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In an instant, a barrier like a mirror appeared in front of mysterious person.

“WTF! A big Fuck… This… what the hell is going on?”

Zhao Ritian rushed from the front, his silhouette was reflected in the mirror.

This strange scene suddenly shocked the goods, and the greed in the brain was diluted, and replaced by a deep fear.

But at this moment, a more unimaginable scene appeared.


Like a water wave, the mirror barrier suddenly rippled.

The reflection of Zhao Ritian reflected on the mirror barrier actually went through the mirror and walked out directly.

A reflection, actually became a living person!

Looks, clothes, looks, everything is exactly the same as Zhao Ritian himself!

At the same time, the mirror barrier gradually disappeared. The mysterious person just now has nowhere to go!


Zhao Ritian exclaimed 3 times, the whole person was like a toad stepped on by a cow, his eyes were glaring like falling out, and his mouth could be stuffed into a fist!

The scene that appeared in front of me was simply more science fiction than a science fiction movie.

Even if Zhao Ritian opened a big brain hole, he could not figure it out. What is going on here?

“How is it? Is my game interesting?” Fake Zhao Ritian asked with a smile.

“You… who the hell are you? How could you be like me…” Zhao Ritian was scared to have one’s hair stand on end, and cold sweat instantly soaked his forehead.

“I am Zhao Ritian!” said fake Zhao Ritian.

“Bullshit! I am Zhao Ritian! You are a fake! What do you want to be like me! Change back immediately! Change back!” Zhao Ritian’s face was green.

If it weren’t for the scorching sun, he really thought he was a hell.

“I consumed 500 Spirit Stones before they became yours. How can I easily change them back?” Fake Zhao Ritian asked.

“No! You must change back!” Zhao Ritian was very serious shouted: “There can only be one Zhao Ritian in the world! You become me, what shall I do?”

“Well, right, there can only be one Zhao Ritian in the world!”

Fake Zhao Ritian grinned and said, “Since I became you, then you will die!”

“What!? Uh…”

Zhao Ritian’s expression was stunned. Before he had finished speaking, his throat was choked by the fake Zhao Ritian, and he was suffocated instantly.

“This…how is this possible…your power…how can you be like me…spare…spare my life please…beg your life…”

Zhao Ritian struggled desperately, but his throat was strangled, and he had lost his chance. The more he struggled, the more painful he was!


Finally, with a crisp sound, Zhao Ritian’s throat was completely twisted, breathe one’s last.

“Don’t blame me for my 6 ears! You blame yourself for not being a good thing! Bullying and fear, greed and viciousness! I can kill you and earn a lot of merit!”

There is no doubt that this fake Zhao Ritian is exactly what Six-Eared Macaque transformed.

“I have 6 ears to resurrect my life. In addition to completing Shen Gongbao’s mission, I must also accumulate ethics and widely recruit believers! At this time, I have to fight for a good future for myself!”

Six-Eared Macaque threw Zhao Ritian into a ravine, and then returned to Martial Practice Stage as Zhao Ritian.


Martial Practice Stage.

The eight winners of the preliminaries and the eight Seeded Contestants all gathered in one place.

Huashan Great Elder Zhuang Bihuang personally came down and presided over: “For the sake of fairness! The rematch will be decided by lottery!”

tone barely fell, someone raised a box, all around sealed and opaque, there is a round hole on the top, you can reach into the lottery.

“There are 6 balls in this box, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, white, 8 colors, 2 balls in each color! 2 people who draw the same color must be the same Taiwan against!”

Zhuang Bihuang said solemnly: “If there is nothing you don’t understand, you can start drawing lots!”

“Then I will pay respect first!”

As soon as this remark came out, Wu Aofeng stood up first, carefree reached into the box and pulled out a green ball!

“It’s funny than…what! I haven’t plot against it yet!”

Upon seeing this, Chen Xiaobei sweated down.

Just now, he has used Nether Eye of Strife and probably looked at the strength of everyone.

I found 2 guys wearing masks, Combat Force are above 40000, and even they can’t beat them.

If you want to ensure that the top 3 are all taken by yourself, you must’dark box operation’ this time!

But it’s good, I haven’t figured it out yet, how to get rid of the two strong enemies, Wu Aofeng jumped out and disrupted his position.

“The next one is for me!”

The guy nicknamed Ghost Rain, walked over the second one.

He is one of the two strong enemies Chen Xiaobei saw, 2 Combat Force, the strongest of all contestants!

Chen Xiaobei quickly opened Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes.

Through the box, I saw ghost rain pumping a white ball.

“Fortunately… Wu Aofeng escaped a disaster…”

Chen Xiaobei relaxed, but frowns saying: “But, how can I let’Chang Qing’ also draw a white ball?”

This Changqing is the second largest powerhouse that Chen Xiaobei has seen, 2 Combat Force!

If there is a way to let Chang Qing also draw a white ball, he can let him and ghost rain sandpiper and clam war together, it is best to be able to fight against you.

In this way, Chen Xiaobei can sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits and collect the top 3 rewards!

However, the ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

Chen Xiaobei’s plan had not been worked out yet, and the plan was announced in advance.

Liu Chunyi’s bad luck goods, the second white ball was drawn out with a hand.

In other words, Liu Chunyi will fight against Gui Yu.

“Mommy…Since I can’t let ghost rain and Changqing sandpiper and clam war together, in this first round of battle, I can only do my best to protect myself!”

Chen Xiaobei had no time to struggle, and immediately set the transfer target.

You can’t get rid of the strong enemy, at least you must protect yourself!

To protect people, the best way is to let yourself fight against weaker opponents.

At this time, a preliminaries winner with no background reached into the box.

“No way, although it’s a bit wasteful, but the guarantor matters!”

The weakest player on the scene, there are only three preliminaries with no background, and no one will miss.

Chen Xiaobei made a decisive decision and extracted a Wishful Monkey Hair!

“Turn that request green for me!”

Raise your hand, pretending to be a cough, and blow into the palm of your hand.

Wishful Monkey Hair flew out immediately.

Change the ball drawn by this person into green!

In this way, this person becomes Wu Aofeng’s opponent, which is equivalent to directly sending Wu Aofeng to the next round!

Next, others continued to draw lots.

Chen Xiaobei followed the same method and repeated the dark box operations to change the battle combination.

Although it is a waste of Wishful Monkey Hair, as long as you can win the last 5000 Spirit Stones, all this is worth it!

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