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Chen Xiaobei faced the force of his enemies and turned his back to the gap between the 2 big teams!

The giant strikes directly let Chen Xiaobei fly like a cannonball, following the gap in the middle, and flew out of the 2 big formations at a rapid speed!

In an instant, the Extreme Cold field sandwiched between 2 large formations flew out with Chen Xiaobei!

This is like two palms desperately trying to close, which was originally blocked by a big spring.

But at this moment, the big spring suddenly disappeared!

The next screen is quite exciting!

“WTF! Oops…”

Xia Dingxi and Potter seemed to realize this too, their expressions stiffened, and their faces were instantly green.

“bang! !!”

At the next moment, 2 big formations, like 2 big hands that lost the spring resistance, snapped together!

The original huge impulse, coupled with the inertia of the sudden disappearance of resistance, makes the power further increase, and the severity of the collision can be imagined!

“Sat! Sat! Sat… Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang…”

The most profitable spear attacks the strongest shield. As a result, there is no doubt that both sides suffer!

one after another azure long sword, piercing through the 6-man blood shield, piercing the Blood Race like a torrential shower, beheading and splitting the body in an instant, howling sky!

At the same time, the 6 Mans Blood Shield was crushed like a bulldozer, and the Qingcheng Sect Disciple rushed to the front was crushed and crushed, and was trampled by the crowd of former and subsequent servants, even the whole body could not be guaranteed!

In just a few seconds, the two large formations in the original imposing manner were broken in an instant, killing more than 2 people!

Of course, the worst among them are Xia Dingxi and Potter!

2’big hands’ snapped together, and these 2 teasing ratios, like 2 flies, were shot directly in the middle!

They originally wanted to deal with Chen Xiaobei in this way, but 10000 10000 could not think of it. In the end, they even lifted their stones and smashed their feet!

You know, although they have True Astral body protection, True Astral will collapse when they are oppressed by huge impact!

Liu Xiyuan said long ago, as strong as Huo Yuanba can’t stand the blow of Tiangang Qingfeng!

The strength of Xia Dingxi and Porter is almost the same as Huo Yuanba!

Under the combined force of 2 large formations, the True Astral of 2 people shattered at the same time, and the physical body and mortal flesh were instantly hit hard!

“How can this be… how can I be so embarrassed…”

Xia Dingxi was like being hit by a train, bloody nose and swollen face, vomiting blood in his mouth, a severe fracture of his right leg, and he could not stand up on the ground!

“Ao…help…help…I don’t want to die yet…”

Porter was stabbed into the body with a 7 8 shank long sword, hands, feet, chest and abdomen, and he was not spared. The plasma was like no money, soaring out of the body, it was terrible.

“Just…breaking the formation like this? Chen…Mr. Chen really is Deity…”

In the distance, Huo Yuanba looked silly.

He has always been very confident in his strength, but in all fairness, even if he is ten himself, it is impossible to break the 2 big formations!

At this moment, watching Chen Xiaobei with his own eyes, with a single move to retreat, without breaking the blood to crack the 2 large formations.

Huo Yuanba’s heart was instantly shocked by a nuclear explosion.

Even secretly mocking himself, at first, he persuaded Chen Xiaobei to surrender three times and two times, just like a funny clown.

Of course, in addition to self-deprecation, Huo Yuanba has 30% more respect for Chen Xiaobei and 30% look forward to it!

Respect is the character of Chen Xiaobei, not only did not lower oneself to somebody’s level with himself, but also show mercy at the critical time!

Looking forward to Chen Xiaobei really being able to save his younger sister!

If that is the case, Chen Xiaobei is the biggest benefactor in his life. Even if he used his life to repay Chen Xiaobei, Huo Yuanba would never frown!

“This guy…who is who……”

On the other side, Liu Xuanxin was also dumbfounded and muttered to himself: “I said he was a common person, and I don’t believe in killing! The missile was hidden in his sleeve. When he thought of moving the Celestial Manifestation, it seemed to be Earth Immortal’s handwriting! “

“But if he was Earth Immortal, how could I be shot in the palm of my hand?”

Liu Xuanxin was deeply puzzled. The more he wanted to know Chen Xiaobei, the less he could see the mysterious man.

But she likes to find out by nature. The more she cannot see Chen Xiaobei, the more she wants to see it.

Unconsciously, she has been deeply attracted by the mysterious feeling on Chen Xiaobei, unable to extricate herself from trying to get close to this man, and wanting to have more intimate contact with him.

“Mr. Chen! I admit defeat…I admit defeat…you can go! You can take away Liu Xuanxin and Huo Family siblings…”

Xia Dingxi covered her injured leg and said with a trembling voice.

At this moment, his fighting intent has completely collapsed, and he just wants to send away Chen Xiaobei as soon as possible!

“Can you take it away?”

Chen Xiaobei walked slowly and asked in a cold voice: “Who does Chen Zhufeng want to bring, and still needs your approval?”


Xia Dingxi swallowed saliva and said, shaking his head again and again: “No need, no need… Mr. Chen wants to take whoever he takes away! I dare not have half a crap!”

“Hehe, what if I want to take away your life?” Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently.

“No! No…you can’t kill me!”

Xia Dingxi’s face changed dramatically, and he shook his head desperately, saying, “I am one of the 7 masters in Qingcheng! My Master is Qingcheng Sect Sect Master! His Senior is Celestial Manifestation Realm powerhouse… you killed me… it is equal to Qingcheng Sect to me Declare war!”

“You threaten Huo Family siblings with a poison meter, and you want to kill Liu Xuanxin and me! Don’t say that your Master is Celestial Manifestation powerhouse! Even if it is Divine Immortal in the sky, I will kill you even if you chase the wind!”

Chen Xiaobei crossed his eyebrows with cold eyes, right hand and waved his finger!


I saw a blood glow from Chen Xiaobei’s fingertips, and immediately wiped Xia Dingxi’s throat!

Without True Astral support, Xia Dingxi has no resistance!

“Pu! Yeah…”

At the next moment, plasma sprayed, and Xia Dingxi’s head fell to the ground, not looking dead.

“zheng! ”

Chen Xiaobei’s fingertip blood glow did not disperse, and began to devour the surrounding blood and ghosts.

He doesn’t need Three Realms Merits for the time being, but needs more energy, enrich Primal Chaos Blood Sword, and keep accumulating for his’ace card’ in case of unexpected needs!

Everyone at the scene was dead or injured. Needless to say, the deceased was taken away.

As for the living people, with the rapid passing of the blood, they also died, and even the ghosts were swallowed.

Absorb the essence blood ghosts of these people. In conjunction with the previous 2 accumulations, Primal Chaos Blood Sword has already accumulated nearly 500 people’s spirit blood ghosts, which has turned into lethality. It is close to True Astral Peak Stage!

One sword 50000 Combat Force!

Moreover, afterwards, the accumulation of energy can be further accumulated. At a critical moment, this can definitely be regarded as the “ace card” of Chen Xiaobei!

After the clearing, Chen Xiaobei left Porter alone.

“Tell me! Why do you have to catch me in Blood Race?”

Chen Xiaobei looked at Potter from the top and asked.

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