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Who dares to think?

The True Astral silver sword with a handle like a hot knife through butter, really screamed with Chen Xiaobei’s cry, and was completely frozen in the space.

“This… how is this possible…”

“Isn’t Ghost Rain trying to kill Chen Xiaobei? Why did he suddenly stop?”

“A powerful offensive, even if you say stop, stop! Is this too mysterious?”

In an instant, the 10000 people on the scene were all stunned with bold faces, and they were completely confused.


Immediately afterwards, Chen Xiaobei said a word lightly.

In the next moment, 10000 people on the scene were directly stunned.

The 49 True Astral silver swords dimmed instantly, and soon spread out and disappeared into the space.

“This… what the hell is going on?” The audience was dumbfounded.

“What the hell is Ghost Rain doing? Why did it stop suddenly?” Xu Changqing’s eyebrows were deeply locked, and his tone was full of surprise.

“what the hell is happening ?”

Yue Changkong’s complexion sank said uncomfortably: “It’s not enough to just do it quickly, why do so many things? A waste of time!”

Hearing this, Liu Xiyuan and Situ Hengfeng both swallowed saliva and said.

These two goods know best that it is not Yue Junmo who is in trouble, but Chen Xianshi.

Immortal handwriting, how can mortals understand?

Immediately afterwards, in the eyes of 10000 pairs of unimaginable, Chen Xiaobei stepped forward and walked past the court with ease.

Walked in front of Yue Junmo.

“The battle is over.”

With a smile of harmless to humans and animals on his face, Chen Xiaobei slowly raised a hand.

“pa !!!”

The next moment, a loud noise burst on Yue Junmo’s face.

Chen Xiaobei directly used “Desolate Ancient Witch God’s Vigor Transforming Divine Art” to raise Combat Force to the peak of 38000.

The equivalent of 15200 pounds of impact, gathered in a slap, plus a layer of invisible True Astral, directly thrown on Yue Junmo’s face.

That loud tremor shook everyone’s eardrums, and most likely people raised their hands subconsciously and rubbed their cheeks.

That slap, it hurts to watch!

“pu! !!”

Yue Junmo’s old blood spewed out 3 meters high, and the whole person flew out directly, like a meteorite, directly hit 20 meters away, and the floor was smashed.

Without even humming, Yue Junmo straightly crooked his neck, rolled his dead fish eyes and passed out.

In an instant, the audience died.

Almost all of the 10000 people have become a stone sculpture with a shock of 10000. His expression is dull, his body is stiff, and there is not even a gasp!

Chen Xiaobei stood proudly on the stage with a harmless to humans and animals smile.

Just because the whole situation is under control, can you laugh at Yunjuanyunshu!

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei had a hint of enjoyment in his heart, enjoying the one after another shocking 10000 points around him, like the sight of ghosts and gods!

This whole battle of British warfare is like a movie made by Chen Xiaobei.

At this moment, it is the climax of the film, and the reaction of the audience on the scene is enough to prove that this mountain road twists around each new peak is very successful in’shooting’!

As the chief director behind the scenes, Chen Xiaobei still has a great sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Once the climax has passed, then, wait for a perfect ending!

“What the hell is going on? Can anyone tell me what happened?”

After a moment of death, Yue Changkong roared first.

“Zong…Sect Master…Gui Yu fell into a deep coma, his head was seriously injured, and he must seek medical treatment immediately…”

Zhuang Bihuang reported loudly from the floor.

“Doctor! All the doctors immediately roll over to me… Heal Gui Yu! If he has a length of 3 and a length of 2, you must all be buried!”

Yue Changkong no longer cares about winning or losing, and immediately angrily roared.


One stone stirred up 1000 waves, and the scene was suddenly agitated.

“Defeat! The ghost rain of 45000 Combat Force was actually defeated by a kid in his early 20s!”

“Who are you, Chen Xiaobei? The ghost rain burst out in the face! It’s incredible!”

“The world is so big, there really is no lack of strange things! Chen Xiaobei is such a genius in the world!”

“Yeah! Chen Xiaobei is not a person at all! It’s simply a reverse of Celestial Demon! Over time, there must be have boundless prospects!”


The scene exclaimed, the 10000 people were shocked, and the 10000 eyes were full of awe.

At this moment, in their eyes, Chen Xiaobei has been out of the category of mortals.

Only the inverse Celestial Demon can be used to describe Chen Xiaobei.


Luo Puti froze in place. The pair of exquisite phoenix eyes with a few teardrops in their hearts, as if they had overturned the 5 flavored bottles, as if they were escaping from their own deaths, they were full of taste and could not speak.

“Win! Master actually won!”

Huo Yuanba was so excited: “My God! If it wasn’t what I saw with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it if I was killed. It would be such a result!”

“It’s really a Master!” Tai Yitan squinted, showing an empathetic smile.

“Did you see what? Hurry! Tell me quickly!” Huo Yuanba asked the impatient, full of question marks.

“Head Down Spirit Gu!”

Tai Yitan lowered his voice and said, “That’s the top spirit gu of my gods, even I don’t understand the technique of Insect Solving! Master has been able to use it on the enemy! I have only one word for Master- clothes!”

“Wu Gu?” Huo Yuanba frowned slightly. “But, when did the Master plant the Gu?”

Tai Yitan shook the head, said: “Master is acting, in fact we can see through?”

Speaking of Chen Xiaobei’s breeding innocence, it is necessary to recall that Wu Aofeng used a gas tank to blow the clubhouse last time and was chased and killed by Yue Junmo.

At that time, Chen Xiaobei slapped Yue Junmo in a slap, Wu Aofeng persuaded Chen Xiaobei to kill his mouth, but Chen Xiaobei left Yue Junmo’s dog’s life and planted Wu Gu on the spot!

At this moment, this piece that has been laid long ago directly plays a decisive role.

The chess game hasn’t moved, and the secret has been played.

This shows that Chen Xiaobei’s foresight is so powerful!

“Xu Changqing! Have you seen it! Chen Xiaobei won! hahaha…”

Wu Aofeng laughed excitedly: “It’s true that you are a silly bee, you will win or lose within ten seconds, but the winner is Chen Xiaobei!”

“I…” Xu Changqing simply wanted to vomit blood.

This slapping Xiao Xuanfeng is simply too ruthless!

In the face of so many people, Xu Changqing just wanted to find a ground drill.

“Not much nonsense! According to our agreement! Hehehe…” Wu Aofeng went to Xu Changqing with a smirk and grabbed the Spiritual Artifact water-cutting knife.

“You… how dare you do this! Give me the water-cutting knife! Give me back immediately…” Xu Changqing felt scalp tingling for a while, just like his wife was robbed. So desperately with Wu Aofeng!

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