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The formidable power of “Holding the Curse” is known to Chinese people.

In those days, even Brother Hou was so painful and begging for mercy.

Although the three gold hoops in Chen Xiaobei’s hands are imitations, they are absolutely painful torture for dealing with mortals!

“Don’t miss it… Ao…Please don’t do it…it hurts so much…I want to die again…”

Liu Xiyuan and Liu Chunyi hissed and wailed, and the sad voice was worse than killing a pig!

In fact, the Spirit Qi of the White Jade Dragon Brocade Box is very limited and cannot support the gold hoop for long.

Chen Xiaobei could not kill Liu Xiyuan.

Even if the two guys did not ask for mercy, Chen Xiaobei had to stop.

But seeing what they begged for was so heartbreaking, Chen Xiaobei suddenly felt alive.

Better take this opportunity to knock them out!

It has hurt so much that they will promise to say anything!

“It doesn’t matter if I don’t read it!”

Chen Xiaobei thought about it for a while, and said with a smile: “Hand over 1000 Spirit Stones, you can avoid this punishment!”

“To… so much…” Liu Xiyuan tangled his entire face.

You know, 1000 Spirit Stones, for Profound Sword Sect, is definitely a large number of Sect foundation!

Giving it out in one breath, even if there is still a little old man left, it is bound to hurt muscles and bones, strength great injury!

For Liu Xiyuan, this is definitely more painful than cutting his 8 pounds of meat!

“Grandfather…don’t hesitate! Promise the fairy master! Hurry…I’m going to die… Ao! Ao…”

Liu Chunyi’s mind was very fragile, and if he didn’t want to think about it, he immediately wailed and urged.

Liu Xiyuan couldn’t help but was shaken by his grandson, and he also compromised: “Fairy Master…Don’t miss it, Master… We give! 1000 Spirit Stones, we are willing to give…”

“Hehe, then get it quickly, and give you 5 minutes. If you don’t come back, I will continue reading!” Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled.

In fact, Spirit Qi of the Golden Hoop is almost exhausted, and even if Spirit Stone is not given, it will naturally stop.

But Liu Family’s grandfather and grandson didn’t know. After a short breath, they used all one’s strength to rush back to Sect, and they dared not fetch 1000 Spirit Stones for a second.

“Fairy Master… Spirit Stone is in these two boxes… Please accept it…”

Liu Xiyuan and Liu Chunyi each returned with a large box.

2 people kneel at Chen Xiaobei’s feet, while begging Chen Xiaobei to accept Spirit Stone, while staring at the box again, as if the daughter-in-law was snatched by Chen Xiaobei.

Seeing the scene before him, Chen Xiaobei almost smiled.

If these two goods are known, they will stop even if they don’t give the Spirit Stone gold hoop. Will they both be vomiting blood and die?

“The two of you are sensible!”

Chen Xiaobei waved his hand, and two large boxes were included in the space ring, and then indifferently said: “What did you see today? What did you hear?”


Liu Xiyuan and Liu Chunyi expressed for a moment, shaking their heads like a wavy drum: “no no no! We didn’t see anything! We didn’t hear anything!”

“Well, remember these words!”

Chen Xiaobei waved his hands impatiently and said: “If you can’t control your mouth, I Chen Zhufeng will make you never open your mouth! Get out!”

“Yes yes! Farewell to the fairy master! Goodbye to the fairy master!”

Liu Xiyuan and Liu Chunyi knocked at Chen Xiaobei three times again, and then fled with their tails in between.

Today, the two of them saw a lot of Chen Xiaobei’s “Divine Immortal Means”, which has been sent from Chen Xiaobei in the depth of one’s soul. With their 10000 guts, they did not dare to reveal Chen Xiaobei’s secret!

“Okay, it’s all right, we can leave…”

Chen Xiaobei went to the other 3 people, said with a faint smile.

“Hey! Hey!”

But before he finished speaking, Huo Yuanba and Qiaoer both knelt on the ground.

“Eun Gong is on top! Please pay homage to Huo Family siblings! life-saving grace! Never forget!”

After that, the siblings 2 bent over and prodded Chen Xiaobei.

“do not!”

Chen Xiaobei quickly grabbed them, said solemnly: “You are doing this, but you are hitting my face!”

“We didn’t mean that…” The siblings froze in place.

“You 2 siblings are friends of Xuanxin, that is my friend!”

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently: “Friends are meant to be the meaning of the word! Help each other, and I only do what I should do. How can I bow down? Hurry up, otherwise I will not be treated as a friend!”

“This…” Siblings 2 expression started slightly.

“Qiaoer, you get up first.” Huo Yuanba lifted the younger sister with one hand and continued to kneel on the spot.

“Brother…you are…” Qiaoer’s face was ignorant, not knowing what to do.

“Master Chen Xian, we certainly recognize you as a friend!”

Huo Yuanba remarked and said, “But! I said that before! If Chen Xianshi can really save my younger sister and return safely, Huo Yuanba will owe you 2 lives! I will follow you in this life and this world, let me send you!”

“It’s not necessary.” Chen Xiaobei said indifferently.

“I Huo Yuanba has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and I have always been rewarded!”

Huo Yuanba paused, said: “In addition, I must confess and follow Mr. Chen, in fact, I also have a share of selfishness!”

“I siblings 2 people offended Profound Sword Sect and implicated Blood Race and Qingcheng Sect. The world is so big, I am afraid there is nowhere to stand!”

“Only by Chen Xianshi can I save my 2 siblings!”

“Sister Xian, please give me a chance to repay your favors! Also give me siblings 2 people a sheltered harbor! Yuanba please!”

These words are the truth of Huo Yuanba’s heart.

He really wanted to repay his gratitude, and he was really forced to help, so he must seek shelter from Chen Xiaobei.

Once Chen Xiaobei agrees, he will surely serve Chen Xiaobei wholeheartedly!

“Chen Xiaobei, for my sake, promise him! Let me owe you a favor!”

At this time, Liu Xuanxin also spoke.

She can see that Huo Yuanba is sincere and will not be harmful to Chen Xiaobei.

If Chen Xiaobei agrees, he will be able to shelter Huo Family siblings in the future, and 2 will be able to reap a tiger.

This approach did not blindly let Chen Xiaobei suffer, but it was the best of both worlds.

“I meant to agree, without you owing my favor.”

Chen Xiaobei smiled gently at Liu Xuanxin.

Like a mirror in my heart, I was clear about the pros and cons. I also knew that Liu Xuanxin’s persuasion was put forward after thinking on my own side.

“Yuanba, Qiaoer.”

Chen Xiaobei looked sideways and said, “My Northern Profound Sect is the safest place, but if you want to enter my Sect, you must have a name, so that I can have an account with my family and other people in Sect. !”

“I siblings 2 people, willing to be a slave to the fairy master…” Huo Yuanba said.

Chen Xiaobei interrupted him and said, “You don’t have to be so light. Since I accept you, I will treat you as a family! Be my Disciple. From now on, Northern Profound Sect will be your home! “

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