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“Mr. Chen! How to deal with these two teases?”

Wu Aofeng killed all Blood Race, one by one, like Zhuang Bifan and Zhuang out of the ordinary, like Little Ji.

Throw it on the ground and throw those 2 goods in front of Chen Xiaobei.

“Chen Xianshi Rao Ming…Chen Xianshi spare my life please ……”

“We haven’t dared to offend you…just quietly watching you pretend…oh no…is quietly watching you clean up the slut…please spare our lives…”

These two teasers were covered in dirt by a gas tank, ragged, like two little beggar.

Knelt on the ground and gave Chen Xiaobei a hard blow.

It’s a waste of time, standard posture, and fast frequency. It’s a waste of not begging on the street!

“You… what do you two call him?”

Hearing this, Wu Aofeng instantly stunned, and the whole person was stupid.

“Chen Xianshi! He is Chen Xianshi who stepped on our dealers to prostrate oneself in admiration! Spare my life please…”

Zhuang Bifan and Zhuang out of the ordinary tears came down.

I originally wanted to see Chen Xiaobei’s identity being revealed, but I saw that Yue Junmo was slapped in the face and Harry was hit by one hit instant kill.

In a flash, the small hearts of Zhuang Bifan and Zhuang out of the ordinary were almost shocked. From the deepest part of the soul, Chen Xiaobei was regarded as Earth Immortal!

In addition to begging for mercy, I can never think of any other way out.


At this moment, Wu Aofeng even knelt down to the ground, squinting at Chen Xiaobei with a pious look: “Idol!!! I know you are not an ordinary person! But absolutely didn’t expect, you turned out to be my yearn for day and night people!”

This kneeling shocked Zhuang Bifan and Zhuang out of the ordinary for a while. How could anyone still grab business?

Even if you want to kowtow Chen Xiaobei, do you score first?

No cut line!

“Uh…yearn for day and night is what the hell…sorry, I don’t do it…” Chen Xiaobei’s head came out with a row of black lines.

“No! It’s not a joke!”

Wu Aofeng said with excitement: “I want to ask you to accept me as a disciple! Chen Xianshi! I have admired you for a long time! If you don’t accept me, I won’t think about tea or food, and I will die… “

“Uh… isn’t it so exaggerated?” Chen Xiaobei was a little unfit for Wu Aofeng’s enthusiasm.

This product has a grumpy temperament, energetic and bustling, a typical temperament.

“As for! Too much! My Wu Aofeng will abandon you forever in my life…Bah…you must not worship!”

Wu Aofeng kowled again and again, whispering in his throat: “Master! You accept me! Otherwise I will really die!”

Both Zhuang Bifan and Zhuang out of the ordinary were stupid, and the movie parts were all snatched by Wu Aofeng. Both of them could only froze aside and could not intervene.

“Anyway, I promise to accept you as a disciple! Anyway, you are also the number one genius in the northwest, so I won’t be ashamed!”

Chen Xiaobei’s expression of didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, if he doesn’t agree, Wu Aofeng may hold his thigh, weeping bitter tears.

“Very good! very good! disciples thanks Master!”

Wu Aofeng’s excitement won’t work anymore,’peng~ peng~ peng~’ 3 consecutive knocks, let people look at the to to bear distressed floor, don’t be knocked down by this goods!

This is Wu Aofeng, carefree, energetic and bustling.

This free and easy is also what Chen Xiaobei appreciates him most.

“Hey! Hey! Hey…”

At the same time, Zhuang Bifan and Zhuang out of the ordinary also finally waited for the opportunity to perform.

Wu Aofeng’s “Jade and Jade are in front”, how dare you lighten these two goods?

How did it knock directly, and knocked the forehead in a few clicks.

“Yes, for your devotion, I will spare you once!”

Chen Xiaobei’s serene expression.

“Master! It must be extinguished!”

Wu Aofeng quickly said: “Yue Junmo didn’t see your face, but these two goods saw it, they have a very good relationship with Yue Junmo, 2% will betray you!”

As soon as this statement came out, Zhuang Bifan and Zhuang out of the ordinary’s faces were green, and they greeted Wu Aofeng’s eighteen generations of ancestors 100 times in their hearts! 100 times!

Just grab a person when he’s down, don鈥檛 bring such a ruthless one!

“No problem!”

Chen Xiaobei waved his hand and said, “I speak, always one word worth nine sacred tripods! Say let them go, let them go! As for whether they will betray me, it really doesn’t matter at all!”

Wu Aofeng hearing this startled, looking thoughtful of nodded, said: “The same is said, a trifling Yue Junmo, even if the truth is understood, you can’t take the Master!”

“We dare not tell the truth! We absolutely dare not kill us!”

“If we whistleblower, tell us to fight 5 thunder bombs every day and break 10000 corpses, not to die well…”

Zhuang Bifan and Zhuang out of the ordinary gall were all frightened. No matter how they borrowed 100 more galls, they would never dare to inform.

At this point, Chen Xiaobei is dead, don’t worry at all.

Moreover, these two goods have use value, if they die, their Great Grandfather’s right to speak will be light.

At least until the banker’s treasure is swallowed, Chen Xiaobei will keep them and let them jump around.

“Okay, you can take Yue Junmo and get out.”

Chen Xiaobei waved his hand, too lazy to care about them.

“Thank you Chen Xianshi for not killing…Thank you Chen Xianshi for not killing…”

The two teasers slammed several times before they dared to get up and dragged the unconscious Yue Junmo away from the scene.

“Aofeng, you moved those bodies over!”

Chen Xiaobei instructed that one hand was ready to devour the bloody ghost, and the other hand took out the carrion poison.

Absorb the essence blood ghost, enhance the power reserve of Primal Chaos Blood Sword.

Then destroy the corpse and evidence with carrion poison.

After everything was done, Chen Xiaobei and Wu Aofeng returned to the car.

“Aofeng, you come to drive, I have something to do.”

Chen Xiaobei sat in the back row and took out his phone.

The mobile phone has been shaking since just now. When I took it out, I found several @messages from Three Realms Red Envelope Group.

Take a closer look, Chen Xiaobei starts instantly.

鈥斺€擯rimeval Lord of Heaven @浣爄n group chat!

鈥斺€擲hen Gongbao in group chat @浣?

“WTF! What’s going on?”

Chen Xiaobei nodded, calculating: “Original old man @鎴? What do you mean? Shen Gongbao This is Jiang Ziya’s Junior Apprentice! What is he @鎴?doing? Damn, what major event happened?”

After thinking carefully for a while and getting no answer, Chen Xiaobei did not rush to open the group chat, but opened the private chat first and contacted Heavenspan Cult Master!

“With the Master, the sky is falling down, and I am not afraid! Hehe!”

Chen Xiaobei grinned.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, Heavenspan Cult Master returned from the wild, helping Chen Xiaobei turn things around.

I am afraid this is not a small matter, but as long as Heavenspan Cult Master is present, Chen Xiaobei is full of security.

Chen Xiaobei: Master! What happened to the group?

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