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Lu Dongbin: What! ? What nonsense are you talking about! ? How could I give Qiangliang and his body to you! ? Once this matter spreads, Dao Ancestor must blame me for teaching! I absolutely promise you!

Chen Xiaobei: no no no! You think too much! First of all, I can guarantee by personality, this matter, will never pass from me!

Chen Xiaobei: Secondly, even if it is passed on, in fact, it will not have any impact on human education!

Lu Dongbin: Are you fooling a fool? Now, Heavenly Dao has regarded you Chen Xiaobei as the number one enemy! Who dares to do with you, will be regarded as the same party, and will be punished by the massacre!

Chen Xiaobei: I not at all fooling you! First of all, the 12 Ancestral Witches corpses are only useful if they are all collected, and none of them will work!

Chen Xiaobei: So, you gave Qiang Liang and his body to me, to put it bluntly, not at all gave me any substantial help, I took it in my hand and could do nothing!

Chen Xiaobei: Secondly, Heavenly Dao’s Sage Heavenly Dao has become less and less. Before the emergence of the new Saint, Hongjun impossible easily punished The Grand Supreme Elderly Lord for such a small matter!

Lu Dongbin: Who told you that Sage Heavenly Dao is getting less and less? As far as I know, Dao Ancestor has identified three new Saints and sent them out to perform missions. Just wait for them to make some contributions and give them a chance to become holy!

Lu Dongbin: The sanctification of 3 people can just make up for the vacancies left by Nuwa, Heavenspan and Moluotiantian!

Chen Xiaobei: Oh, 3 people sanctified? I’m afraid it won’t make any one!

Lu Dongbin: If you can’t say it, you can’t? Do you think you are Heavenly Dao?

Chen Xiaobei: (light smile) The three people you mentioned are Land Pressure, Kong Xuan, and Xia Yilian, right?

Lu Dongbin: This… this… how do you know this! ? (Shock)

Chen Xiaobei: I have met their three people! Kong Xuan was conquered by me and made my mount! Land pressure was scrapped by me Cultivation!

Chen Xiaobei: Although Xia Yilian was extremely cunning, the crisis turned away with landing pressure! However, she will never be able to complete the task assigned by Hong Jun!

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei’s words half true half false can convince Lu Dongbin and help Xia Yilian elide from the side, which can be said to be very brilliant!

Lu Dongbin: Why should I believe you! ?

Chen Xiaobei: Oh, I can show you Five Colored Divine Light!

After talking, Chen Xiaobei sent the photos of Five Colored Divine Light again.

This piece of treasure between Heaven and Earth is the only one that can never be faked. It can be said that the evidence is as strong as a mountain, and it is impossible for Lu Dongbin to believe it.

Lu Dongbin: God…you…you actually ruined 3 new Saints! ! ! Are you a devil! ? (Very surprised)

Chen Xiaobei: Heavenly Dao regards me as an enemy, and I cannot naturally call him to succeed! (Evil laugh)

Chen Xiaobei: Now our sales can be carried out? You gave me Qiang Liang and his body, which didn’t help me directly! At the same time, the Holy Place is empty, Heavenly Dao and Hong Jun also impossible punish The Grand Supreme Elderly Lord!

Lu Dongbin: No! This matter is still unstable!

Chen Xiaobei: Why is it not stable?

Lu Dongbin: You don’t know! Sage Heavenly Dao, although they seem to be together in the same air, in fact, they are each harbor ulterior motives, plot against more than!

Lu Dongbin: Especially to lead Daoist, has been planning a big game, trying to replace my Master and become the Saint of the second only to Primeval Lord of Heaven!

Lu Dongbin: Therefore, any small mistakes will become a huge handle, so that Daoist will be caught, and my master will definitely suppress it, which is even more disadvantageous for my teaching!

Chen Xiaobei: Oh, it turned out to be the case, how big I thought it was!

Lu Dongbin: Isn’t this a major event? The ambition to attract people is great, if he is grasped by the handle, he will peel off the skin without dying!

Chen Xiaobei: If I help you get rid of the lead, are you willing to do business with me?

Lu Dongbin: Abolish…abandon the lead? are you crazy? Can such silly words be spoken? I believe you are a ghost!

Chen Xiaobei: Believing or not! You only answer me. If I cancel the call, are you willing to do business with me?

Lu Dongbin: Alright! If you can really abandon the lead, I will not only do this sale with you, but also send you an important piece of information!

Chen Xiaobei: a gentleman’s brief remark is faster than a horse whip! I believe that dignified Lu Zu will not renege on a debt!

Lu Dongbin: What! ? You… you are really going to challenge the lead! ? Are you his opponent! ? (I can’t believe it)

Chen Xiaobei: Oh, some things do not necessarily have to use military force! The brain is a good thing, it is much more convenient to use than military force!

Lu Dongbin: This… how is this possible! ?

Chen Xiaobei: You can wait and see, see how I can take the lead without taking any blood!

Lu Dongbin: I…I don’t believe…

Undoubtedly, even if Lu Dongbin’s brain hole breaks through the sky, it is absolutely unthinkable. How on earth should Chen Xiaobei use his brain to connect Daoist?

This is incredible!

Afterwards, Chen Xiaobei used the summoning Yufu to contact his rival.

Chen Xiaobei: Original old thief! long time no see ah! how about it? do you miss me? (Smirk)

Primeval Lord of Heaven: Chen Xiaobei! You insidious cunning thief! This Seat wants to smash you 10000 pieces every day! Frustrated! (Extremely angry)

Chen Xiaobei: Be calm! I came to do business with you today!

Primeval Lord of Heaven: What to buy and sell? This Seat just wants to buy your life! Do you sell (overbearing)

Chen Xiaobei: My life, you are afraid you can’t afford it! Let’s talk about other chips! I think you will be interested!

Primeval Lord of Heaven: Alright! This Seat wants to see what teeth can spit out of your dog’s mouth!

Obviously, Primeval Lord of Heaven has no interest in Chen Xiaobei’s trading, but for a long time, he has tried his best to find Chen Xiaobei without any clue. Today, Chen Xiaobei actually took the initiative to contact him, he must find a way to delay Chen Xiaobei, as far as possible to calculate Chen Xiaobei’s position.

Therefore, even if there is no interest in buying and selling, Primeval Lord of Heaven is patient and ready to spend more time with Chen Xiaobei.

Chen Xiaobei: Not long ago, someone told me the location of the Antarctic fairy! I went to the sneak attack and captured the Antarctic fairy, the true monarch of cultivation, the true monarch of morality, and a few small fish and shrimp!

Primeval Lord of Heaven: It really is you! Smelly Brat! This Seat advises you to release the Antarctic Immortals as soon as possible, otherwise, you will be regretted!

Chen Xiaobei: Don’t worry! What’s the use of threatening me? If you really want to save the Antarctic fairy, just talk to me about the price!

Primeval Lord of Heaven: Say it! what do you want?

Chen Xiaobei: Don’t worry, I still have the chips!

Primeval Lord of Heaven: What chips?

Chen Xiaobei: Huang Long real person was caught by me alive!

Primeval Lord of Heaven: What! ? Chen Xiaobei! ! ! This Seat and you two cannot coexist! ! ! (Thunderbolt)

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