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Chen Xiaobei took the lead in diving into the water.

Liu Xuanxin unable to bear was curious, so he followed.

This is a small river ditch in the mountains and forests. It is naturally free of pollution. The river is very clear and not deep.

Through the moonlight, you can see the bottom of the river!

In the direction of Chen Xiaobei’s dive, there is a burrow.

There was a faint glimmer of light in the hole.

Looking at the crack at the entrance of the cave, it should be that Chen Xiaobei just fell down and smashed the bottom of the ditch directly.

What a coincidence!

Down the cave all the way down, and then an upward curve appeared.

The magical shimmer is getting stronger and stronger along the curve.

“hua! hua! ”

When Chen Xiaobei and Liu Xuanxin rushed out of the water, they were already in a magical cave.

All around are dark gray walls, except for this waterway, there is no entrance.

There is a ladder at the front of the waterway.

“Go, let’s go up and see.”

Chen Xiaobei and Liu Xuanxin walked up the stairs together.

At the end of the ladder, there is a platform with bright rays of light shining on it.

The shimmer seen in the water just now also originated from this.

“This … what is this …”

Walking to the high platform, Liu Xuanxin could not bear to bear O’s mouth.

I saw that a beautiful white Jade Case was placed there, engraving the lifelike Heavenly Dragon, with superb carving skills, crushing any modern jade carving master.

Even more amazing is that the entire jade box shines with white light, which is absolutely extraordinary!

“Wouldn’t it be understood if you open it?”

Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled, reaching straight to open the box.

“Not good! You dodge…”

The next moment, Chen Xiaobei suddenly exclaimed, trying to push Liu Xuanxin away, but it was too late!


Just heard a roar roar resounding through the entire sky.

Chen Xiaobei’s body was instantly entangled with a white cylindrical rays of light.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Xuanxin was also struck in the same way and was entangled with a sturdy, completely unable to move even a little bit.

“What’s going on? What the hell is this?” Liu Xuanxin asked in surprise.

“This is a white snake Evil Ghost!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed.


The tone barely fell, the huge snake head and the thick snake body, grew out of the jade box.

In terms of size, this white snake is a bit like the scale one of the small one.

But the species are obviously different. This white snake has a horn on its head and 2 tails behind it.

“No! I don’t have Eyes of Yin-Yang, how can I see Evil Ghost?”

Liu Xuanxin is a member of the rivers and lakes. She is not new to Evil Ghost, but she is surprised that how can she see the form of this white snake Evil Ghost?

“If you guess wrong, this jade box should be a Spirit Artifact!”

Chen Xiaobei explained: “And this white snake appears in the form of Artifact Spirit, so ordinary people can see it!”

“Spiritual Artifact? Artifact Spirit?”

Liu Xuanxin is very unfamiliar with these concepts, but it is too late to study, because the big trouble is coming.


The white snake Evil Ghost spit out a long snake letter and looked at the two human beings trapped by himself.

The cold eyes finally fell on Chen Xiaobei.

“Boy, I can’t think of it. You are not very young, and you have a lot of knowledge. You actually know Spiritual Artifact!”

White Snake Evil Ghost coldly said.

“Spiritual Artifact is not at worst, even if I know, what’s so strange?”

Chen Xiaobei was very calm and asked rhetorically.

“Great tone!”

The White Snake Evil Ghost is annoyed and shouted: “Spiritual Artifact is higher than the existence of Magical Artifact! Except for some of the most powerful hidden ancient sects, any other force, impossible has Spiritual Artifact!”


Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled, said: “You are a sealed Artifact Spirit, with this jade box fuse together, so you think Spiritual Artifact and Niucha? But you know it, even Immortal Grade Divine Artifact I I’ve played it all! Trifling Spiritual Artifact, how can you hang your teeth!”

As soon as this remark came out, Liu Xuanxin expression was stunned.

If someone said this, she would not believe it.

However, this sentence was said from Chen Xiaobei’s mouth, but she immediately believed 70%. After all, she witnessed too much unimaginable shock in Chen Xiaobei.

Yi Nian Yu Tian Lei!

Invisible True Astral!

Tibetan missile in the sleeve!

These natural phenomena are not Divine Immortal’s handwriting?

“Smelly Brat! You are so prettier!”

Of course, the white snake Evil Ghost knew nothing about Chen Xiaobei and shouted loudly: “Do you think you are wearing a mask that is Great Sage the Equal of Heaven Sun Wukong? Also playing Immortal Grade Divine Artifact? I think you are almost done! “

“you do not believe?”

Chen Xiaobei laughed teasingly and said, “Will I take out a Spiritual Artifact now to open your eyes?”

“Oh! Just because you are a little boy who hasn’t even grown hair, you can also take out Spirit Artifact? Are you stupid of me?”

White Snake Evil Ghost said disdainfully: “I just said! Only the most powerful hidden world ancient sect, it is possible to come up with Spiritual Artifact! I simply doubt, you brat know what is hidden world ancient sect?”

“Facts speak louder than words! I’m too lazy to argue with you, you just need to open your eyes and look understood!”

Chen Xiaobei indifferently said.

“Look? Oh, I’ll just watch it here! What can you come up with!”

White Snake Evil Ghost disdainfully said: “I have imprisonment ability, you two can’t even move one finger now! How can you still take things? Do you want to deceive me to let you go? That’s impossible! hahaha!”

Hearing this, Chen Xiaobei calmed down as always, saying: “I thought you had more knowledge, it seems that you are just a frog in well that’s all.”

“Smelly Brat! I think you are really bored! Dare to irritate me in my hands?”

The white snake Evil Ghost said angrily: “Lao’zi had intended to absorb your yang! Since you are so annoying, Lao’zi will end up with you first!”


Liu Xuanxin was shocked and quickly begged for Chen Xiaobei for mercy, saying: “Snake…Mr. Snake! Please don’t kill him! I owe him for you! Sorry…Sorry…”

Liu Xuanxin is so worried because her heart is very clear. At this moment, her body is imprisoned by a mysterious force.

It’s 1000, it’s 10000, it really can’t move a finger.

She and Chen Xiaobei are the fish on the cutting board, and can only be slaughtered by the white snake Evil Ghost.

Apart from begging for mercy, there is no other choice.

“Begging for mercy? Are you stupid or am I stupid?”

White Snake Evil Ghost said cruelly: “Lao’zi has been waiting here for 100 years, and finally tasted a fresh breath of living human beings! You said no killing, no killing? Why?”


Liu Xuanxin was speechless for a moment, and the whole person was desperate.

Cultivation is empty, but in front of Spiritual Artifact, it can’t be performed at all, let alone suffocate.

But at this moment, Chen Xiaobei serene smiled and said, “Do you know why I said you are a frog in well?”

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