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“Instead of letting Gordon snatch the 6-Man Star Core and become our arrogant enemy, not equal to me, first dispose of the 6-Man Star Core, so that he will never get a chance!”

Chen Xiaobei sat on the main seat, said solemnly.

6 Keep the Star Core in your hand and it will be a time bomb!

Not afraid of 10000, I am afraid that once 10000 falls into Gordon’s hands, he is activated by the ability of Diablo, advanced by leaps and bounds!

When the time comes, Dragon City can’t stop him, not even Xiang Yu!

Conversely, if the 6-Man Star Core can be dealt with, Gordon’s strength will become a fixed number. If Xiang Yu is to fight, at least 50% of the chances of winning!

“This is also a way!”

Li Gang said: “However, the Dark Star Core is extremely strong, even the power of the Celestial Manifestation cannot destroy it!”

Li Xiang frowned and said, “Then it can only be thrown into the sea or the mountains!”

“No! I don’t need to destroy it, nor do I need to throw it away!” Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes and raised a mysterious smile in the corner of his mouth.

“So what do you do?”

Li Xiang and Li Gang both showed surprise

Chen Xiaobei’s words are not surprisingly endless, saying: “I want to eat it!”


Li Xiang and Li Gang were stunned for a moment, they couldn’t believe their ears.

“Mr. Chen ……”

A row of black lines popped behind Li Gang’s head and said, “Did you not listen to me just now? The Dark Star Core is so strong that even the Celestial Manifestation powerhouse cannot destroy it…”

Li Xiang nodded accused: “This thing is not big, but it is not small. If you eat it, you will definitely have to make a stomach…”

“Hehe, for you, this is Dark Star Core! But for me, it’s a fried bean that’s all! The harder it is, the more I like it!”

Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised, revealing the expression of profound.

“Uh… Mr. Chen… aren’t you really cracking a joke? Don’t! Don’t eat…”

Li Xiang and Li Gang were both ignorant.

Originally thought that Chen Xiaobei was cracking a joke, but they hadn’t finished their words yet, Chen Xiaobei had delivered 6-mount Star Core to his mouth.

Really treat the 6-Man Star Core as fried beans, and send it directly into the mouth, then nibbling.

“Ka beng!”

Just hear a crisp sound.

“Oops! Mr. Chen’s teeth were broken!”

Li Xiang and Li Gang took a breath at the same time, subconsciously feeling that the tooth roots were sour.

2 people thought Chen Xiaobei was unable to pretend to be defeated, but the teeth were broken by 6-Man Star Core.

“ka-cha ……ka-cha ……”

Li Xiang and Li Gang are in pain, Chen Xiaobei chewed instead.

“Isn’t this always chewing my teeth?” Li Ganghan came down.

“Mr. Chen, you are…” Li Xiang asked in a conversation.


Chen Xiaobei swallowed the things in his mouth and couldn’t help but admire: “The 6 Mans Star Core is too delicious! It’s super super super top grade delicious! It’s cooler than eating wind pattern Mithril!”

Chen Xiaobei said, grinning at Li Xiang and Li Gang, revealing a row of white and neat teeth.

“Mr. Chen’s teeth are fine! How is this possible?” Li Gang stunned.

“This… so… 6 Star Core was really eaten by Mr. Chen!?” Li Xiang swallowed wildly.

Looking at Chen Xiaobei’s intact teeth, these 2 guys were shocked and began to doubt life!

“The meal is full of emptiness, I have to go to sleep first, you go to rest!”

Chen Xiaobei stretched his lazy waist and wanted to sleep as soon as he ate the 6-Man Star Core.

“OK… Then we go out first…”

Li Xiang and Li Gang nodded, with full of shock and doubt, withdrew from Chen Xiaobei’s study.

It’s absolutely unthinkable to let them rack their brains. Chen Xiaobei just ate the 6-Man Star Core raw just now, in fact, thanks to the talent ability of 12–Winged Golden Cicada!

Now Chen Xiaobei is about to digest the 6-Man Star Core. When he wakes up, his body will get corresponding benefits.

I have to say that this is definitely an ability against the sky!

As for how much benefit Chen Xiaobei can get this time, he has to wait for him to wake up before understood.


“Not found! Lord Lord Gordon, I really can’t find it!”

“I can’t find it here! I picked up every stone and read it…”

“Every lawn I looked for on my stomach, it didn’t!”

Zhong Prefecture, Li Xiang’s private estate.

Thirty-six silver wings stood in a row with their frowns on their faces, shaking their heads one after another, and failed to complete Gordon’s instructions.

“Waste! A bunch of useless waste! You can’t even do such a small thing! Why don’t you eat stool!”

Gordon has reverted to a common European and American old man’s appearance, and his whole face is twisted and angry, snarling at 36 Silver Wings.

“Mr. Gordon! Please don’t scold us like this! Don’t forget, we are all you seconded from Prince Vincemok!”

The leader of the Silverwings said: “We call you a’Lord Lord’, just out of courtesy that’s all! Only after you successfully control the power of Darkness, you are the true Northern Domain Lord!”

“Conversely, if you do not have the power to control the dark, then you will never be an upper-class aristocrat! At best, it is a little stronger than us, and the status is not much different!”

As soon as this statement came out, Gordon’s complexion dimmed, and he asked, “Isn’t it not the Lord, I can’t scold you?”

“If it is our fault, you can certainly scold!”

The leader of the Silver Wings replied: “However, the 6-Man Star Core did not know where to go, it was because the wind was raging at that time! If there is no wind, we will have found it!”

“Breeze? Raging?”

Gordon narrowed his eyes and asked Bingbing coldly: “You mean, I can’t find the 6-Man Star Core, is it my fault?”

“I don’t mean to blame you, just tell the truth, I hope you don’t scold us anymore, everyone is dignified…”

The leader of the Silver Wings said very seriously.

As soon as this statement came out, the rest of the Silver Wing Guards were nodded one after another, obviously all unhappy with Gordon’s abuse.

However, before the voice of the Silver Wings leader fell, he suddenly felt cold all over.


Gordon flicks with the finger, without warning, popped a True Astral that is 100 times sharper than the steel knife.

“Shua! Yeah…”

True Astral of that wind, like a machete, instantly wiped the left shoulder of the silver wing guard’s head, chopped his entire left arm to the ground, and instantly blood spattered.

“Shua! Shua! shua…”

When everyone was shocked, Gordon popped dozens of True Astral in a row, all slashing to the leader of the silver wings.

Just in a blink of an eye, a good person became a pile of scattered corpses!


The remaining 35 silver wing guards took a breath, and showed extreme fear on their faces.

“Who else thinks it’s my fault that I can’t find the 6-Man Star Core?” Gordon asked coldly.

“No no no no…” Everyone immediately shook their heads like a wavy drum.

“Can I scold you in the future?” Gordon asked again.

“Can be possible…” Everyone nodded their heads like Little Ji pecked rice.

“Count your acquaintances! Get back! Find it again!”

Gordon snorted and beckoned again: “Who is that! Did I get the video you shot?”

“Photographed… photographed…” A Silver Wing Guard immediately ran over and handed a cell phone to Gordon.

Gordon turned on the video function and it played out everything that happened that night.

Chen Xiaobei and the others escaped from the ruins.

Chen Xiaobei dropped the 6-Man Star Core and continued to escape.

Chen Xiaobei stepped on Flying Nimbus and was still at large.

“Run away! Chen Xiaobei! With this video, your good performance of Earth Immortal is completely over!”

Gordon narrowed his eyes and smiled fiercely.

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