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“What???? Not into Flower Mountain Faction???”

In an instant, a sentence by Chen Xiaobei serene caused 10000 times the crit damage to the hearts of 10000 people on the scene!

For the overwhelming majority of people on the scene, joining the ancient sect is definitely a yearn for something even in dreams!

Joining the Flower Mountain Faction is even a super sweet dream that can wake up with asleep!

It’s good, Chen Xiaobei actually refused this product?

“WTF! This guy is too pretending to be! We have exhausted the opportunities that were difficult to obtain in our life, and he gave up directly!”

“Isn’t it? If I could join the Flower Mountain Faction, it would be enough for me to lose my life for ten years!”

“Cut! I’m still willing to lose my life for 20 years! But Chen Xiaobei doesn’t even look at it!”

“This is called, the full man does not know that the hungry man is hungry! Constantly comparing oneself to others will only make one angry!”


The audience exclaimed again and again, but they had to obey.

As the saying goes, you are proud!

Chen Xiaobei has unparalleled talent, and naturally has proud capital.

“Chen Xiaobei! You are not cracking a joke with This Seat!”

At this time, Yue Changkong’s face was completely green, and 3000 Spirit Stones were given to Chen Xiaobei. The result was rejected by Chen Xiaobei!

This sour, instantly let Yue Changkong’s small heart suffer 1,000,000 times the critical strike damage!

“Yue Sect Master laughed!”

Chen Xiaobei serene said: “There are 10000 people on the scene, all heroes on the rivers and lakes. My words and deeds are naturally impossible. It’s a joke! I don’t join Flower Mountain Faction!”

“you you you you……”

There was a suffocation in Yue Changkong’s chest, and there was a strong urge to vomit blood.

Dreaming didn’t expect, Chen Xiaobei didn’t plan to join Flower Mountain Faction at all.

Now, the results of the War of Great Britain Conference have been finalized, and the rewards have been issued. If Chen Xiaobei cannot be received, it will be really empty.

Yue Changkong face turned cold and said abruptly: “Have you ever thought about it? If not as good as Flower Mountain Faction, what would be the consequences?”

As soon as this statement is made, anyone who is not stupid can hear it. This is the threat of Chi Guoguo!

If Chen Xiaobei does not enter Flower Mountain Faction, 100% will be retaliated by Yue Changkong!

“Mr. Chen! I wonder if you are interested in joining me in Qingcheng Sect?”

If Su Dong sees the right moment, he will say: “With your talents, you can directly become the Direct Disciple of Sect Master. From now on, the 7 Jies in Qingcheng will be changed to 8 Jies! Who dares to find your trouble, I Qingcheng Sect will maintain you!”

As soon as this statement came out, Yue Changkong’s face was black! eyes wide staring angrily, as if to eat Su Dongruo!

At the same time, bursts of exclamation came out again!

“People are in the rivers and lakes, strength is the last word! Chen Xiaobei is young and outstanding, and even the hidden ancient sect rushes to ask him!”

“Yes! In order to attract Chen Xiaobei, Qingcheng Sect even keeps fighting Flower Mountain Faction!”

“We are crying and screaming and are not eligible to enter the hidden world, but Chen Xiaobei is being robbed by the hidden world, envious of the dead who do not pay their lives!”

“It seems that Chen Xiaobei is about to enter Qingcheng Sect! Otherwise, wouldn’t he hit the faces of 2 ancient hidden sects?”


In these exclamations, Chen Xiaobei gave an answer that didn’t expect anyone.

“Sorry! I don’t plan to join Qingcheng Sect!”

Chen Xiaobei stood proudly and spoke very plainly, but he showed a domineering attitude.

As soon as this statement came out, Su Dongruo’s old face burst into red.

“Becoming the Direct Disciple of Sect Master is the highest honor for newcomers to get started!”

Yue Changkong was eccentric on the side and said, “Su Great Elder, you have been so sincere, and you have been ruthlessly rejected! This is hitting you in the face of Qingcheng Sect!”

“Old man knows!”

Su Dongruo’s old face blushed for a while, and the depressed ones didn’t want them.

“Lay a big grass! Rejected again! Chen Xiaobei rejected Qingcheng Sect again!”

“My God! This kid is too crazy! It seems that he is not picking fat and picking thin, but he is not looking at Huashan and Qingcheng these two pots!”

“You should have a limit when you are young and frivolous! You are too arrogant to be proud, but you are acting too hard! This will not have a good result!”

“Yes! Offended Qingcheng Sect and Flower Mountain Faction. Sooner or later, there will be a painful price!”


The crowd broke out again and again, there was no way to understand why Chen Xiaobei made such a decision.

But they don’t know that Huashan has Yue Family, the father and son of base and shameless, Chen Xiaobei is naturally impossible into Huashan!

In addition, there are so-called 7 masters in Qingcheng. The old 7 Xia Dingxi was wiped out by Chen Xiaobei.

At that time, Xia Dingxi threatened Huo Yuanba with a clever kid, colluded with Blood Race, and brought 100 people to siege Liu Xuanxin.

As the saying goes, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked!

Looking at Xia Dingxi, it is not difficult to judge, nor are the senior members of Qingcheng Sect good.

Chen Xiaobei has no interest in having a relationship with them at all!

Of course, these inside stories, Chen Xiaobei impossible, speak out in front of 10000 people, and can only be explained separately.

“Everyone! Please allow me to explain!”

Chen Xiaobei indifferently said: “I rejected Yue Sect Master and Su Great Elder, not because I acted arrogantly, but because I already have my own Sect! There is a teacher on the top and a Disciple on the bottom! I naturally cannot switch to another Sect !”

“What? You already have Sect?” hearing this, everyone at the scene started it.

If this is the case, Chen Xiaobei’s refusal is reasonable.

“What are you sect or school? Who is your teacher?” Yue Changkong and Su Dongruo asked almost in unison.

Both of them are not stupid, and they know clearly that being able to tune out the Sect from Chen Xiaobei must be an extraordinary existence. Chen Xiaobei’s Master is afraid that it is also the top level existence in the rivers and lakes.

Before asking clearly, it was really bad and Chen Xiaobei tore his face.

Obviously, their judgment is correct.

Chen Xiaobei is Section Cult Disciple, under Heavenspan Cult Master! Looking at Three Realms, this is the highest background.

But this secret, Chen Xiaobei was impossible, and no one would believe it.

Chen Xiaobei indifferently said: “Hundred Beasts Mountain in the eastern suburb of Dragon City, the former site of Hundred Beasts Sect, has been converted into Northern Profound Sect, and I am the master of Beixuan!”

“What? Northern Profound Sect?” Yue Changkong frowned, disdainfully: “What Sect is that? This Seat hasn’t even heard of it!”

Su Dongruo even looked down with contempt and said, “What kind of garbage Sect is that? Also match me with Qingcheng Sect mention on equal terms?”

Liu Xiyuan introduced: “Two people don’t know, Northern Profound Sect is a new Sect that was just established last year! Dragon City rivers and lakes are almost unknown, but in the field, they are not very famous…”

“Hmph! This year, any cat or dog arbitrarily occupies a small piece of land, and dare to claim to establish Sect, which is ridiculous!” Su Dong Ruo Tucao said.

“Since Chen Xiaobei fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness, we naturally don’t stick our faces to our cold butts!”

Yue Changkong turned his eyes to Tai Yitan and said, “Yitan! You can come under my Flower Mountain Faction! I will accept you as a Direct Disciple, cultivate it carefully, and keep you have boundless prospects!”

As soon as this statement came out, on 10000 line of sight, all of them were concentrated on Tai Yitan.

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