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At the far end of the battlefield, on a lush ancient branch, 2 Daoist shadows stood side by side, staring at the situation on the battlefield.

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei’s guess is completely correct.

These two people are Liu Xiyuan and Liu Chunyi.

The reason why both grandfather and grandson did not come forward to fight is that they have reached an alliance with the dealer’s old hag. 2 came because they deeply cared about Chen Xiaobei’s mysterious details!

As long as they still have scruples about Chen Xiaobei, they dare not do anything absolutely, otherwise, Qiaoer was already severely tortured by them.

“Grandfather, do you say that the kid is Earth Immortal?” Liu Chunyi narrowed his eyes and expressed amazed.

“It should not be Earth Immortal.”

Liu Xiyuan shook the head, but turned his head and said, “But, the last time the boy threw away a lot of missiles from his sleeve, which was clearly written by Divine Immortal…it was so weird…”

“Are you still unable to see through?” Liu Chunyi snorted.

“Unable to see…” Liu Xiyuan said helplessly: “If you can see through, why should an old man submit to humiliation here?”

“I hope this battle can see the difference!”

Liu Xiyuan and Liu Chunyi both looked at Chen Xiaobei with concentrated attention completely, and the slightest details were never missed.

Fear comes from the unknown.

One day, Chen Xiaobei couldn’t see through, and their hearts were uneasy.


“Mr. Chen, my Combat Force assessment, has reached 33000. If you are weaker than me, just surrender.”

“In the final analysis, this matter is my Huo Family. I’m sorry you and Young Lady Liu! I sincerely don’t want to hurt you again!”

“But I have no choice!”

Huo Yuanba said solemnly: “So, I hope you can think clearly and don’t do unnecessary resistance! Otherwise I won’t, nor can I show mercy!”


Hearing this, Chen Xiaobei was just faintly smiled, and said, “You are too worthy of yourself, come here! You can’t hurt me! You can’t hurt a single hair!”

“WTF! That kid is too rampant! Huo Yuanba is not in his eyes at all!”

“That’s not rampant! It’s just pretending to be! Huo Yuanba is a Renowned “Eastern European War Bear”, Combat Force is extremely arrogant! At that time, one person swept 1000 East European mafia with live ammunition, Megatron Europe!”

“How old is this stunned young man named Chen? How dare I say that Huo Yuanba can’t hurt his hair? This forced him to pretend not to make drafts at all!”

“Huo Yuanba kindly let him surrender, he also said such despising words, I think Huo Yuanba has been angry!”


The surrounding crowd discussed spiritedly, each and everyone looked at Chen Xiaobei with idiot-like eyes.

This not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth’s stunned head, dare to provoke Huo Yuanba, it is pure death! Big death!

“There is a good show!” Xia Dingxi grinned, bad said with a smile.

“Obviously, the kid is going to suffer.” Potter shrugged, sneeringly, and said.

The strength of both of them is comparable to Huo Yuanba.

Even if they were changed to Chen Xiaobei’s position, they would never dare to say that Huo Yuanba couldn’t hurt their hair like this.

In their view, Chen Xiaobei will definitely be beaten by Huo Yuanba, crying out, crying, and crying out of life.

“Mr. Chen! Since you are so confident, don’t blame me for being merciless! Seriously, I hope to lose to your hands, so that at least a little guilt in my heart can be relieved!”

Huo Yuanba was really uncomfortable.

After all, in one hand shrouding the heavens in Eastern Europe, he wants to be windy and rainy, not to mention the stunned head like Chen Xiaobei. Even the giants of various top powers dare not despise him so much!

However, he sincerely hoped to lose to Chen Xiaobei.

In this case, he does not need to hurt Chen Xiaobei, nor can the enemy say that he does not work hard.

“It can be seen that you Huo Yuanba is a person of value emotion, value friendship! Rest assured, you will not be embarrassed or guilty!”

Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled, said: “Because, I will let you lose! I will rescue your younger sister!”

After finishing the talk, Chen Xiaobei took a step forward, slowly walking towards Huo Yuanba!

“If this is the case, I Huo Yuanba will owe you two lives! I will follow you in this life and this world, let me send you!”

Huo Yuanba growled loudly, rushed to Chen Xiaobei directly!


Between the sprints, Huo Yuanba’s True Astral burst around, and a very dark and gray True Astral emerged.

Like hard rock, the dark gray True Astral quickly condensed into a thick and powerful Battle Armor, and then in Huo Yuanba’s hands, condense a pair of giant warhammers!

Huo Yuanba’s own Physique is very majestic, plus this rocky True Astral makes him like a hill in an instant.

When he rushed forward at high speed, his power was even more fierce, just like a heavy armored tank, everything had to be crushed wherever he passed!

“What a strong! If I play Huo Yuanba, within one move, I will definitely lose!” Liu Chunyi frowned, his forehead cold sweats.

Liu Xiyuan said solemnly: “Huo Yuanba is exceptionally talented, and has reached the True Astral Realm world 5 years ago, gathering the resources of the entire Eastern Europe, Cultivation has been improving, it is normal that you are not an opponent!”

“A good Eastern European bear! Strong enough!” Xia Dingxi narrowed his eyes and asked faint smile: “Mr. Potter, do you think Chen Xiaobei can sustain this move?”

“From the current situation, the kid doesn’t even want to survive even half a move!”

Potter paused and said again: “But I can’t figure it out, why didn’t the kid use True Astral? Is it possible to die?”

Xia Dingxi’s nodded, frowns saying: “I also don’t understand. In the face of the crushing of a crazy war bear, how can the boy still walk in court? What kind of support does he have?”

“Xiaobei! What are you doing? No more moves, you will die!” Rear, Liu Xuanxin screamed anxiously.

She thought Chen Xiaobei would fight hard, but 10000 10000 could not have imagined, this guy is so playful!

In front of the tank-like Huo Yuanba, dare to take a walk, isn’t this a fate?

“Mr. Chen! You are too arrogant! Give me defeat!!!”

Huo Yuanba roared and waved a True Astral warhammer as big as a water tank, hitting Chen Xiaobei’s chest!

True Astral is the essence. Once the common person is hit, I am afraid that he will die on the spot!

Even if Chen Xiaobei already has a strength of 34000Physique, but without using True Astral body protection, it will be seriously injured!


The giant hammer fell mercilessly, and all eyes on the scene were concentrated on Chen Xiaobei at the same time.


In the next moment, Chen Xiaobei’s chest was hit by the fierce giant hammer!

But at the same moment, everyone who looked at Chen Xiaobei was dumbfounded!

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