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Next day.

Chen Xiaobei went to Profound Sword Sect with Tai Yitan, Wu Aofeng, Huo Yuanba before the day lighted up.

Profound Sword Sect is the only place in the Chinese secular world where Profound Sword Sect is the only place suitable for holding this conference. Especially this year the scale is still very large. If you change to another place, you can’t do it!

“Profound Sword Mountain is ahead!”

Chen Xiaobei arranged ahead of time: “We will act separately after a while, you should not act together, nor say know me! After all, there are too many enemies, 10000 as soon as I am targeted, you will not be affected!”

“Observe! Master take care!”

3 The Disciple leaves first, entering Profound Sword Mountain from different directions.

Chen Xiaobei waited for a while before going uphill alone.

This time the General Assembly Wu, Zhuang, Liu, Ye, 3 families gathered! Blood Race, island country, wait for the opportunity!

Moreover, there are Flower Mountain Faction, Qingcheng Sect, Shushan Sect, such a hidden ancient sect sitting in town!

As far as Chen Xiaobei is concerned, today’s conference martial arts is definitely a four-faced song, enemies are enemies!

Because of this, Chen Xiaobei didn’t take anyone with him, even the three major disciplines let them hide their identities.

If it is really out of control, Chen Xiaobei is alone, but it is easier to get out!

As for Xiaobai, Heavenly Wolf, and Xiao’er, Chen Xiaobei has let himself be placed in Profound Sword Sect’s undercover Qi Yueting to the mountain in order to borrow ability in time.

This battle is by no means complete with 10000 things, and it is full of huge variables. Chen Xiaobei can only do what he can to prepare.

After stepping into Profound Sword Mountain, you can only take one step at a time!

“Stop! who you are!”

As soon as he reached the gate of Profound Sword Sect, Chen Xiaobei was stopped by 2 young Moriyama Disciples.

Although the last time Profound Sword Sect used the power of the whole sect to round up Chen Xiaobei, Chen Xiaobei wore a mask, this low-level discipline, simply did not know Chen Xiaobei.

“I am a contestant in this war against the British, this is my registration information.”

Chen Xiaobei took out his mobile phone and called up the information previously registered online.

“Chen Xiaobei? Hmm!”

The taller Moriyama Disciple squinted and twisted his fingers at Chen Xiaobei, with a meaningful smile.

“What do you mean?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

“Nonsense! Of course it makes you mean!” The shorter one

“Oh, do you want money?” Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled, simply rewarded them with 2 words: “No!”


The tall Disciple was very upset and immediately put on a stinky face, disdainful: “What’s wrong with this year? What dare to dare to dare to register? My Profound Sword Sect?”

“Why should Senior Brother get angry?” The short Disciple said with a sneer: “He doesn’t understand the rules, we don’t give him the way, and there is a loss to let him eat!”

“Oh, I don’t need you to lead the way, let it go.” Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently.

When I was making a Profound Sword Sect, these 2 Moriyama Disciples were just shrunk at the end and were scared of scared witless ants that’s all.

Chen Xiaobei simply disdains lower oneself to somebody’s level with them.

But the tall Disciple, who was in a weak position, pointed to Chen Xiaobei and shouted angrily: “There is a problem with your registration information! Lao’zi has the right to refuse you to go up the mountain!”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly.

Although he disdain to care about the ants, but this ants put his nose on the face, then it is impossible to say.

“Boy! My Senior Brother is grumpy! You better not provoke him!”

The short Disciple didn’t notice the danger at all, and casually said: “Those contestants who are more famous than you have paid the guide fee. If you don’t pay anybody, my Senior Brother is not a good person!”

“There are no tolls.”

Chen Xiaobei face turned cold, indifferently said: “There are two big mouths, or?”

“Fuck fuck…” The tall Disciple was furious, but before he finished, he swallowed back forcibly!

“Young Master! Meet Young Master! Young Master, how come you came down the mountain?”

Suddenly, the tall and short 2 guard mountains Disciple, all rushed towards the mountain gate, kept nodded ha waist, like two pug pugs shaking their tails!

“Today there is a person is an extremely important guest! I haven’t arrived, I will go down the mountain to see! Lest you bump into the guest!”

An arrogant voice came, it was Profound Sword Sect Young Master, Liu Chunyi!

This guy walked down and fiddled with the phone, it should be contacting who.

“You can rest assured! Our two brothers must wipe their eyes bright! Absolutely not dare to run into the VIPs!” The short Disciples were nodded again and again.

The tall Disciple stared at Chen Xiaobei and shouted angrily: “Smelly Brat! Hurry up and go! I ran into my Profound Sword Sect’s VIP, you have 100 lives and not enough to die!”

Chen Xiaobei ignored him and looked directly towards Liu Chunyi, indifferently said: “Turtle grandson! Who is your VIP?”

“Lay a big grass! You…you brat dare to call us Young Master is a grandson!”

The eyes of the two Shoyama Disciples are about to be shocked.

It has been a few years since Profound Sword Sect Shoushanmen, these two goods have seen a lot of great characters with shining forks, but, like Chen Xiaobei, who is so crazy and crazy, they are definitely unprecedented for the first time!

Scolding Liu Chunyi tortoise grandson, wouldn’t that mean scolding Liu Xiyuan’s Old Tortoise?

do not forget! This is the territory of Profound Sword Sect!

Slap at the door! This kid is forced to die! Big death!

“Act recklessly Smelly Brat! Lao’zi smashes your face for the Young Master!”

The tall Disciple is like a dog guarding the master. When he lifts up his sleeves, he rushes towards Chen Xiaobei!

“pa !!!”

However, he didn’t take a step forward, and was pulled out by a big mouth.

“Small…Young Master…Why did you hit me…”

The whole person smashed heavily outside the ten meters, just opened a mouth, and even the blood was sprayed on the ground, and could not climb.

“Young Master, did you hit the wrong person…”

The short Disciple’s face is bold and bold, and he can’t understand it at all. What is crazy about Patriarch? Why would you smoke yourself?

“2 stupid idiots!”

Liu Chunyi shouted angrily: “This Chen Xian…Mr. Chen! It is the most distinguished guest above and below my Profound Sword Sect! As long as he said a sentence, I killed you two minutes without eye!”

“What!? He… he’s a VIP…”

Both Moriyama Disciples were scared and stupid, and asked incredulously: “But he called you a grandson!”

“Is that a curse?”

Liu Chunyi said piously: “Mr. Chen Jinkouyuyan! He said that I am the turtle grandson I am the turtle grandson!”


2 Disciples are speechless and dreamed didn’t expect. My Young Master is so cheap, he was scolded, and he himself admitted.

But then I thought about it, the kid whom they regarded as a nobody must have the identity of terrifying matchless, otherwise, Liu Chunyi was impossible like this!

At the thought of this, the two teases immediately knelt down at Chen Xiaobei, and their heads were knocked!

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