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Ding-Cultivation: True Astral Initial Stage, Physique: 34000, Combat Force: 30000!

“Lay a big grass! I actually increased the intensity of 1000Physique!”

Chen Xiaobei was so pleasantly surprised that he jumped out of bed at once.

Last night, I slapped Yue Junmo and let Chen Xiaobei run out of Spirit Qi.

After returning, Chen Xiaobei has been very distressed, how to continue to improve his strength without Spirit Qi.

I didn’t expect to dream, I ate every meal, I slept a night, and just woke up, Physique directly got a wave of improvement!

It’s so cool to explode!

You know, Chen Xiaobei now, the most urgent need is to increase the strength of Physique!

With the magical technique “Desolate Ancient Witch God’s Vigor Transforming Divine Art”, as long as Physique is upgraded, it is equivalent to the improvement of Combat Force at the same time!

Although Chen Xiaobei’s actual Combat Force is only 30000, at this moment, he can play 34000 Combat Force!

This is equivalent to directly improving the strength!

And this is also the place where the magical skills are against the sky!

“WTF… Am I dreaming?”

Chen Xiaobei unable to bear pinched the back of his hand.

When the tingling came, Chen Xiaobei suddenly ecstatic: “It’s not a dream! It’s all true! Young Master I didn’t spend half of the Spirit Stone, no hard work in the second half, and directly increased the strength of 1000Physique, it was so exciting! Wow! ka ka…”

Although’getting without working’ is a derogatory term, the real’getting without working’ is one of the most exciting things!

path of cultivation, such as Scaling Heaven Stairs!

To put it bluntly, it’s like playing a game.

The higher the Cultivation and the higher the level, the more EXP you need to consume to increase your strength.

At the beginning, a Spirit Stone can increase Physique strength by 1 points.

But now, Chen Xiaobei has reached the threshold of True Astral Realm! The same Spirit Stone can only increase the strength of 1 Physique!

That is to say, to increase the strength of 1000Physique before, only 100 Spirit Stones are needed, but now it needs 300 Spirit Stones.

Moreover, the higher the cultivation, the more consumption.

Right now, when Chen Xiaobei lacks Spirit Stone Spiritual Qi most, he can increase the strength of 1000Physique without spending half a Spirit Stone!

It’s so cool to the sky. Is there wood?

In addition, if you change to the average person, in the state without “Body King Body Refinement”, even if you consume 300 Spirit Stones, you still have to consume more than a dozen, or even several decades of hard work, to increase the strength of 1000Physique!

But it’s good, when Chen Xiaobei wakes up, he has harvested the hard work of others for several decades!

It’s almost going to outer space. Is there something? Is there wood?

“Everyone says there is no such thing as a free lunch. Isn’t Young Master hit by the pie that fell from the sky today? Wow ka ka…”

Chen Xiaobei became more and more refreshed, and he calmed down for a long time, and asked, “Xiao’er! What the hell is going on?”

“This is my ability, 6 10000 things can be food for me!”

Xiao’er said: “At the same time, the essence that I eat will be taken out and bring more or less benefits to my own body.”

“WTF! It’s been a long time, your food halo is the most amazing skill!”

Chen Xiaobei 2 glared straight, surprised happily said: “As long as I keep borrowing your ability, and cultivate a fart? Invincible in the whole world every day to eat, sleep and sleep!”

“Of course not…”

A row of black lines popped up behind Xiao’er’s head, explaining: “How much the body gains is directly related to the quality of the food!”

“It’s like’Wind Mithril’, this is a rare metal very close to spiritual object, so it can bring immediate changes!”

“If you just eat some common steel, the benefits are actually very small.”

Hearing this, Chen Xiaobei was immediately poured a pot of cold water to calm down and said, “according to what you said, we must find the rare heavenly materials earthly treasures in order to significantly improve Physique?”

“Yes! Generally, you must have a spiritual object!” Xiao’er said: “The better you eat the spiritual object, the more you can improve!”

“Uh… in this case, you have to wait for the chance…heavenly materials earthly treasures which are so easy to encounter?” Chen Xiaobei suddenly deflated.

Wanting to be easy to be invincible in the whole world, after all, is just a daydream.

Only if you are down to earth and constantly looking for the source of Spiritual Qi, this is the right way to continue to grow stronger!

dīng líng líng ——

At this moment, the phone suddenly rang.

When Chen Xiaobei looked at the screen, the expression could not help but startled. There were 4 characters written on the screen-Lucky Goddess!

The person who can get this title is undoubtedly the one who shot Chen Xiaobei in one palm, but shot a great opportunity, Liu Xuanxin!

“Cough… cough… ……”

Chen Xiaobei cleared his throat and adjusted his condition. Then he answered the phone and said, “Hey? Lucky Goddess, how can I call me?”

“You guys don’t talk! You have a major event!” Liu Xuanxin’s serious voice came from the other end of the phone.

“What’s the matter? You say slowly!” Chen Xiaobei also took it seriously.

“I used to have a baby girl, Qiaoer!”

Liu Xuanxin said: “She still stayed in Profound Sword Sect. She accidentally saw a group of Blood Race staying in Profound Sword Sect yesterday, and heard them keep on saying that they would join forces with Liu Xiyuan to lay a trap and capture you!”

“Oh, thank you for reminding me, I know what I have!” Chen Xiaobei indifferently said.

As for this matter, Chen Xiaobei had overheared it as early as in the banker’s treasure trove, and had already prepared for it.

When I heard Liu Xuanxin, I was not surprised.

“OK! Just know what you know!”

Liu Xuanxin paused, once again warned repeatedly: “Remember! During this time, you try to stay in the city center, 10000000 will come to the outskirts! Can’t let them find any chance! I still have things, let me stop…”

“and many more!”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly and said, “What are you doing so anxiously? Is there anything else you haven’t told me?”

“Qiaoer called me to let me know that I was found, and I have to rescue her! Don’t say it! Be careful yourself!” Liu Xuanxin hung up the phone directly.

“Damn! The Little Sister was just trying to save me, so he risked death and reported it. How could I not be saved?”

Chen Xiaobei immediately dressed and hurried out.

At the moment it was only early morning, Xiaobai and Heavenly Wolf were still sleeping in hu hu, but Chen Xiaobei took it one by one and hugged him directly.

“Well…WTF! How do we fly in the sky!”

When Xiaobai and Heavenly Wolf were confused and eyes opened, they were already held by Chen Xiaobei, driving Flying Nimbus, and headed deep into the sky!

“I don’t know if there is any Magical Artifact like “elven ball” in the group? Holding you like this, it feels so low…”

Chen Xiaobei curl one’s lip, after thinking about it, go to the group and ask.

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