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How could the enemies who escaped possibly return? Is it boring?

This is simply impossible! Unless the enemy’s brain gets into shit!

Although Chen Xiaobei said his calculations, everyone at the scene simply couldn’t believe it.

Even if they borrowed 10000 brains, they could never think of the reason for the enemy to return.

For a while, they simply did not have the mood to count.

Is Chen Xiaobei silly?

On the side, Kong Xuan kneeling on the ground secretly uttered a disdainful vomit. When the land pressure and Xia Yilian found Dao Ancestor, they could crush you Chen Xiaobei and return me to freedom, when the time comes, I will definitely take your body Broken corpse 10000 paragraphs frustrated!

At the scene, everyone thought that Chen Xiaobei played a trick.

It may even lead to one move being lost all in one game.

However, at the moment, Chen Xiaobei has Serene’s expression, and slowly counts down: “Ten…9…8…7…6…5…”


Chen Xiaobei hadn’t finished the countdown, and suddenly there was a strong wind roaring outside the sky.

Almost in a blink of an eye, that and red bottle gourd returned to the time limit of the crowd, and then flew over here at a very fast speed.

“This… how is this possible!?”

Seeing the scene in front of me, everyone except Chen Xiaobei had a bold face with a bold face.

The enemy is really back? Really desperate, come back courting death?

However, as the red bottle gourd quickly approached, everyone finally saw the situation, and was stunned by the shock, 100 puzzled.

I saw that Xia Yilian stood behind the land pressure and thrust an azure long sword from behind the land pressure directly through Qi Sea Dantian of the land pressure.

At this moment, the sword was still on the land pressure, blood hua hua flowed out, simply couldn’t stop.

“Xia… Xia… Xia Yilian betrayed!!!”

Kong Xuan exclaimed an unimaginable exclamation. The second second was still mocking Chen Xiaobei. This second was directly slapped by reality fiercely. He felt that his brain was short-circuited. In addition to a sentence of “WTF” in his heart, he could never think of it again. Other words to describe the mood at the moment.

“Xia Yilian… Didn’t she know the truth? Why should she betray Hongjun?” Mo Luo Wutian stunned, 100 puzzled.

Benteng, Jidu, Blue Dragon, and 3 people were all shocked and surprised. They couldn’t figure out why they wanted to break their heads.


Soon, red bottle gourd flew back to Chen Xiaobei.

Xia Yilian kicked the land pressure kneeling and crawling on the ground.

“zheng! ”

Xia Yilian pulled out the long sword, and the land pressure wound suddenly began to bleed.

This sword is very ruthless, a piece that runs through Qi Sea Dantian, abolished the land pressure Cultivation, and instantly smashed the land pressure law body, seriously injuring Primordial Spirit.

It means that the land pressure was completely abolished.

To the extent that the land pressure spit blood violently, the whole person knelt and crawled on the ground, unable to stand even standing.

Dignified Dao Monarch Lu Ya, the new Saint election, instantly became an authentic waste! This shows how vicious and merciless Xia Yilian is, killing firmness!

“It seems that you still want to cooperate with me!” Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised, lightly said with a smile.

“Yes! I want to work with you! In Heavenly Dao Great World, only you can help me set foot on Peak Stage!” Xia Yilian settled her mind and gave a positive answer.

“Help each other!” Chen Xiaobei smiled lightly, agreeing with Xia Yilian’s statement.

In fact, for Chen Xiaobei, Hong Jun and Heavenly Dao are enemies!

For Xia Yilian, Hong Jun and Heavenly Dao are the goals she wants to surpass!

Therefore, although Chen Xiaobei and Xia Yilian have different starting points, the ultimate goal is basically the same!

Because of this, Xia Yilian chose Chen Xiaobei’s side in the struggle.

the reason is simple.

If Chen Xiaobei dies, Heavenly Dao and Hong Jun will be firmly in an invincible position. Xia Yilian will never be able to turn over, and she can only stay in the fence for her life.

On the contrary, only when Chen Xiaobei keeps fighting Heavenly Dao and Hong Jun, weakening their power, and distracting their attention, Xia Yilian can find a chance to break through the limit and reach Peak Stage.

“Since it is mutual assistance, it must be absolutely fair!”

Xia Yilian said: “Kong Xuan and Five Colored Divine Light are yours! Lu Ya and Behead Immortal Flying Knife are mys!”

“no problem!”

Chen Xiaobei settled down, very refreshing.

Of course, Xia Yilian is definitely not a fool.

Although Five Colored Divine Light is better than Behead Immortal flying knife, Five Colored Divine Light has inspired 2 powers, Spirit Qi has been exhausted.

In the Behead Immortal flying knife, there is Spirit Qi that inspired once.

Therefore, it is absolutely fair to allocate spoils of war like this, and no one will suffer.

“Speak, what do you plan to do next?” Xia Yilian asked.

Chen Xiaobei shrugged, said: “Unify Demon Realm, let this independent world continue steadily!”

“it is good!”

Xia Yilian resolutely agreed: “Later, I will tell Hongjun that Demon Realm is still in chaos. The civil war will make Demon Race continue to consume itself. There is no need for Hongjun to destroy Demon Race!”

“The fourth immeasurable disaster is approaching. If there is nothing particularly important, Hong Jun will not leave the 4th Layer, so he will not know about the situation of Demon Realm’s unification!”

Xia Yilian was really smart, and she immediately thought of countermeasures to help Chen Xiaobei achieve her goals.

Of course, when dealing with smart people, Chen Xiaobei can’t be confused.

“Let’s say, what benefits do you want to be willing to do me a favor?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

Obviously, there is no free lunch.

In Xia Yilian, nothing more!

If Chen Xiaobei does not pay the corresponding return, Xia Yilian will never help this.

“I want to prove sanctification! And, not controlled by Heavenly Dao’s life and death!” Xia Yilian said his thoughts.

Obviously, she already knows that Saint, recognized by Heavenly Dao, must sign a Primordial Spirit contract with Heavenly Dao to live and die. Both life and death and freedom are controlled by Heavenly Dao.

For Xia Yilian to achieve her ambitions, he must never be controlled by Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, she must be sanctified through other means.

“Hong Meng Purple Qi!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “As long as you can find a ray of Purple Qi, after digestion and absorption, you can become True Sage not controlled by Heavenly Dao!”

“Where can I find Hongmeng Purple Qi?” Xia Yilian asked.

“I guess, Hong Jun or the original hands have Hong Qiong Purple Qi! If not, you have to look for the Holy Land of Creation!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “The place where the Holy Land is created, even Heavenly Dao can’t figure it out. It is more difficult to find than find a needle in a haystack! So, I suggest you, it is better to go from Hong Jun and Yuan Start!”

“Chen Xiaobei! You are such a big profiteer!”

Xia Yilian coldly said: “Change the law to instigate me and Hongjun the original battle, you just sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits!”

Chen Xiaobei shrugged, lightly said with a smile: “If you want Hong Qi Purple Qi, there are only these two roads! Left to right, you choose it yourself, I didn’t force you!”

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