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Chen Xiaobei VS Ghost Rain!

This battle pattern was arranged by Chen Xiaobei.

Tai Yitan made it to the finals and was sure to get 2nd place.

Huo Yuanba stands by and targets the third.

As long as Chen Xiaobei hit this base and shameless ghost rain to lose Combat Force, Chen Xiaobei himself will be able to meet with Tai Yitan in the finals and win the first place.

Huo Yuanba didn’t need to fight, just settled for the third.

In this way, the top three of the martial arts in this war is really in the Northern Profound Sac.

“WTF! The ghost rain of 45000 Combat Force, to the mysterious Chen Xiaobei! This is definitely a dragon wars, the tiger battles!”

“Yes! Guiyu absolutely impossible abstain! Chen Xiaobei must come up with true strength! There is a good show!”

“I don’t think there is much to watch! Chen Xiaobei is too young, after all, where can he be strong again? Maybe he will be given seconds by the ghost rain!”

“It makes sense! If the gap in strength is too great and the suspense is lost in the game, then it will be meaningless.”


The audience had a cry, and they were still looking forward to it, but after pointing out Chen Xiaobei’s age problem, everyone showed their disappointment.

Just like Xu Changqing said, at Chen Xiaobei’s age, even if you start cultivation from the mother’s womb, it is impossible how strong it is.

The dragon wars, the tiger battles, must be dragons and tigers!

If the dragon crushes the kitten and the tiger presses the bug, what’s the point?

On the viewing platform.

“Hahaha! 1st place is already mine!”

Yue Changkong laughed with pride, and wishful abacus flies up: “when the time comes, I can not only recover all Spirit Stone! It can also make Chen Xiaobei, Wu Aofeng, Huo Yuanba, Tai Yitan, these 4 geniuses come to Huashan! Cool!”

If Su Dong is on the side, his face is very ugly, without saying a word, it is the default of Yue Changkong.

“Yue Sect Master, I have a sentence, I don’t know if I should talk about it or not?” Liu Xiyuan swallowed saliva and said, asking carefully.

“What’s the matter? Just say!” Yue Changkong said in a good mood and boldly.

“Let Yue Young Master admit defeat…” Liu Xiyuan said.

“What? I didn’t get it wrong?”

Yue Changkong’s good mood was poured into a basin of cold water, and he was angry on the spot, shouted: “Liu Xiyuan! Are you confused? What are you stinking about?”


Liu Xiyuan was shocked, knowing that he was angry with Yue Changkong, and quickly explained: “This is also for Yue Young Master. Good… Chen Xiaobei is not an ordinary person…”

“Why is he not an ordinary person? Does he still have Three Heads Six Arms?” Yue Changkong exasperated, and said uncomfortably.

“This… this I can’t say clearly…” Liu Xiyuan swallowed saliva and said, not daring to divulge Chen Xiaobei’s identity.

“Can’t say it clearly? You can’t say it at all?”

Yue Changkong didn’t even believe how strong Chen Xiaobei could be, coldly said: “The first and second prizes total a total of 2 Spirit Stones! I have every reason to doubt that you and the kid are together! I want to cheat my Spirit Stone ?dream!”

“Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding!”

Liu Xiyuan’s face changed drastically, and quickly said: “If Yue Sect Master doesn’t believe it, then when I put a fart! I don’t dare to cheat Yue Sect Master with outsiders! 10000 10000 Don’t dare!”

“Forgive you for not having the guts!”

Yue Junmo coldly snorted, disdainful: “Chen Xiaobei is very talented, but still too young! A trifling a nobody, why is it better than the only child I cultivated with countless resources and effort?”

“Yes yes! Yue Sect Master is right!” Liu Xiyuan nodded again and again.

Naturally, others dared not say much, and their eyes fell on the central ring.

“Little bastard! Do you have any last words? Say it! You will have no chance if you are late!”

Yue Junmo asked with a grinning voice.

Chen Xiaobei didn’t recognize the goods wearing a mask, and asked: “I don’t seem to have any hatred between you and me. Why do I have to say my last words when I come up?”

“Hehe, you are going to die anyway, and I don’t mind telling you the truth!”

Yue Junmo said viciously: “You robbed my woman! Let Wu Aofeng blow me up with a gas canister! Isn’t this a deep hatred?”

“It’s you!?” Chen Xiaobei expression started a little, there was no wave in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh.

Originally Chen Xiaobei did not know the true identity of Gui Yu, and intended to use the remaining Spirit Artifact within the Green Jade bottle gourd to urge Shamanic Dragon’s Nine Transformations.

However, now the understood ghost rain is Yue Junmo, Chen Xiaobei can save even the Spirit Stone, no need to waste one!

“Last time let you escape! This time, I will definitely kill you!”

Yue Junmo said insanely: “Don’t try to abstain. Before you say 2 words, I can kill you directly in seconds!”

“Hehe, you think too much, I will not admit defeat.” Chen Xiaobei shrugged, Serene’s expression.

“En? You don’t admit defeat? Do you know how many Combat Forces Lao’zi has?” Yue Junmo asked coldly.

“Know, you have 45000 Combat Force!” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said.

“What about you? Can you compare with me?” Yue Junmo asked again.

“I only have 38000 Combat Force.” Chen Xiaobei speak frankly, said.

In fact, Chen Xiaobei’s Combat Force is only 30000, which is based on the strength of 38000Physique, plus “Desolate Ancient Witch God’s Vigor Transforming Divine Art”, in order to play 38000Combat Force.

Chen Xiaobei did not conceal this, and told Yue Junmo generously.

“Mom’s mental retardation! 38000 Combat Force, why do you fight me?”

Yue Junmo said disdainfully: “Lao’zi can smash your True Astral in one move and kill your dog! You definitely have a slight chance of winning!”

Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled, said: “If I change to a 45000 Combat Force powerhouse, I really can’t easily win, but if it is you Yue Junmo, it is very simple!”

“Asshole! You not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth’s little bastard! When you die, you dare to pretend to be forced!” Yue Jun Mo said angrily: “You’re talking about how do you win me?”

Chen Xiaobei raised a palm and shook it, said with a smile: “One slap is enough!”

“What!? Are you crazy?”

Yue Junmo was furious and growled: “Just because of your spicy chicken Cultivation, but also want to slap me? There should be a limit to daydreaming!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, wouldn’t you try to understood?” Chen Xiaobei serene smiled, stretched out a finger, and ticked Yueyue Junmo.

“Fuck fuck! If the tiger does not show its might, you would treat me as a sick cat?”

Yue Junmo was completely irritated: “You want to die, Lao’zi fulfills you!”


Along with angry roar, Yue Junmo showed silver True Astral all over his body, and 49 silver swords of True Astral took off!

sword edge points directly to Chen Xiaobei!

In an instant, the audience was shocked!

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