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“Why! Why is this so! Who will explain to me!”

In the box on the top floor, old hag roared, and his entire face was black.

Looking at the picture on the frequency screen, Zhuang 9 Xiao was slammed by pa pa pa, and old hag felt the slaps one by one, like it was pumped on her own face.

Simply depressed to die!

No. 8 in the China World Championship! The dealer’s most outstanding genius! Seeing that it is about to win a big victory, to make a bad breath for the dealer!

It was good, but the evil spirit did not succeed, but instead was beaten by Chen Xiaobei.

“Those white silks must have a mystery… 9 Xiao was calculated…”

Zhuang Hao’s face was red and green, and his head was almost dangling to his chest.

He was still praising Zhuang 9 how to become a capable person.

Dreaming didn’t expect, the dealer’s masterpiece, in Chen Xiaobei’s hands, was almost as good as a piece of waste wood.

“Zhuangye! It’s not time to study Bai Si, let your 4 bodyguards do it yourself! Otherwise, 9 Xiao Young Master’s life is hard to protect!”

Su Lao Court Eunuch, like the old tortoise, calmly and thoroughly destroyed the work, urging impatiently.

The old face swelled red, and the face couldn’t hold on.

As he said just now, Zhuang 9 Xiao can completely kill Chen Xiaobei. Who would have expected him to be slapped by an invisible slap in the blink of an eye.

The cheeks are hot and hot, I’m ruined by a famous hero!

At this moment, only one person’s mood is different, that is Lan Mengchen.

On the small, blown-up face, poignant and despair were swept away, and instead, the face was cute!

I can’t believe it. Chen Xiaobei not only wasn’t killed, but grabbed Zhuang 9 Xiao’s hair and beat it!

Lan Mengchen simply wondered if he was dreaming?

She has known Chen Xiaobei for the longest time, and is totally unable to draw the equal and domineering big boy child on the screen with Chen Xiaobei, the poor peasant student of the year!

The changes before and after this are simply Heaven and Earth turning upside down, shocking!

Lan Mengchen even has a hunch that this is not the limit of Chen Xiaobei, as long as Chen Xiaobei passes today’s level, it will definitely be unstoppable and fly into the sky!

“What are you four idiots doing? Act now!”

At this time, Zhuang Hao made a phone call and yelled angrily, eyes wide staring angrily, as if to fire!


Outside the box downstairs.

The four bodyguards of cream of the crop were all stunned by the picture of Chen Xiaobei instantaneously counterattacking Zhuang 4 Xiao.

When they received a call from Zhuang Hao, they woke up like dreams and rushed into the box immediately.

“Boy! 9 Xiao Young Master immediately!”

The leader of 4 people is a short male.

This person has a deep breath when he speaks, giving a rock-solid feeling. The expression between the eyebrows is just hard and strong. It can be seen that he is ordered by him normally, and almost no one dares to resist!

The other 3 people lined up with each other and formed a horn with each other. The eyes locked Chen Xiaobei, and secretly operated True Qi, ready to start!

Obviously, all four of them normally acted together and cooperated very well!

Once you start, Chen Xiaobei will be besieged by 4 people at the same time!

Ding-Cultivation: Half-step True Astral, Physique: 20000, Combat Force: 20000 (+5000)!

Nether Eye of Strife swept away, the strength of a short inch man, apparent at a glance.

Ding-Cultivation: Half-step True Astral, Physique: 20000, Combat Force: 20000 (+3000)!

The strengths of the other three people are exactly the same, and they are not ordinary people!

Undoubtedly, if these four people shot at the same time, 4 machine spider silk bracelets could not trap them at all, I am afraid that Chen Xiaobei could be wiped out in an instant!

But in this situation, Chen Xiaobei was not afraid.

With a snap, Zhuang 9 slaps again.

Chen Xiaobei then asked casually: “If you let me let go, I let go? Who do you think you are?”

The short-inch man’s eyes were fixed, coldly said: “If you don’t let people go, you will die miserably!”

“Hehe, as if I let him go, would you be willing to give up?”

Chen Xiaobei strangled Zhuang 9’s throat, said with a sneer: “Anyway, you are going to die with me, I will kill him first, and then play with you slowly!”

“Uh… don’t… don’t kill me… please… I beg you…” Zhuang 9 shuddered, almost scared to pee.

Listening to the meaning of Chen Xiaobei, there is no intention of using Zhuang 9 Xiao as a hostage.

It seems that he has full confidence and can die with the dealer.

“Don’t! 10000000 Don’t kill 9 Xiao Young Master!”

Seeing Chen Xiaobei does not counsel, the short-inch man counseled on the spot and couldn’t hold his breath: “Your Excellency, don’t be impulsive, we will discuss it!”

“Negotiate? You don’t deserve it!” Chen Xiaobei shook the head, said: “I will give you 3 minutes to call the person who can do it! More than a second, just collect the dead wood!”

“No… don’t… I beg you don’t…” Zhuang 9 trembles physically and mentally, afraid of being in the bones.

“it is good!”

The short-inch man’s eyebrows are tight and wrinkled, and he can’t eat the depth of Chen Xiaobei. He can only nodded and promised: “Wait a moment, I’ll ask for advice immediately!”

When he was finished, he ran towards Upvote.

The remaining 3 people continued to stare at Chen Xiaobei, but they did not dare to take any provocative actions, fearing to anger Chen Xiaobei and let Zhuang 9 Xiao Breathe one’s last!

Chen Xiaobei had an indifferent expression on his face, and he sat back on the chair with 2 legs.

Let Zhuang 9 Xiao kneel beside him, like a dog.


Private rooms on the top floor.

The short-inch man immediately ran in and asked directly: “Zhuangye, what should we do about this?”

Upvote, these people have seen everything just now, and they are having a headache now!

“too weird!”

Zhuang Hao frowned, surprisedly said: “It stands to reason that the kid should be taken hostage with 9 Xiao, to change a chance to get out of the way! Why dare to sit there and dare? Is he not afraid of our dealer at all?”

Lan Mengchen was also very puzzled when this remark came out. Chen Xiaobei could obviously leave, why did he have to stay?

“Behind that kid, there must be a huge backer! If there is no backer, he would not dare to be so arrogant!” Su Lao Court Eunuch said solemnly.

“Backing? What kind of backing can keep him from taking my dealer’s eyes?” old hag complexion is gloomy, gnashing teeth with anger!

“If he came out of a hidden ancient sect, he would lose sight of us!” Su Lao Court Eunuch whispered.

“Hidden ancient sect? Is he a hidden cultivator?”

Old hag and Zhuang Hao’s faces changed at the same time, shocked, depressed, and a little bit afraid.

You know, the banker is the family of Huaxia Peak. Not only is it rich, but it also touches the right Peak Stage.

Only those unfathomable hidden ancient sect can make them feel afraid!

“The two are not panicking. The old slave’s friend is an elder of a hidden ancient sect. As long as he is there, the situation will not be out of control!”

Su Lao Court Eunuch said: “Let’s go down to stabilize the kid first, wait for the old slave’s friend to arrive, and then pack him up!”

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