth flies into the flame’! It turns out that there are really such stupid people in the world!”

Chen Xiaobei shrugged, said indifferently: “You heard correctly, I will go to the island country in the near future! As for who is the moth and who is the fire, you will soon know!”

“8 quack! You trifling a True Astral Initial Stage’s ants, and dare to whisper! Really when I was a vegetarian?

In Peak Stage, I felt that I was severely provoked, and the strong murderous aura was released, as if the surrounding temperature had dropped a lot.

“You don’t need to be so excited.”

Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled said: “Even if you don’t ask me, I know that it is Okagawa Nakagawa and Tianzhao who sent you to catch me! In any case, you must catch the live mouth! If I die, you will not only be ineffective, but also Will be heavily punished!”

“Lin Xiaobei! Don’t be too happy!”

Tanaka Takayoshi coldly said: “I really can’t kill you now, but, according to reliable information, Lin Court Academecian’s metamaterial research is nearing the end! As long as you get the research results, you will lose all the use value, when the time comes, you will die without a burial site!”

Lin Xiaobei?

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in Taihuowu 3 was stunned. Wasn’t his Master named Chen, Xiaobei, Word Chasing Wind?

Why suddenly surnamed Lin?

Only Luo Puti knows the inside story.

At the beginning, Chen Xiaobei used a fake DNA report to protect Lin Xiang and Lin Nan, pretending to be Lin Court Academecian’s son.

Lin Xiang and Lin Nan have escaped the eyes and ears of the island nation and have a safe and happy life.

And as a price, Chen Xiaobei became the island’s goal.

Today, Tianzhao has sent waves of ninjas to arrest Chen Xiaobei.

Listening to Tanaka’s tone, Lin Court Academecian’s research is nearing completion, and with the grievances of Chen Xiaobei and Crown Prince Nichikawa Okazaka, I am afraid that there will be more and more people coming to arrest Chen Xiaobei The stronger!

You know, on the Peak Stage, forbearance is above, there is earth forbearance, heaven forbearance!

Moreover, Lin Court Academecian’s research results are related to the number of national air! It is even possible for the senior officials of the island country to move the unique and unmatched fairy!

Thinking of this, Luo Puti became more worried.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei has already known these things.

Rather than staying in the country and waiting to die, it is better to take the initiative to kill the island country and find a way to resolve this crisis from within!

It is imperative to go to the island country!

“Lin Xiaobei! Obediently surrender! With your strength, simply defeat me!”

Tanaka Takayoshi is confident and excited: “I will definitely take you back alive! With the research results of Lin Court Academecian, my fleet of submarines in the Big Island Empire can be fully upgraded! With no difficulty, you are surrounded by the near sea!”

“The revival of the Oshima Empire will open a new chapter! My Tanaka’s name will be recorded in history! I will be the hero of the empire! The pride of the clan! hahaha…”

Hearing this, Wu Aofeng was angry on the spot: “Don’t you dream about anything special! If the little devils dare to invade, our fleet will directly sink the entire island country! Let all the little devils die seabed and feed King 8!”

Wu Aofeng was fierce and fierce, and, before several decades ago, his hometown had been trampled upon by aggression by the little devils.

It is for this reason that he hated the island nation extremely.

In a hurry, I didn’t even realize that seabed simply had no king 8.

“Aofeng! You calm down! You can’t pick things up now!” Tai Yitan quickly pulled Wu Aofeng.

Although Tai Yitan is not a good kid, Tanaka Takayoshi is the powerhouse of True Astral Peak Stage after all. If conflict breaks out, the situation may be difficult to control.

“It’s really troublesome now…” Luo Puti and Huo Yuanba frowned, such a strong enemy, such a situation, they are naturally incapable of military force.

But at this time, Chen Xiaobei’s heart was not fluctuated, said in a tranquil voice: “You don’t have to be nervous, the little devil is just playing that’s all, with me in, all their plans will not be realized!”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was started.

Although I don’t know where Chen Xiaobei came from, but today, Chen Xiaobei’s image in their hearts has risen to the altar!

As long as Chen Xiaobei says yes, they will believe it!

Chen Xiaobei will never disappoint! It will only bring people wave after wave of surprises!

“8 Gaya Road! Don’t think I can’t kill you, you can just pretend! Don’t forget! Your friends are still here! Believing or not, I will kill them one after another in front of you!”

Tanaka Takayoshi doesn’t know Chen Xiaobei. In his view, Chen Xiaobei is just pretending.

“Dare you move them a hair, when I go to the island country, when your whole family is extinct!”

Chen Xiaobei face turned cold, the tone instantly became cold as ice!

Friends and family are Chen Xiaobei’s biggest reverse scale!

After the last incident on Paradise Island, Chen Xiaobei made more visits to loved ones and friends, and will definitely not let them suffer any little harm.

“Oh, hahaha…”

Tanaka Takayoshi hearing this, but instead laughed: “You destroy my whole family? This is really the funniest joke I have ever heard in my life! If you can escape my palm today, I will cut myself off in minutes!”

“Relax, you don’t need to cut your belly because I won’t run away at all!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were empty, his tone was indifferent, and he said, “I will be here and take your dog’s life!”

what! ?

As soon as this statement came out, not only Tanaka Takayoshi, but even Luo Puti Tai Yitan could not imagine how Chen Xiaobei would kill a 50000 Combat Force Peak Stage!

“Little bastard! I think you are pretending to be addicted! Lao’zi will kill your friend first now, dare you pretend to be?”

After all, Tanaka Takayoshi is a person who is on the Peak Stage, looking at the entire island country and daring to act in front of him. It is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

At this moment, he has been irritated by Chen Xiaobei’s remarks, the flame True Astral is surging, it is time to move the real thing!


“Master ……”

Luo Puti and Tai Yitan are a few of them.

If they were hit by Tanaka Takayoshi’s True Astral flame, several of them would have no resistance at all, and they would definitely die.

“Relax! He has no chance to kill you!”

Chen Xiaobei’s face was as calm as before, and he was thinking about which card to use to solve the battle.

Now Spirit Qi is sufficient, Shamanic Dragon’s Nine Transformations, Sword Ancestor divine runes, Quicks and Bottle Gourd, 3 gold hoops, all can be put into battle!

Not to mention a trifling Tanaka Takayoshi, even if you come here for a dozen, there is no use for eggs!


But at this moment, a golden light rushed from behind Chen Xiaobei!

At first glance, the golden light is turning around like a golden spirit snake.

But if you look closely, it is a golden rope!

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