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As before, using Qilin bone to promote Cultivation is not only fast, but also has no side effects. The most important thing is that great realm’s bottleneck is completely negligible.

Of course, this time is not the same as Taiyi before, that is the level of Qilin bone!

This piece of Qilin, Chen Xiaobei and everyone on the scene could not feel the level, that is, at least Saint King Level.

As for the several stars of Saint King Level, it is unknown.

Of course, even if it is only 1–Star Saint King Level, the amount of essence contained is much more than all the Qilin bodies of Chen Xiaobei refining before!

Futian Xin’er was called to urge God Rank Sunlight Jewel Box.

Chen Xiaobei started cultivation, small realm will break through wave after wave at a very fast speed.

Immediately after that, great realm began to break through.

Starting from 3–Star Quasi Sage realm, 4–Star, 5–Star, 6–Star, 7–Star, 8–Star, 9–Star, go directly to Peak Stage Quasi Sage!

In this process, Chen Xiaobei’s 3 flowers on the top and 5 qi in the chest have undergone mysterious changes. From the very beginning, the illusion of illusion and illusion will be extinguished.

This means that Chen Xiaobei has been cultivated to a Perfection state.

Further, it is a half-step True Sage realm.

However, this realm is special, not impacted by cultivation, but requires some special insights, opportunities, or other external influences.

Of course, the half-step True Sage realm is actually not important to Chen Xiaobei.

Because, this is not a great realm, but a special state between Quasi Sage Peak Stage and True Sage.

Others entered the half-step True Sage state to testify for Severing The Three Corpses.

Chen Xiaobei does not need Severing The Three Corpses, so there is no need to enter the half-step True Sage state.

Ding——Cultivation: 9–Star Primordial Golden Immortal Peak Stage, lifespan: 3335910000 100000000 years! Physique: 1 constant! Combat Force: 1 constant! Primordial Spirit Attack: Sage Rank!

After checking his latest Cultivation, Chen Xiaobei could not help starting.

First of all, 9–Star Primordial Golden Immortal Peak Stage is Quasi Sage Peak Stage, this needless to say.

Secondly, lifespan has more than 500 times more than before!

Finally, Physique and Combat Force, the unit of measurement has changed again and become’Heng’! This means that the improvement of the 2 items has reached the point where the unit cannot be counted before!

It can be seen that Quasi Sage realm is really an irreparable gap between every small realm. Because of this, the improvement of Combat Force and Physique has become extremely huge!

Of course, the corresponding increase in strength is the massive consumption of Qilin bone.

Previously, Chen Xiaobei refining the body of 9-color Qilin, only improved trifling 4 heavy realm.

At the moment, Chen Xiaobei improved the 6th-layer great realm in one breath, plus the 3rd-layer small realm, and reached the Quasi Sage Peak Stage. I am afraid that the body of Qilin with 10000 9 colors is far from enough.

However, the bone of Xilin Bi Qilin actually consumed only 1% of trifling!

That’s right!

The complete 9-color Qilin body is not as good as 1% of the bone of Xilin Bi Qilin!

If it is a complete body of Xuan Shengbi Qilin! I’m afraid it can be worth the trillion megabytes of 100000000 color Qilin’s body! Only more and more!

“hu ……”

Chen Xiaobei exhaled for a long time, and the whole person was refreshed, and he was in a good mood.

didn’t expect, this time An Hua really made great achievements, found the Supreme Holy Land in the Supreme Void Universe, and then defeated the mosquito Daoist, grabbed this piece of Xuan Shengbi Qilin skeleton!

Right now, Chen Xiaobei’s realm has been unable to break through.

However, after Chen Xiaobei reaches True Sage realm, he can continue to use this bone to promote Cultivation.

Although, after reaching True Sage realm, the consumption of Cultivation will increase greatly, but the level of this bone is really super high, and it should be used for a while.


Chen Xiaobei put away the bones of Xin Shengbi Qilin, and then took the blue dragon again to leave the space.

At the moment, Duobao Daoist has arrived at his destination.

This is the edge of Earthly Realm, the deserted and uninhabited, the Asura tribe of the Styx, the Buddha soldiers of Kṣitigarbha will not come here, and not even half of the ghosts can see it.

The main reason for the lack of humanity is not because it is too remote, but because there is no trace of Spirit Qi here!

In this world of supremacy of strength, Cultivation cannot be promoted without Spiritual Qi.

Therefore, no one would be willing to come here.

Because of this, what Chen Xiaobei is looking for has never been found.

“I can feel that the power of summon karma is from the front!”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, looking towards the front.

Duobao Daoist and Blue Dragon stood on the left and right sides, expressing doubt: “The front is just a barren black desert, simply does not have anything special…”

Obviously, Duobao Daoist and Blue Dragon are imperceptible to that mysterious power.

“You stay here! I will go over and see!”

Chen Xiaobei settled his mind and moved his mind, so he took out Yehuohonglian.

At this moment, Yehuo Red Lotus has shrunk to only the palm of his hand, suspended in Chen Xiaobei’s palm.


Then, Chen Xiaobei took a leap and flew directly to the black desert in front.

At first, no exceptions occurred at not all.

However, when Chen Xiaobei was near the center of the desert, a huge mutation suddenly broke out.

“hong long long ……hong long long ……”

between Heaven and Earth, thunderous thunder and thunder, dark wind and dark clouds enveloped the entire space in the state of all black, no daylight, a broad black desert like a sea, like a 10000 horses and 1000 troops rushing, raising a huge sandstorm !

At this moment, it seems as if the world is about to be destroyed, and there is no light or hope!

“God…what is going on? Chen Young Master is not in danger?”

Blue Dragon saw this, and was a little anxious. He even took out the Ice War Gun and wanted to rescue Chen Xiaobei.

Duobao Daoist expression started slightly, didn’t expect, Lan Long’s attitude towards Chen Xiaobei has changed so much.

Blue Dragon showed goodwill, Duobao Daoist also reminded: “You still stay here! The danger ahead, if even Xiaobei can’t carry it, you will die in vain! Don’t trouble Xiaobei!”


Blue Dragon froze for a moment, and then put away the Ice War Gun, accusing him: “Yeah…Chen Young Master is much stronger than me…”

Duobao Daoist’s status is relatively calm, 100% trust Chen Xiaobei.

At this time, Chen Xiaobei’s goal is the imprint of the underworld!

Even if the combination of Yehuohonglian and the mark of Nether Dao is nothing but Peak Stage True Sage Rank! Of the 7 treasure trees in Chen Xiaobei’s hands, most of them are only suppressed!

Because of this, Duobao Daoist is not worried at all.

However, there is a crucial factor in 7 Treasure Tree, Duobao Daoist did not know!

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